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e2e boilerplate which consists of Protractor, CucumberJS and TypeScript


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Protractor Cucumber TypeScript

This project is a barebones implementation of Protractor with Cucumber framework using TypeScript.


  1. NodeJS
  2. Web Browser - Chrome/Firefox
  3. Code Editor - Visual Studio Code/Atom/Sublime


  1. Open your terminal / command prompt
  2. Clone the repository to your computer
git clone
  1. Navigate to the repository and run following command.
npm install

This will install all the dependencies mentioned in the package.json file and copy them inside node_modules folder.


Use the following command to download the necessary binaries.

npm run driver-update

Next, to start the Selenium server use the following command.

npm run driver-start

And finally run following command to start the test

npm test


  1. features - used to store .feature files.
Feature: Testing Calculator

    Scenario Outline: Testing All Functions
        Given go to ""
        When first number is "<n1>"
        When second number is "<n2>"
        When operation to be performed is "<op>"
        When operation in progress
        Then output should be "<ot>"

    | n1 | n2 | op | ot |
    | 2  | 4  | +  | 6  |
    | 8  | 3  | -  | 5  |
    | 2  | 5  | *  | 10 |
    | 25 | 5  | /  | 5  |
    | 10 | 3  | %  | 1  |
  1. stepdefinitions - contains step definition files in typescript format.
import { Given } from 'cucumber';
import { browser } from 'protractor';

Given('go to {string}', async (url) => {
    await browser.get(url);
  1. pages - used to store page objects
import { by, element, ElementFinder } from "protractor";

export class CalcPage {
  firstNumber: ElementFinder;
  secondNumber: ElementFinder;
  operator: ElementFinder;
  button: ElementFinder;
  results: any;

  constructor() {
    this.firstNumber = this.getElByModel("first");
    this.secondNumber = this.getElByModel("second");
    this.operator = this.getElByModel("operator");
    this.button = element("gobutton"));
    this.results = element(by.repeater("result in memory")).element(by.css("td:nth-child(3)"))

  getElByModel(modelName) {
    return element(by.model(modelName));


This project uses Cucumber HTML Reporter package to generate reports. It generates a two files report.json and report.html at the root of this repository each time npm test command is fired.

You can change the report file names and there locations by simply updating configuration object passed to reporter.generate method inside config.ts file located inside config folder.


Change browser

Out-of-the-box this project uses chrome as to run the tests, however you could easily change it to Firefox by updating capabilities inside config.ts file.

capabilities: {
    browserName: "chrome"