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Redux Action Extension Generator

A Dart-style equivalent to JavaScript Redux's action creator concept.

This package uses code generation to generate extension methods on package:redux's Store.

The extension methods correspond to action constructors, and construct and dispatch actions when called.


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  redux_action_extension_annotation: ^0.1.0

  build_runner: <a build_runner version>
      url: 'git://'
      path: 'redux_action_extension_generator'
      ref: '<the latest commit hash>'

      url: 'git://'
      path: 'redux_action_extension_annotation'
      ref: '<the latest commit hash>'

Quick start

To generate extension methods, annotate action constructors with the ActionExtension annotation:


import 'package:redux_action_extension_annotation/redux_action_extension_annotation.dart';

class ExampleAction {
  final String exampleValue;
  const ExampleAction(this.exampleValue);

  const ExampleAction.defaultValue() : this('default');

This code will generate the following extension:


import 'package:redux/redux.dart' show Store;
import 'package:example_package/src/redux/actions/example_file.dart';

extension ExampleFileActionExtensions on Store {
  void exampleAction(String exampleValue) => dispatch(ExampleAction(exampleValue));
  void exampleActionDefaultValue() => dispatch(const ExampleAction.defaultValue());

package:build_runner can be used to execute builds.

Advanced usage

Method name configuration

Extension methods can have custom names. Use the annotation's name parameter for this:

@ActionExtension(name: 'customName')

Generator configuration

The generator can be configured through build.yaml. See package:build_config for more information.

Option Type Default Description
state_type String If set, extensions will apply to Store<state_type> instead of Store<dynamic>.
state_import_path String The import URI of the library containing the state_type. This must be set if state_type is set.
remove_action_prefix Boolean false Removes "Action" prefixes from generated method names.
remove_action_suffix Boolean false Removes "Action" suffixes from generated method names.

Example build.yaml:

          state_type: AppState
          state_import_path: 'package:my_package/src/redux/state.dart'
          remove_action_suffix: true

Importing types

If your actions use non-native types in their constructors, the generated file won't import them. To resolve this, export the required types in your action definition library:

import 'package:redux_action_extension_annotation/redux_action_extension_annotation.dart';

import 'complex_type.dart';

export 'complex_type.dart' show ComplexType;

class ExampleAction {
  final ComplexType exampleValue;
  const ExampleAction(this.exampleValue);


As Dart is statically typed, and actions are usually classes with defined fields, action creators aren't as important as they are when using JavaScript Redux. They are useful, however, for restricting access to dispatching certain actions.

Say, for example, a project has its business logic in its own package. A feature that fetches data from an API is added. Actions like the following enable this behaviour:

class FetchDataAction {
  const GetDataAction();

class DataFetchingAction {
  const DataFetchingAction();

class DataFetchedAction {
  final Data data;
  const DataFetchedAction(;

class DataFetchFailedAction {
  const DataFetchFailedAction();

When a data fetch is requested from the presentation layer, FetchDataAction is dispatched to the store. This is intercepted by middleware, which performs the API request, dispatching DataFetchingAction, DataFetchedAction, and DataFetchFailedAction actions to report progress.

Ideally, the progress actions should not be able to be dispatched from anything other than the middleware. If they're dispatched by the presentation layer, the state can be broken.

Using this package, this behaviour can be enforced.

class FetchDataAction {
  const GetDataAction();

If just the FetchDataAction has an extension method generated, the generated file can be exposed to the presentation layer. When the presentation layer requests the data, it can call store.getData(), and it's unable to dispatch any actions that it shouldn't dispatch.