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A travel app that helps you on your journey

License MIT
Open Source Made with TypeScript Built with Love

🌎 Translations

English Português Brasileiro

📖 Introduction

An application that can meet most traveler needs in their adventures around the world: looking for the best destinations, looking for the best accommodations, analyze reviews of places and services, and organize tasks during the trip.

🌟 Features

This project features all the latest tools and good practices in mobile development!


  • ⚛️ Expo – Build one project that runs natively on all your users' devices

Data Fetching

  • ✳️ React Query – Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
  • 🔄 Axios – Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js

State Management

  • 🐻 Zustand – A small, fast and scalable bearbones state-management solution using simplified flux principles

Design System and Animations

  • 🎨 NativeBase – Accessible, utility-first component library that helps you build consistent UI across Android, iOS and Web
  • React Native Reanimated – React Native's Animated library reimplemented

Form Validation

  • 📋 React Hook Form – Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation
  • 🚨 Yup – A schema builder for runtime value parsing and validation

Design Patterns

  • ESLint – Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
  • 🎀 Prettier – An opinionated code formatter, supporting multiple languages and code editors
  • 🐺 Husky – Modern native Git hooks made easy
  • 💩 lint-staged – Run linters against staged git files and don't let 💩 slip into your code base
  • 📓 commitlint – Helps your team adhering to a commit convention

▶️ Getting Started

🛠️ Installation

Open your terminal and run this command:

 $ git clone

Move yourself to the root of the project:

$ cd <name-of-your-generated-repository>

Install all dependencies of the project:

$ npm install
# or
$ yarn install

⌨️ Development

Once all dependencies have been installed, you can run the local development server:

$ npm run start
# or
$ yarn start


👥 Contributors

Gustavo Matheus Morinaga Cardoso
Gustavo Matheus Morinaga Cardoso

💻 🚧 📖 💡 🎨
Bruno Godinho
Bruno Godinho

📖 🎨
Gustavo Silva Gomes de Souza
Gustavo Silva Gomes de Souza


📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE page for details.

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👨‍💻 Good Hacking!