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xds: import proto files for CDS, LDS, RDS from envoy repo (#6292)
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voidzcy committed Oct 18, 2019
1 parent 1dd72ab commit b5ddf3e
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Showing 18 changed files with 4,966 additions and 0 deletions.

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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions xds/third_party/envoy/
Expand Up @@ -25,18 +25,31 @@ SOURCE_PROTO_BASE_DIR=envoy/api
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830 changes: 830 additions & 0 deletions xds/third_party/envoy/src/main/proto/envoy/api/v2/cds.proto

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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
syntax = "proto3";

package envoy.api.v2.cluster;

option java_outer_classname = "CircuitBreakerProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.cluster";
option csharp_namespace = "Envoy.Api.V2.ClusterNS";
option ruby_package = "Envoy.Api.V2.ClusterNS";

import "envoy/api/v2/core/base.proto";

import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

// [#protodoc-title: Circuit breakers]

// :ref:`Circuit breaking<arch_overview_circuit_break>` settings can be
// specified individually for each defined priority.
message CircuitBreakers {
// A Thresholds defines CircuitBreaker settings for a
// :ref:`RoutingPriority<envoy_api_enum_core.RoutingPriority>`.
message Thresholds {
// The :ref:`RoutingPriority<envoy_api_enum_core.RoutingPriority>`
// the specified CircuitBreaker settings apply to.
// [#comment:TODO(htuch): add (validate.rules).enum.defined_only = true once
// is resolved.]
core.RoutingPriority priority = 1;

// The maximum number of connections that Envoy will make to the upstream
// cluster. If not specified, the default is 1024.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_connections = 2;

// The maximum number of pending requests that Envoy will allow to the
// upstream cluster. If not specified, the default is 1024.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_pending_requests = 3;

// The maximum number of parallel requests that Envoy will make to the
// upstream cluster. If not specified, the default is 1024.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_requests = 4;

// The maximum number of parallel retries that Envoy will allow to the
// upstream cluster. If not specified, the default is 3.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_retries = 5;

// If track_remaining is true, then stats will be published that expose
// the number of resources remaining until the circuit breakers open. If
// not specified, the default is false.
bool track_remaining = 6;

// The maximum number of connection pools per cluster that Envoy will concurrently support at
// once. If not specified, the default is unlimited. Set this for clusters which create a
// large number of connection pools. See
// :ref:`Circuit Breaking <arch_overview_circuit_break_cluster_maximum_connection_pools>` for
// more details.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_connection_pools = 7;

// If multiple :ref:`Thresholds<envoy_api_msg_cluster.CircuitBreakers.Thresholds>`
// are defined with the same :ref:`RoutingPriority<envoy_api_enum_core.RoutingPriority>`,
// the first one in the list is used. If no Thresholds is defined for a given
// :ref:`RoutingPriority<envoy_api_enum_core.RoutingPriority>`, the default values
// are used.
repeated Thresholds thresholds = 1;
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
syntax = "proto3";

package envoy.api.v2.cluster;

option java_outer_classname = "FilterProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.cluster";
option csharp_namespace = "Envoy.Api.V2.ClusterNS";
option ruby_package = "Envoy.Api.V2.ClusterNS";

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

import "validate/validate.proto";

// [#protodoc-title: Upstream filters]
// Upstream filters apply to the connections to the upstream cluster hosts.
message Filter {
// The name of the filter to instantiate. The name must match a
// :ref:`supported filter <config_network_filters>`.
string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];

// Filter specific configuration which depends on the filter being
// instantiated. See the supported filters for further documentation.
google.protobuf.Any typed_config = 2;
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
syntax = "proto3";

package envoy.api.v2.cluster;

option java_outer_classname = "OutlierDetectionProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2.cluster";
option csharp_namespace = "Envoy.Api.V2.ClusterNS";
option ruby_package = "Envoy.Api.V2.ClusterNS";

import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

import "validate/validate.proto";

// [#protodoc-title: Outlier detection]

// See the :ref:`architecture overview <arch_overview_outlier_detection>` for
// more information on outlier detection.
message OutlierDetection {
// The number of consecutive 5xx responses or local origin errors that are mapped
// to 5xx error codes before a consecutive 5xx ejection
// occurs. Defaults to 5.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value consecutive_5xx = 1;

// The time interval between ejection analysis sweeps. This can result in
// both new ejections as well as hosts being returned to service. Defaults
// to 10000ms or 10s.
google.protobuf.Duration interval = 2 [(validate.rules).duration = {gt {}}];

// The base time that a host is ejected for. The real time is equal to the
// base time multiplied by the number of times the host has been ejected.
// Defaults to 30000ms or 30s.
google.protobuf.Duration base_ejection_time = 3 [(validate.rules).duration = {gt {}}];

// The maximum % of an upstream cluster that can be ejected due to outlier
// detection. Defaults to 10% but will eject at least one host regardless of the value.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_ejection_percent = 4 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status
// is detected through consecutive 5xx. This setting can be used to disable
// ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 100.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_consecutive_5xx = 5 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status
// is detected through success rate statistics. This setting can be used to
// disable ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 100.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_success_rate = 6 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The number of hosts in a cluster that must have enough request volume to
// detect success rate outliers. If the number of hosts is less than this
// setting, outlier detection via success rate statistics is not performed
// for any host in the cluster. Defaults to 5.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value success_rate_minimum_hosts = 7;

// The minimum number of total requests that must be collected in one
// interval (as defined by the interval duration above) to include this host
// in success rate based outlier detection. If the volume is lower than this
// setting, outlier detection via success rate statistics is not performed
// for that host. Defaults to 100.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value success_rate_request_volume = 8;

// This factor is used to determine the ejection threshold for success rate
// outlier ejection. The ejection threshold is the difference between the
// mean success rate, and the product of this factor and the standard
// deviation of the mean success rate: mean - (stdev *
// success_rate_stdev_factor). This factor is divided by a thousand to get a
// double. That is, if the desired factor is 1.9, the runtime value should
// be 1900. Defaults to 1900.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value success_rate_stdev_factor = 9;

// The number of consecutive gateway failures (502, 503, 504 status codes)
// before a consecutive gateway failure ejection occurs. Defaults to 5.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value consecutive_gateway_failure = 10;

// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status
// is detected through consecutive gateway failures. This setting can be
// used to disable ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 0.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure = 11
[(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// Determines whether to distinguish local origin failures from external errors. If set to true
// the following configuration parameters are taken into account:
// :ref:`consecutive_local_origin_failure<envoy_api_field_cluster.OutlierDetection.consecutive_local_origin_failure>`,
// :ref:`enforcing_consecutive_local_origin_failure<envoy_api_field_cluster.OutlierDetection.enforcing_consecutive_local_origin_failure>`
// and
// :ref:`enforcing_local_origin_success_rate<envoy_api_field_cluster.OutlierDetection.enforcing_local_origin_success_rate>`.
// Defaults to false.
bool split_external_local_origin_errors = 12;

// The number of consecutive locally originated failures before ejection
// occurs. Defaults to 5. Parameter takes effect only when
// :ref:`split_external_local_origin_errors<envoy_api_field_cluster.OutlierDetection.split_external_local_origin_errors>`
// is set to true.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value consecutive_local_origin_failure = 13;

// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status
// is detected through consecutive locally originated failures. This setting can be
// used to disable ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 100.
// Parameter takes effect only when
// :ref:`split_external_local_origin_errors<envoy_api_field_cluster.OutlierDetection.split_external_local_origin_errors>`
// is set to true.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_consecutive_local_origin_failure = 14
[(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status
// is detected through success rate statistics for locally originated errors.
// This setting can be used to disable ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 100.
// Parameter takes effect only when
// :ref:`split_external_local_origin_errors<envoy_api_field_cluster.OutlierDetection.split_external_local_origin_errors>`
// is set to true.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_local_origin_success_rate = 15
[(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The failure percentage to use when determining failure percentage-based outlier detection. If
// the failure percentage of a given host is greater than or equal to this value, it will be
// ejected. Defaults to 85.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value failure_percentage_threshold = 16
[(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status is detected through
// failure percentage statistics. This setting can be used to disable ejection or to ramp it up
// slowly. Defaults to 0.
// [#next-major-version: setting this without setting failure_percentage_threshold should be
// invalid in v4.]
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_failure_percentage = 17
[(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status is detected through
// local-origin failure percentage statistics. This setting can be used to disable ejection or to
// ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 0.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_failure_percentage_local_origin = 18
[(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 100}];

// The minimum number of hosts in a cluster in order to perform failure percentage-based ejection.
// If the total number of hosts in the cluster is less than this value, failure percentage-based
// ejection will not be performed. Defaults to 5.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value failure_percentage_minimum_hosts = 19;

// The minimum number of total requests that must be collected in one interval (as defined by the
// interval duration above) to perform failure percentage-based ejection for this host. If the
// volume is lower than this setting, failure percentage-based ejection will not be performed for
// this host. Defaults to 50.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value failure_percentage_request_volume = 20;

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