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GitHub Checks with code coverage warnings from undercover, detecting when code being changed is untested.

Works with Ruby and GitHub.



Sign up on to set it up with your CI pipeline.

1. Report test coverage with simplecov

require 'simplecov'
require 'simplecov-lcov'
SimpleCov::Formatter::LcovFormatter.config.report_with_single_file = true
SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::LcovFormatter
SimpleCov.start do
  add_filter(/^\/spec\//) # For RSpec, use `test` for MiniTest

2. Upload coverage data after running tests

UndercoverCI accepts LCOV-formatted coverage reports. Please use the simplecov-lcov gem to generate them when running your specs. Then you should be able to create a build step uploading the coverage file with uploader.rb.


ruby -e "$(curl -s" -- \
  --repo grodowski/undercover-ci \
  --commit $TRAVIS_COMMIT \
  --lcov coverage/lcov/undercover-ci.lcov

3. Receive GitHub checks for commits and pull request

Development and contributing

Here's a short summary of the development feeback loop with webhooks delivered through ngrok.

  1. Start rails s. ActiveJob jobs are processed synchronously in development, so that's all you need.

  2. Start ngrok http 3000 to accept webhooks locally.

  3. Configure the UndercoverCI (DEV) on GitHub to to point at your ngrok url

  4. Make a test commit in twitchy-tortoise/undercover-test or any other test app that has UndercoverCI (DEV) installed.

  5. Push it

git commit --amend -m  "test with branch cov" && git push -f
  1. Send a fake coverage report using the uploader API with the --url flag pointing to the local server:
ruby -e "$(curl -s" -- \
                  --repo twitchy-tortoise/undercover-test \
                  --commit $(git rev-parse HEAD) \
                  --lcov coverage/lcov/undercover-test.lcov \
                  --url http://localhost:3000/v1/coverage
  1. Check out app logs for errors and see the newly created GitHub Check on the commit.