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katbyte committed Dec 8, 2023
1 parent 6ab8cfc commit 428f6a8
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Showing 2 changed files with 32 additions and 32 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .release/provider-schema.json

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62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
## 3.84.0 (Unreleased)
## 3.84.0 (December 07, 2023)


* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_storage_containers` [GH-24061]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_elastic_san` [GH-23619]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module_role_assignment` [GH-22332]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module_role_definition` [GH-22332]
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_storage_containers` ([#24061](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_elastic_san` ([#23619](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module_role_assignment` ([#22332](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_key_vault_managed_hardware_security_module_role_definition` ([#22332](


* dependencies: updating mssql elasticpools from `v5.0` to `2023-05-01-preview`
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20231207.1122031` of `` [GH-24149]
* Data Source: `azurerm_storage_account` - export the primary and secondary internet and microsoft hostnames for blobs, dfs, files, queues, tables and web [GH-23517]
* Data Source: `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` - export the `connection_strings`, `primary_sql_connection_string`, `secondary_sql_connection_string`, `primary_readonly_sql_connection_string`, `secondary_readonly_sql_connection_string`, `primary_mongodb_connection_string`, `secondary_mongodb_connection_string`, `primary_readonly_mongodb_connection_string`, and `secondary_readonly_mongodb_connection_string` attributes [GH-24129]
* `azurerm_bot_service_azure_bot` - support for the `public_network_access_enabled` property [GH-24125]
* `azurerm_container_app_environment` - support for the `workload_profile` property [GH-23478]
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_datacenter` - support for the `seed_node_ip_addresses` property [GH-24076]
* `azurerm_firewall` - support for the `dns_proxy_enabled` property [GH-20519]
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - support for the `support_plan` property and the `sku_tier` `Premium` [GH-23970]
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - support for `enclave_type` field [GH-24054]
* `azurerm_mssql_elasticpool` - support for `enclave_type` field [GH-24054]
* `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` - support for more `vcores`: `6`, `10`, `12`, `20`, `48`, `56`, `96`, `128` [GH-24085]
* `azurerm_redis_linked_server` - support for the property `geo_replicated_primary_host_name` [GH-23984]
* `azurerm_storage_account` - expose the primary and secondary internet and microsoft hostnames for blobs, dfs, files, queues, tables and web [GH-23517]
* `azurerm_synapse_role_assignment` - support for the `principal_type` property [GH-24089]
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_build_deployment` - support for the `application_performance_monitoring_ids` property [GH-23969]
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway` - support for the `bgp_route_translation_for_nat_enabled`, `dns_forwarding_enabled`, `ip_sec_replay_protection_enabled`, `remote_vnet_traffic_enabled`, `virtual_wan_traffic_enabled`, `radius_server`, `virtual_network_gateway_client_connection`, `policy_group`, and `ipsec_policy` property [GH-23220]
* dependencies: updating to `v0.20231207.1122031` of `` ([#24149](
* Data Source: `azurerm_storage_account` - export the primary and secondary internet and microsoft hostnames for blobs, dfs, files, queues, tables and web ([#23517](
* Data Source: `azurerm_cosmosdb_account` - export the `connection_strings`, `primary_sql_connection_string`, `secondary_sql_connection_string`, `primary_readonly_sql_connection_string`, `secondary_readonly_sql_connection_string`, `primary_mongodb_connection_string`, `secondary_mongodb_connection_string`, `primary_readonly_mongodb_connection_string`, and `secondary_readonly_mongodb_connection_string` attributes ([#24129](
* `azurerm_bot_service_azure_bot` - support for the `public_network_access_enabled` property ([#24125](
* `azurerm_container_app_environment` - support for the `workload_profile` property ([#23478](
* `azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_datacenter` - support for the `seed_node_ip_addresses` property ([#24076](
* `azurerm_firewall` - support for the `dns_proxy_enabled` property ([#20519](
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - support for the `support_plan` property and the `sku_tier` `Premium` ([#23970](
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - support for `enclave_type` field ([#24054](
* `azurerm_mssql_elasticpool` - support for `enclave_type` field ([#24054](
* `azurerm_mssql_managed_instance` - support for more `vcores`: `6`, `10`, `12`, `20`, `48`, `56`, `96`, `128` ([#24085](
* `azurerm_redis_linked_server` - support for the property `geo_replicated_primary_host_name` ([#23984](
* `azurerm_storage_account` - expose the primary and secondary internet and microsoft hostnames for blobs, dfs, files, queues, tables and web ([#23517](
* `azurerm_synapse_role_assignment` - support for the `principal_type` property ([#24089](
* `azurerm_spring_cloud_build_deployment` - support for the `application_performance_monitoring_ids` property ([#23969](
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway` - support for the `bgp_route_translation_for_nat_enabled`, `dns_forwarding_enabled`, `ip_sec_replay_protection_enabled`, `remote_vnet_traffic_enabled`, `virtual_wan_traffic_enabled`, `radius_server`, `virtual_network_gateway_client_connection`, `policy_group`, and `ipsec_policy` property ([#23220](


* `azurerm_application_insights_api_key` - prevent a bug where multiple keys couldn't be created for an Application Insights instance [GH-23463]
* `azurerm_container_registry` - the `network_rule_set.virtual_network` property has been deprecated [GH-24140]
* `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` - set `roles.edge_node.install_script_action.parameters` into state by retrieving the value provided in the user config since this property isn't returned by the API [GH-23971]
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - prevent a bug where maintenance window start date was always recalculated and sent to the API [GH-23985]
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - will no longer send all long retention values in payload unless set [GH-24124]
* `azurerm_mssql_managed_database` - will no longer send all long retention values in payload unless set [GH-24124]
* `azurerm_mssql_server_microsoft_support_auditing_policy` - only include storage endpoint in payload if set [GH-24122]
* `azurerm_mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane` - prevent a panic if the HTTP Response is nil [GH-24083]
* `azurerm_storage_account` - revert plan time name validation `(#23799)` [GH-24142]
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` - split create and update function to fix lifecycle - ignore changes [GH-23412]
* `azurerm_application_insights_api_key` - prevent a bug where multiple keys couldn't be created for an Application Insights instance ([#23463](
* `azurerm_container_registry` - the `network_rule_set.virtual_network` property has been deprecated ([#24140](
* `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` - set `roles.edge_node.install_script_action.parameters` into state by retrieving the value provided in the user config since this property isn't returned by the API ([#23971](
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - prevent a bug where maintenance window start date was always recalculated and sent to the API ([#23985](
* `azurerm_mssql_database` - will no longer send all long retention values in payload unless set ([#24124](
* `azurerm_mssql_managed_database` - will no longer send all long retention values in payload unless set ([#24124](
* `azurerm_mssql_server_microsoft_support_auditing_policy` - only include storage endpoint in payload if set ([#24122](
* `azurerm_mobile_network_packet_core_control_plane` - prevent a panic if the HTTP Response is nil ([#24083](
* `azurerm_storage_account` - revert plan time name validation `(#23799)` ([#24142](
* `azurerm_web_application_firewall_policy` - split create and update function to fix lifecycle - ignore changes ([#23412](

## 3.83.0 (November 30, 2023)

Expand Down

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