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Generate Pacakge.swift from Tuist configuration.


Please make sure Xcode is installed. PackageSwiftGenerator needs libPackageDescription.dylib in XcodeDefault.xctoolchain.


  1. create your first project by tuist init --platform ios
  2. open Tuist/Config.swift, change it to
import ProjectDescription

let config = Config(
    plugins: [
        .git(url: "", tag: "0.10.0")
  1. run tuist fetch in terminal to download PackageSwiftGenerator

  2. run tuist generate-package-swift to generate Package.swift


To start working on the project, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the project.
  2. cd fixtures/Example1
  3. tuist fetch to install the plugin
  4. tuist plugin run tuist-generate-package-swift to generate Package.swift
  5. rm Package.swift before re-run tuist plugin run tuist-generate-package-swift to avoid tuist-generate-package-swift not found error