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IvanGoncharov committed May 28, 2019
1 parent 86cfa21 commit 31f7447
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Showing 17 changed files with 2,571 additions and 0 deletions.
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
title: graphql/error
layout: ../_core/GraphQLJSLayout
category: API Reference
permalink: /graphql-js/error/
sublinks: formatError,GraphQLError,locatedError,syntaxError
next: /graphql-js/execution/

The `graphql/error` module is responsible for creating and formatting
GraphQL errors. You can import either from the `graphql/error` module, or from the root `graphql` module. For example:

import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql'; // ES6
var { GraphQLError } = require('graphql'); // CommonJS

## Overview

<ul class="apiIndex">
<a href="#graphqlerror">
<pre>class GraphQLError</pre>
A representation of an error that occurred within GraphQL.
<a href="#syntaxerror">
<pre>function syntaxError</pre>
Produces a GraphQLError representing a syntax error.
<a href="#locatedError">
<pre>function locatedError</pre>
Produces a new GraphQLError aware of the location responsible for the error.
<a href="#formaterror">
<pre>function formatError</pre>
Format an error according to the rules described by the Response Format.

## Errors

### GraphQLError

class GraphQLError extends Error {
message: string,
nodes?: Array<any>,
stack?: ?string,
source?: Source,
positions?: Array<number>,
originalError?: ?Error,
extensions?: ?{ [key: string]: mixed }
A representation of an error that occurred within GraphQL. Contains
information about where in the query the error occurred for debugging. Most
commonly constructed with `locatedError` below.
### syntaxError
function syntaxError(
source: Source,
position: number,
description: string
): GraphQLError;

Produces a GraphQLError representing a syntax error, containing useful
descriptive information about the syntax error's position in the source.

### locatedError

function locatedError(error: ?Error, nodes: Array<any>): GraphQLError {
Given an arbitrary Error, presumably thrown while attempting to execute a
GraphQL operation, produce a new GraphQLError aware of the location in the
document responsible for the original Error.
### formatError
function formatError(error: GraphQLError): GraphQLFormattedError

type GraphQLFormattedError = {
message: string,
locations: ?Array<GraphQLErrorLocation>

type GraphQLErrorLocation = {
line: number,
column: number
Given a GraphQLError, format it according to the rules described by the
Response Format, Errors section of the GraphQL Specification.
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
title: graphql/execution
layout: ../_core/GraphQLJSLayout
category: API Reference
permalink: /graphql-js/execution/
sublinks: execute
next: /graphql-js/language/

The `graphql/execution` module is responsible for the execution phase of
fulfilling a GraphQL request. You can import either from the `graphql/execution` module, or from the root `graphql` module. For example:

import { execute } from 'graphql'; // ES6
var { execute } = require('graphql'); // CommonJS

## Overview

<ul class="apiIndex">
<a href="#execute">
<pre>function execute</pre>
Executes a GraphQL request on the provided schema.

## Execution

### execute

export function execute(
schema: GraphQLSchema,
documentAST: Document,
rootValue?: mixed,
contextValue?: mixed,
variableValues?: ?{[key: string]: mixed},
operationName?: ?string
): MaybePromise<ExecutionResult>

type MaybePromise<T> = Promise<T> | T;

type ExecutionResult = {
data: ?Object;
errors?: Array<GraphQLError>;
Implements the "Evaluating requests" section of the GraphQL specification.
Returns a Promise that will eventually be resolved and never rejected.
If the arguments to this function do not result in a legal execution context,
a GraphQLError will be thrown immediately explaining the invalid input.
`ExecutionResult` represents the result of execution. `data` is the result of
executing the query, `errors` is null if no errors occurred, and is a
non-empty array if an error occurred.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
title: express-graphql
layout: ../_core/GraphQLJSLayout
category: API Reference
permalink: /graphql-js/express-graphql/
sublinks: graphqlHTTP
next: /graphql-js/graphql/

The `express-graphql` module provides a simple way to create an [Express]( server that runs a GraphQL API.

import graphqlHTTP from 'express-graphql'; // ES6
var graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql'); // CommonJS

### graphqlHTTP

schema: GraphQLSchema,
graphiql?: ?boolean,
rootValue?: ?any,
context?: ?any,
pretty?: ?boolean,
formatError?: ?Function,
validationRules?: ?Array<any>,
}): Middleware
Constructs an Express application based on a GraphQL schema.
See the [express-graphql tutorial](/graphql-js/running-an-express-graphql-server/) for sample usage.
See the [GitHub README]( for more extensive documentation of the details of this method.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
title: graphql
layout: ../_core/GraphQLJSLayout
category: API Reference
permalink: /graphql-js/graphql/
sublinks: graphql
next: /graphql-js/error/

The `graphql` module exports a core subset of GraphQL functionality for creation
of GraphQL type systems and servers.

import { graphql } from 'graphql'; // ES6
var { graphql } = require('graphql'); // CommonJS

## Overview

*Entry Point*

<ul class="apiIndex">
<a href="#graphql">
<pre>function graphql</pre>
Lexes, parses, validates, and executes a GraphQL request on a schema.


<ul class="apiIndex">
<a href="../type/#graphqlschema">
<pre>class GraphQLSchema</pre>
A representation of the capabilities of a GraphQL Server.

*Type Definitions*

<ul class="apiIndex">
<a href="../type/#graphqlscalartype">
<pre>class GraphQLScalarType</pre>
A scalar type within GraphQL.
<a href="../type/#graphqlobjecttype">
<pre>class GraphQLObjectType</pre>
An object type within GraphQL that contains fields.
<a href="../type/#graphqlinterfacetype">
<pre>class GraphQLInterfaceType</pre>
An interface type within GraphQL that defines fields implementations will contain.
<a href="../type/#graphqluniontype">
<pre>class GraphQLUnionType</pre>
A union type within GraphQL that defines a list of implementations.
<a href="../type/#graphqlenumtype">
<pre>class GraphQLEnumType</pre>
An enum type within GraphQL that defines a list of valid values.
<a href="../type/#graphqlinputobjecttype">
<pre>class GraphQLInputObjectType</pre>
An input object type within GraphQL that represents structured inputs.
<a href="../type/#graphqllist">
<pre>class GraphQLList</pre>
A type wrapper around other types that represents a list of those types.
<a href="../type/#graphqlnonnull">
<pre>class GraphQLNonNull</pre>
A type wrapper around other types that represents a non-null version of those types.


<ul class="apiIndex">
<a href="../type/#graphqlint">
<pre>var GraphQLInt</pre>
A scalar type representing integers.
<a href="../type/#graphqlfloat">
<pre>var GraphQLFloat</pre>
A scalar type representing floats.
<a href="../type/#graphqlstring">
<pre>var GraphQLString</pre>
A scalar type representing strings.
<a href="../type/#graphqlboolean">
<pre>var GraphQLBoolean</pre>
A scalar type representing booleans.
<a href="../type/#graphqlid">
<pre>var GraphQLID</pre>
A scalar type representing IDs.


<ul class="apiIndex">
<a href="../error/#formaterror">
<pre>function formatError</pre>
Format an error according to the rules described by the Response Format.

## Entry Point

### graphql

schema: GraphQLSchema,
requestString: string,
rootValue?: ?any,
contextValue?: ?any,
variableValues?: ?{[key: string]: any},
operationName?: ?string
): Promise<GraphQLResult>
The `graphql` function lexes, parses, validates and executes a GraphQL request.
It requires a `schema` and a `requestString`. Optional arguments include a
`rootValue`, which will get passed as the root value to the executor, a `contextValue`,
which will get passed to all resolve functions,
`variableValues`, which will get passed to the executor to provide values for
any variables in `requestString`, and `operationName`, which allows the caller
to specify which operation in `requestString` will be run, in cases where
`requestString` contains multiple top-level operations.
## Schema
See the [Type System API Reference](../type#schema).
## Type Definitions
See the [Type System API Reference](../type#definitions).
## Scalars
See the [Type System API Reference](../type#scalars).
## Errors
See the [Errors API Reference](../error)

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