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This plugin provides prerequisites lifecycle to Gradle.

Definitions and the aim of this plugin

Prerequisites are all external artifacts used by the project.

Some artifacts should be preinstalled. For example, Gradle requires JRE to run under, and even Gradle Wrapper doesn't have an ability to download and install it for you.

Other artifacts could be installed automatically during build.

If you are using Gradle only, then you probably don't need this plugin. Gradle can manage Java (Maven and Ivy) dependencies by itself.

But if you use Gradle as main build tool for multi-language project and use different tools to install packages for different languages like Bundler, NPM or Pipenv then this plugin could help you to combine themselves into one lifecycle.

In the future we will have separate plugins for Bundler, NPM, Pipenv and maybe some more, which will be able to use generic prerequisites lifecycle provided by this plugin.

Types of prerequisites

There are two types of prerequisites:

  • build tools — prerequisites of build scripts themselves, including prerequisites for testing, releasing etc.
  • dependencies — prerequisites of produced artifacts

The distinction between them is relevant when we think in the terms of produced artifacts. If the prerequisite is used by produced artifact then the change of prerequisite or version could affect consumers and so could introduce breaking change. Сhanges in build tools prerequisites generally don't produce breaking changes (although, there could be exclusions).

What this plugin provides


The plugin follows Bundler-like style of managing prerequisites.

For each set of prerequisites there are three tasks:

  • install — locks prerequisites' versions if they are not already locked, then downloads and installs locked versions. Note that for tools that could download prerequisites dynamically, like Gradle itself, downloading and installation is not performed. This should be run once at the start of new project or after repository clone

  • update — does the same as install except that it also updates locked versions

  • outdated — prints all prerequisites that have more recent versions available than locked

So, there are 9 tasks in total:

installBuildTools updateBuildTools outdatedBuildTools
installDependencies updateDependencies outdatedDependencies

Gradle >= 4.8 dependency locking

For Gradle >= 4.8 plugin integrates with built-in dependency locking mechanism, no extra setup is needed.

This lead to the following two requirements for running install and update tasks with Gradle >= 4.8:

  1. They should be run with --write-locks argument.
  2. They should be run separately from all other tasks, otherwise all other configurations resolved during the run would also get their configurations updated and locked.

There is an inconsistency: buildSrc project belongs in whole to build tools, but running updateDependencies updates buildSrc dependencies too. There is no known way to overcome it.

Note that annotationProcessor configurations are considered as build tools, although, there could be a situation where annotation processor generates some API, and change of processor version changes that public API. If this is your case, please, report an issue.

Gradle Wrapper

This plugin is NOT currently integrated with Gradle Wrapper. Since wrapper task should be run twice it is done manually. It will be implemented in the future - see #4.

Integration with other plugins

Plugin automatically integrates with the following plugins if they are applied. Some plugins don't provide a way to separate prerequisites to build tools and dependencies, such integration is called generic.

Plugin Integration Notes
nebula.dependency-lock generic Full integration is possible, but not implemented
com.github.jruby-gradle set of plugins full Only with Gradle >= 4.8 dependency locking
org.ajoberstar.stutter full
com.github.ben-manes.versions generic
com.ofg.uptodate generic

Offerings and pull requests to support other plugins are appreciated.


  • Tested with Gradle >= 2.10, but it is probably working with previous versions too
  • JDK 8


This is self-applying plugin. That means that build script requires the plugin itself (just compiled, not released to the repository). So, if there are any errors during compilation or plugin applying, Gradle build script just doesn't work. If it is a compilation error, you can run ../gradlew build in buildSrc directory to figure out what's going on.

Copyright © 2018 Basil Peace

This file is part of gradle-prerequisites-plugin.

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.