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uniform make file experience (#3198)
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wangxinyi7 authored and jm96441n committed Nov 29, 2023
1 parent 970167d commit 7bbbd8f
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 53 deletions.
169 changes: 116 additions & 53 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,30 +6,40 @@ KIND_VERSION= $(shell ./control-plane/build-support/scripts/
KIND_NODE_IMAGE= $(shell ./control-plane/build-support/scripts/ acceptance/ci-inputs/kind-inputs.yaml .kindNodeImage)
KUBECTL_VERSION= $(shell ./control-plane/build-support/scripts/ acceptance/ci-inputs/kind-inputs.yaml .kubectlVersion)

# ===========> Helm Targets
##@ Helm Targets

.PHONY: gen-helm-docs
gen-helm-docs: ## Generate Helm reference docs from values.yaml and update Consul website. Usage: make gen-helm-docs consul=<path-to-consul-repo>.
@cd hack/helm-reference-gen; go run ./... $(consul)

.PHONY: copy-crds-to-chart
copy-crds-to-chart: ## Copy generated CRD YAML into charts/consul. Usage: make copy-crds-to-chart
@cd hack/copy-crds-to-chart; go run ./...

.PHONY: camel-crds
camel-crds: ## Convert snake_case keys in yaml to camelCase. Usage: make camel-crds
@cd hack/camel-crds; go run ./...

.PHONY: generate-external-crds
generate-external-crds: ## Generate CRDs for externally defined CRDs and copy them to charts/consul. Usage: make generate-external-crds
@cd ./control-plane/config/crd/external; \
kustomize build | yq --split-exp ' + ".yaml"' --no-doc

.PHONY: bats-tests
bats-tests: ## Run Helm chart bats tests.
bats --jobs 4 charts/consul/test/unit

##@ Control Plane Targets

# ===========> Control Plane Targets

.PHONY: control-plane-dev
control-plane-dev: ## Build consul-k8s-control-plane binary.
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/ -o linux -a amd64

.PHONY: dev-docker
dev-docker: control-plane-dev-docker ## build dev local dev docker image
docker tag '$(DEV_IMAGE)' 'consul-k8s-control-plane:local'

.PHONY: control-plane-dev-docker
control-plane-dev-docker: ## Build consul-k8s-control-plane dev Docker image.
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/ -o linux -a $(GOARCH)
@docker build -t '$(DEV_IMAGE)' \
Expand All @@ -40,19 +50,21 @@ control-plane-dev-docker: ## Build consul-k8s-control-plane dev Docker image.
--build-arg 'GIT_DESCRIBE=$(GIT_DESCRIBE)' \
-f $(CURDIR)/control-plane/Dockerfile $(CURDIR)/control-plane

.PHONY: control-plane-dev-skaffold
# DANGER: this target is experimental and could be modified/removed at any time.
# Build consul-k8s-control-plane dev Docker image for use with skaffold or local development.
control-plane-dev-skaffold: ## Build consul-k8s-control-plane dev Docker image for use with skaffold or local development.
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/ -o linux -a $(GOARCH)
@docker build -t '$(DEV_IMAGE)' \
--build-arg 'TARGETARCH=$(GOARCH)' \
-f $(CURDIR)/control-plane/ $(CURDIR)/control-plane

.PHONY: check-remote-dev-image-env
$(error REMOTE_DEV_IMAGE is undefined: set this image to <your_docker_repo>/<your_docker_image>:<image_tag>, e.g. hashicorp/consul-k8s-dev:latest)

.PHONY: control-plane-dev-docker-multi-arch
control-plane-dev-docker-multi-arch: check-remote-dev-image-env ## Build consul-k8s-control-plane dev multi-arch Docker image.
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/ -o linux -a "arm64 amd64"
@docker buildx create --use && docker buildx build -t '$(REMOTE_DEV_IMAGE)' \
Expand All @@ -64,6 +76,7 @@ control-plane-dev-docker-multi-arch: check-remote-dev-image-env ## Build consul-
--push \
-f $(CURDIR)/control-plane/Dockerfile $(CURDIR)/control-plane

.PHONY: control-plane-fips-dev-docker
control-plane-fips-dev-docker: ## Build consul-k8s-control-plane FIPS dev Docker image.
@$(SHELL) $(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/ -o linux -a $(GOARCH) --fips
@docker build -t '$(DEV_IMAGE)' \
Expand All @@ -75,82 +88,91 @@ control-plane-fips-dev-docker: ## Build consul-k8s-control-plane FIPS dev Docker
--push \
-f $(CURDIR)/control-plane/Dockerfile $(CURDIR)/control-plane

.PHONY: control-plane-test
control-plane-test: ## Run go test for the control plane.
cd control-plane; go test ./...

.PHONY: control-plane-ent-test
control-plane-ent-test: ## Run go test with Consul enterprise tests. The consul binary in your PATH must be Consul Enterprise.
cd control-plane; go test ./... -tags=enterprise

.PHONY: control-plane-cov
control-plane-cov: ## Run go test with code coverage.
cd control-plane; go test ./... -coverprofile=coverage.out; go tool cover -html=coverage.out

.PHONY: control-plane-clean
control-plane-clean: ## Delete bin and pkg dirs.
@rm -rf \
$(CURDIR)/control-plane/bin \

.PHONY: control-plane-lint
control-plane-lint: cni-plugin-lint ## Run linter in the control-plane directory.
cd control-plane; golangci-lint run -c ../.golangci.yml

.PHONY: cni-plugin-lint
cd control-plane/cni; golangci-lint run -c ../../.golangci.yml

.PHONY: ctrl-generate
ctrl-generate: get-controller-gen ## Run CRD code generation.
make ensure-controller-gen-version
cd control-plane; $(CONTROLLER_GEN) object paths="./..."

# Perform a terraform fmt check but don't change anything
@$(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/ $(TERRAFORM_DIR)
.PHONY: terraform-fmt-check
terraform-fmt-check: ## Perform a terraform fmt check but don't change anything
@$(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/ $(TERRAFORM_DIR)

# Format all terraform files according to terraform fmt
@terraform fmt -recursive
.PHONY: terraform-fmt
terraform-fmt: ## Format all terraform files according to terraform fmt
@terraform fmt -recursive

# Check for hashicorppreview containers
.PHONY: check-preview-containers
check-preview-containers: ## Check for hashicorppreview containers
@source $(CURDIR)/control-plane/build-support/scripts/

##@ CLI Targets

# ===========> CLI Targets
.PHONY: cli-dev
cli-dev: ## run cli dev
@echo "==> Installing consul-k8s CLI tool for ${GOOS}/${GOARCH}"
@cd cli; go build -o ./bin/consul-k8s; cp ./bin/consul-k8s ${GOPATH}/bin/

.PHONY: cli-fips-dev
cli-fips-dev: ## run cli fips dev
@echo "==> Installing consul-k8s CLI tool for ${GOOS}/${GOARCH}"
@cd cli; CGO_ENABLED=1 GOEXPERIMENT=boringcrypto go build -o ./bin/consul-k8s -tags "fips"; cp ./bin/consul-k8s ${GOPATH}/bin/

.PHONY: cli-lint
cli-lint: ## Run linter in the control-plane directory.
cd cli; golangci-lint run -c ../.golangci.yml

##@ Acceptance Tests Targets

# ===========> Acceptance Tests Targets

.PHONY: acceptance-lint
acceptance-lint: ## Run linter in the control-plane directory.
cd acceptance; golangci-lint run -c ../.golangci.yml

# For CNI acceptance tests, the calico CNI pluging needs to be installed on Kind. Our consul-cni plugin will not work
.PHONY: kind-cni-calico
# For CNI acceptance tests, the calico CNI plugin needs to be installed on Kind. Our consul-cni plugin will not work
# without another plugin installed first
kind-cni-calico: ## install cni plugin on kind
kubectl create namespace calico-system ||true
kubectl create -f $(CURDIR)/acceptance/framework/environment/cni-kind/tigera-operator.yaml
# Sleeps are needed as installs can happen too quickly for Kind to handle it
@sleep 30
kubectl create -f $(CURDIR)/acceptance/framework/environment/cni-kind/custom-resources.yaml
@sleep 20

.PHONY: kind-delete
kind delete cluster --name dc1
kind delete cluster --name dc2
kind delete cluster --name dc3
kind delete cluster --name dc4

# Helper target for doing local cni acceptance testing
kind-cni: kind-delete
.PHONY: kind-cni
kind-cni: kind-delete ## Helper target for doing local cni acceptance testing
kind create cluster --config=$(CURDIR)/acceptance/framework/environment/cni-kind/kind.config --name dc1 --image $(KIND_NODE_IMAGE)
make kind-cni-calico
kind create cluster --config=$(CURDIR)/acceptance/framework/environment/cni-kind/kind.config --name dc2 --image $(KIND_NODE_IMAGE)
Expand All @@ -160,28 +182,27 @@ kind-cni: kind-delete
kind create cluster --config=$(CURDIR)/acceptance/framework/environment/cni-kind/kind.config --name dc4 --image $(KIND_NODE_IMAGE)
make kind-cni-calico

# Helper target for doing local acceptance testing
kind: kind-delete
.PHONY: kind
kind: kind-delete ## Helper target for doing local acceptance testing
kind create cluster --name dc1 --image $(KIND_NODE_IMAGE)
kind create cluster --name dc2 --image $(KIND_NODE_IMAGE)
kind create cluster --name dc3 --image $(KIND_NODE_IMAGE)
kind create cluster --name dc4 --image $(KIND_NODE_IMAGE)

# Helper target for loading local dev images (run with `DEV_IMAGE=...` to load non-k8s images)
.PHONY: kind-load
kind-load: ## Helper target for loading local dev images (run with `DEV_IMAGE=...` to load non-k8s images)
kind load docker-image --name dc1 $(DEV_IMAGE)
kind load docker-image --name dc2 $(DEV_IMAGE)
kind load docker-image --name dc3 $(DEV_IMAGE)
kind load docker-image --name dc4 $(DEV_IMAGE)

# ===========> Shared Targets

help: ## Show targets and their descriptions.
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-38s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
##@ Shared Targets

.PHONY: lint
lint: cni-plugin-lint ## Run linter in the control-plane, cli, and acceptance directories.
for p in control-plane cli acceptance; do cd $$p; golangci-lint run --path-prefix $$p -c ../.golangci.yml; cd ..; done

.PHONY: ctrl-manifests
ctrl-manifests: get-controller-gen ## Generate CRD manifests.
make ensure-controller-gen-version
cd control-plane; $(CONTROLLER_GEN) $(CRD_OPTIONS) rbac:roleName=manager-role webhook paths="./..." output:crd:artifacts:config=config/crd/bases
Expand All @@ -190,6 +211,7 @@ ctrl-manifests: get-controller-gen ## Generate CRD manifests.
make generate-external-crds
make add-copyright-header

.PHONY: get-controller-gen
get-controller-gen: ## Download controller-gen program needed for operator SDK.
ifeq (, $(shell which controller-gen))
@{ \
Expand All @@ -205,64 +227,85 @@ else
CONTROLLER_GEN=$(shell which controller-gen)

.PHONY: ensure-controller-gen-version
ensure-controller-gen-version: ## Ensure controller-gen version is v0.12.1.
ifeq (, $(shell $(CONTROLLER_GEN) --version | grep v0.12.1))
@echo "controller-gen version is not v0.12.1, uninstall the binary and install the correct version with 'make get-controller-gen'."
@echo "Found version: $(shell $(CONTROLLER_GEN) --version)"
@exit 1
ifeq (, $(shell which $(CONTROLLER_GEN)))
@echo "You don't have $(CONTROLLER_GEN), please install it first."
@echo "Found correct version: $(shell $(CONTROLLER_GEN) --version)"
ifeq (, $(shell $(CONTROLLER_GEN) --version | grep v0.12.1))
@echo "controller-gen version is not v0.12.1, uninstall the binary and install the correct version with 'make get-controller-gen'."
@echo "Found version: $(shell $(CONTROLLER_GEN) --version)"
@exit 1
@echo "Found correct version: $(shell $(CONTROLLER_GEN) --version)"

.PHONY: add-copyright-header
add-copyright-header: ## Add copyright header to all files in the project
ifeq (, $(shell which copywrite))
@echo "Installing copywrite"
@go install
@copywrite headers --spdx "MPL-2.0"

# ===========> CI Targets
##@ CI Targets

.PHONY: ## Deletes AWS resources left behind after failed acceptance tests.
@cd hack/aws-acceptance-test-cleanup; go run ./... -auto-approve

.PHONY: version
version: ## print version
@echo $(VERSION)

.PHONY: consul-version
consul-version: ## print consul version

.PHONY: consul-enterprise-version
consul-enterprise-version: ## print consul ent version

.PHONY: consul-dataplane-version
consul-dataplane-version: ## print consul data-plane version

.PHONY: kind-version
kind-version: ## print kind version

.PHONY: kind-node-image
kind-node-image: ## print kind node image

.PHONY: kubectl-version
kubectl-version: ## print kubectl version

.PHONY: kind-test-packages
kind-test-packages: ## kind test packages
@./control-plane/build-support/scripts/ "acceptance/ci-inputs/kind_acceptance_test_packages.yaml"

.PHONY: gke-test-packages
gke-test-packages: ## gke test packages
@./control-plane/build-support/scripts/ "acceptance/ci-inputs/gke_acceptance_test_packages.yaml"

.PHONY: eks-test-packages
eks-test-packages: ## eks test packages
@./control-plane/build-support/scripts/ "acceptance/ci-inputs/eks_acceptance_test_packages.yaml"

.PHONY: aks-test-packages
aks-test-packages: ## aks test packages
@./control-plane/build-support/scripts/ "acceptance/ci-inputs/aks_acceptance_test_packages.yaml"

# ===========> Release Targets
##@ Release Targets

.PHONY: check-env
check-env: ## check env
@printenv | grep "CONSUL_K8S"

.PHONY: prepare-release-script
prepare-release-script: ## Sets the versions, updates changelog to prepare this repository to release
$(error CONSUL_K8S_RELEASE_VERSION is required)
Expand All @@ -278,8 +321,10 @@ ifndef CONSUL_K8S_CONSUL_VERSION

.PHONY: prepare-release
prepare-release: prepare-release-script check-preview-containers

.PHONY: prepare-rc-script
prepare-rc-script: ## Sets the versions, updates changelog to prepare this repository to release
$(error CONSUL_K8S_RELEASE_VERSION is required)
Expand All @@ -295,9 +340,11 @@ ifndef CONSUL_K8S_CONSUL_VERSION

.PHONY: prepare-rc-branch
prepare-rc-branch: prepare-rc-script

.PHONY: prepare-main-dev
prepare-main-dev: ## prepare main dev
$(error CONSUL_K8S_RELEASE_VERSION is required)
Expand All @@ -315,7 +362,8 @@ ifndef CONSUL_K8S_NEXT_CONSUL_DATAPLANE_VERSION

.PHONY: prepare-release-dev
prepare-release-dev: ## prepare release dev
$(error CONSUL_K8S_RELEASE_VERSION is required)
Expand All @@ -335,7 +383,6 @@ endif

# ===========> Makefile config
.PHONY: gen-helm-docs copy-crds-to-chart generate-external-crds bats-tests help version cli-dev prepare-dev prepare-release
SHELL = bash
GOOS?=$(shell go env GOOS)
GOARCH?=$(shell go env GOARCH)
Expand All @@ -345,3 +392,19 @@ GIT_COMMIT?=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
GIT_DIRTY?=$(shell test -n "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "+CHANGES" || true)
GIT_DESCRIBE?=$(shell git describe --tags --always)
CRD_OPTIONS ?= "crd:ignoreUnexportedFields=true,allowDangerousTypes=true"

##@ Help

# The help target prints out all targets with their descriptions organized
# beneath their categories. The categories are represented by '##@' and the
# target descriptions by '##'. The awk commands is responsible for reading the
# entire set of makefiles included in this invocation, looking for lines of the
# file as xyz: ## something, and then pretty-format the target and help. Then,
# if there's a line with ##@ something, that gets pretty-printed as a category.
# More info on the usage of ANSI control characters for terminal formatting:
# More info on the awk command:
.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this help
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)

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