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This is the Antora playbook project for all the docs that I publish at

Publishing New Content

To publish new content, simply push your changes in this repository to the origin master branch. There is a GitHub Actions workflow defined in .github/workflow/build.yml. That workflow will build the website, upload it to S3 and then invalidate the cache of the Cloudfront distribution.

In case you ever have to perform the build and deployment manually, here are the steps:

  1. Build the website

    cd ~/repositories/ch-harmen-docs
    npm ci
    npx antora antora-playbook.yml
  2. Sync the contents of build/site to s3://ch-harmen-docs/.

  3. Invalidate the cache for the Cloudfront distribution that points to s3://ch-harmen-docs/.

Rebasing the Custom Antora UI Bundle

Keep in mind, that this repository only holds the documentation content. Documentation styling is defined in my custom Antora UI bundle. That custom Antora UI bundle can be found in the repository ch-harmen-docs-ui. From time to time, you should maintain that custom Antora UI bundle. Meaning, you should rebase the custom bundle based on the original Antora UI bundle located at You can do that in the terminal with the following command:

cd ~/repositories/ch-harmen-docs-ui
git rebase -i upstream/master

Alternatively, you can do it in IntelliJ IDEA. Take your time when doing the merging, otherwise your custom settings or the updates from the Antora Default UI Bundle might get lost. When you are done with the rebase, push your changes to the origin master:

git push --force-with-lease

There is a GitHub Actions workflow defined in .github/workflow/build.yml. That workflow will build the custom Antora UI Bundle and deploy it, upload it to S3 and then invalidate the cache of the Cloudfront distribution.

In case you ever have to perform the build and deployment manually, here are the steps:

  1. Build the website

    cd ~/repositories/ch-harmen-docs-ui
    npm ci
    npx gulp bundle
  2. Upload the build/ to s3://ch-harmen-docs-ui/.

  3. Invalidate the cache for the Cloudfront distribution that points to s3://ch-harmen-docs-ui/.

Further Customizing the Custom Antora UI Bundle

If you perform further customizations to the custom Antora UI Bundle, you have to

  1. Build and deploy the custom Antora UI bundle.

  2. Build and deploy this repository again.

The build and deploy of the custom Antora UI bundle happens, when you push your changes to the custom Antora UI bundle to its origin master. The build and deploy of this repository has to be triggered manually. Navigate to and trigger the build workflow manually.