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This is a web application project which is written by Flask. Also there are some practices regarding creating infrastructure as code (Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant) and installing kubernetes cluster (via ansible-playbook) and preparing CI/CD pipline for deploying the application on k8s cluster.


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Simple WEB APP by Flask and Deploy on Kubernetes

This is a web application project which is written by Flask. Also there are some practices regarding creating infrastructure as code (Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant) and installing kubernetes cluster (via ansible-playbook) and preparing CI/CD pipline for deploying the application on k8s cluster.

Docker Image

docker build -t flaskcd:latest .

Also prepared docker image is accessed.

docker pull hamidgholami/flaskcd:latest

Create a container from the image.

docker run --rm --name my-flask -d -p 8080:8080 flaskcd

Now visit http://localhost:8080

Verify the running container

Verify by checking the container IP and hostname (ID):

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' my-flask
docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Hostname }}' my-flask


terraform destroy -var-file=dev.tfvars
terraform plan -var-file=dev.tfvars -out devtfplan.out
terraform apply "devtfplan.out"


First change the IPs in inventory file.

master ansible_host=192.168.11.X
worker-1 ansible_host=192.168.11.X
worker-2 ansible_host=192.168.11.X

Afterwards run ansible-playbook

ansible-playbook -i provisioning/inventory site.yml

Deploy on Kubernetes

kubectl apply -k kubernetes/

Load Balancing

For aiming to this we can use 2 kinds of architecture.

  1. Scenario One We can use Kubernetes ingress and service for loadbalancing traffics on Pods.

  1. Scenario Two We can use an external loadbalancer such as: HAProxy, AWS ALB, NGINX or any other tools and loadbalancing traffics on Pods.


  • Adding DB (MySQL) and connecting the application to it and adding some forms in application.
  • Creating a StatefulSet for MySQL for deploying it on Kubernetes.
    • Configure clustring for MySQL in Kubernetes.
  • Implementing ROOK or longhorn as a StorageClass in Kubernetes.
  • Configuring provision in Terraform for using ansible-playbook for installing Kubernetes.
  • Creating helm chart for DB and APP.
  • Adding Sign Up in WEB APP through either AWS Cognito or internally.


This is a web application project which is written by Flask. Also there are some practices regarding creating infrastructure as code (Terraform, Ansible, Vagrant) and installing kubernetes cluster (via ansible-playbook) and preparing CI/CD pipline for deploying the application on k8s cluster.





