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Releases: hashicorp/design-system


31 May 12:35
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Minor Changes

Added re-export entries for TypeScript components

#2129 - Thanks @aklkv for the contribution! 🙏

CopyButton - Converted component to TypeScript


CopySnippet - Converted component to TypeScript


hds-clipboard - Converted modifier to TypeScript


Patch Changes

Template Registry - Removed redundant entries


Fix missing TypeScript declaration

#2122 - Thanks @aklkv for the contribution! 🙏

Hds::BadgeCount - Fixed typo in template registry declaration



21 May 16:39
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Minor Changes

Added two icon logos: minio and git.


sparkle icon added



21 May 16:39
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Patch Changes

FlightIcon component - Removed initial whitespace (newline) from template


🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.2.0


21 May 16:39
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Minor Changes

Added hds-register-event modifier (for internal use)


Published type declarations

#2004 - Thanks @natmegs for the contribution! 🙏

Tag - Converted component to TypeScript


IconTile - Converted component to TypeScript


SuperSelect - added components for single and multiple selection based on PowerSelect


BadgeCount - Converted component to TypeScript


DisclosurePrimitive - Converted component to TypeScript

#2025 - Thanks @WenInCode for the contribution! 🙏

Added hds-anchored-position modifier (for internal use)


AppFooter - Converted component to TypeScript


Stepper::Step::Indicator - Converted to TypeScript
Stepper::Task::Indicator - Converted to TypeScript


Badge - Converted component to TypeScript

#1991 - Thanks @chris-hut for the contribution! 🙏

Accordion - Converted component to TypeScript


Dropdown - Added support for trailing icon in ListItem::Interactive subcomponent


PopoverPrimitive - Added low-level (internal) headless component to provide anchoring, collision detection, and popover functionalities.

RichTooltip - Added component to provide tooltips that can contain more complex and structured content.


AppFrame - converted component to TypeScript


Toast - Converted component to TypeScript

#2023 - Thanks @WenInCode for the contribution! 🙏

Reveal - Converted component to TypeScript


ButtonSet - Converted component to TypeScript


Separator - Converted component to TypeScript


Patch Changes

Alert::Description - Fixed typo in template-registry.ts file declaration


Dropdown::ListItem::Checkmark - Fixed issue with leading icon spacing


Tooltip - Fixed max-width applied to the "bubble" (it was 304px, now is 280px per design specs)


Alert, Badge, BadgeCount, Button, Card::Container, DisclosurePrimitive, DismissButton, IconTile, Interactive, Link::Inline, Link::Standalone, Tag, Text - Standardized class names and signatures


CodeBlock - Re-mapped class-name variable to color-blue


Fixed default export warnings by preventing types.js files from being reexported

#2030 - Thanks @WenInCode for the contribution! 🙏

Tabs - Fixed issue with z-index of the active tab "indicator"


🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/ember-flight-icons@5.0.2


21 Mar 20:01
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Minor Changes

Link::Inline - Converted component to TypeScript

#2013 - Thanks @WenInCode for the contribution! 🙏

Card - Converted component to TypeScript

#1997 - Thanks @valeriia-ruban for the contribution! 🙏

Link::Standalone - Converted component to TypeScript

#2010 - Thanks @WenInCode for the contribution! 🙏

Text - Converted component to TypeScript

#1984 - Thanks @natmegs for the contribution! 🙏

Alert - Converted component to TypeScript

#1990 - Thanks @WenInCode for the contribution! 🙏

Patch Changes

Modal, Flyout - Fixed flaky tests by running @ember/test-waiters in all environments

#2011 - Thanks @fivetanley for the contribution! 🙏


This version is a re-release of @hashicorp/design-system-components@4.1.1 containing the missing pre-compiled CSS


14 Mar 17:20
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This version is missing the pre-compiled CSS

You can still use this version if you import styles as Sass and don't require design-system-components.css

Patch Changes

Flyout - Fixed issue with Sass operators failing in old versions of Sass



12 Mar 20:56
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Minor Changes

Reorganized the icons within the "Core" icon set into 16 more descriptive categories.


Patch Changes

Added "category" to the icons' metadata in the catalog.json file.



12 Mar 20:56
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Patch Changes

🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.1.0


12 Mar 20:56
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Minor Changes

Added new pipeline to Style Dictionary for cloud-email - email/sass-variables to be used in email templating
