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tf-release-bot authored and TeamCity committed Apr 17, 2019
1 parent 1c6b5b8 commit 4367659
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 56 deletions.
112 changes: 56 additions & 56 deletions
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
## 1.25.0 (Unreleased)
## 1.25.0 (April 17, 2019)


* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_batch_certificate` [GH-3097]
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_express_route_circuit` [GH-3158]
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_firewall` [GH-3235]
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_hdinsight_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_job` [GH-3227]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_batch_certificate` [GH-3097]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory` [GH-3159]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_mysql` [GH-3267]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_postgresql` [GH-3267]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_sql_server_table` [GH-3236]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_sql_server` [GH-3205]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_mysql` [GH-3265]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_postgresql` [GH-3266]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_pipeline` [GH-3244]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_kbase_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_ml_services_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_rserver_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_spark_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_storm_cluster` [GH-3196]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_iothub_shared_access_policy` [GH-3009]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_public_ip_prefix` [GH-3139]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_job` [GH-3227]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf` [GH-3249]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_blob` [GH-3250]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub` [GH-3250]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub` [GH-3250]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_blob` [GH-3250]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_eventhub` [GH-3250]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue` [GH-3250]
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_batch_certificate` ([#3097](
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_express_route_circuit` ([#3158](
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_firewall` ([#3235](
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_hdinsight_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_job` ([#3227](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_batch_certificate` ([#3097](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory` ([#3159](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_mysql` ([#3267](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_postgresql` ([#3267](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_dataset_sql_server_table` ([#3236](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_sql_server` ([#3205](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_mysql` ([#3265](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_postgresql` ([#3266](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_data_factory_pipeline` ([#3244](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_kafka_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_kbase_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_hadoop_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_interactive_query_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_ml_services_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_rserver_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_spark_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_hdinsight_storm_cluster` ([#3196](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_iothub_shared_access_policy` ([#3009](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_public_ip_prefix` ([#3139](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_job` ([#3227](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_function_javascript_udf` ([#3249](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_blob` ([#3250](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_eventhub` ([#3250](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_stream_input_iothub` ([#3250](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_blob` ([#3250](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_eventhub` ([#3250](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_stream_analytics_output_servicebus_queue` ([#3250](


* dependencies: updating `` to v26.7.0 [GH-3126]
* dependencies: updating `` to v11.7.0 [GH-3126]
* dependencies: updating `` to `44702fa6c163` [GH-3181]
* Data Source: `azurerm_batch_pool` - adding the `resource_file` block to the `start_task` block [GH-3192]
* Data Source: `azurerm_subnet` - exposing the `service_endpoint` field [GH-3184]
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - adding the `resource_file` block to the `start_task` block [GH-3192]
* `azurerm_container_group` - support for specifying `liveness_probe` and `readiness_probe` blocks [GH-3118]
* `azurerm_key_vault_access_policy` - support for setting `storage_permissions` [GH-3153]
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - `network_policy` now supports `azure` [GH-3213]
* `azurerm_iothub` - support for configuring `ip_filter_rule` [GH-3173]
* `azurerm_public_ip` - support for attaching a `azurerm_public_ip_prefix` [GH-3139]
* `azurerm_redis_cache` - support for setting `aof_backup_enabled`, `aof_storage_connection_string_0` and `aof_storage_connection_string_1` [GH-3155]
* `azurerm_storage_blob` - support for the `metadata` property [GH-3206]
* `azurerm_traffic_manager_profile` - support the `MultiValue` and `Weighted` values for the `traffic_routing_method` property [GH-3207]
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway` - support for the `VpnGw1AZ`, `VpnGw2AZ`, and `VpnGw3AZ` SKU's [GH-3171]
* dependencies: updating `` to v26.7.0 ([#3126](
* dependencies: updating `` to v11.7.0 ([#3126](
* dependencies: updating `` to `44702fa6c163` ([#3181](
* Data Source: `azurerm_batch_pool` - adding the `resource_file` block to the `start_task` block ([#3192](
* Data Source: `azurerm_subnet` - exposing the `service_endpoint` field ([#3184](
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - adding the `resource_file` block to the `start_task` block ([#3192](
* `azurerm_container_group` - support for specifying `liveness_probe` and `readiness_probe` blocks ([#3118](
* `azurerm_key_vault_access_policy` - support for setting `storage_permissions` ([#3153](
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - `network_policy` now supports `azure` ([#3213](
* `azurerm_iothub` - support for configuring `ip_filter_rule` ([#3173](
* `azurerm_public_ip` - support for attaching a `azurerm_public_ip_prefix` ([#3139](
* `azurerm_redis_cache` - support for setting `aof_backup_enabled`, `aof_storage_connection_string_0` and `aof_storage_connection_string_1` ([#3155](
* `azurerm_storage_blob` - support for the `metadata` property ([#3206](
* `azurerm_traffic_manager_profile` - support the `MultiValue` and `Weighted` values for the `traffic_routing_method` property ([#3207](
* `azurerm_virtual_network_gateway` - support for the `VpnGw1AZ`, `VpnGw2AZ`, and `VpnGw3AZ` SKU's ([#3171](


* dependencies: downgrading the Security API to `2017-08-01-preview` to work around a breaking API change [GH-3269]
* `azurerm_app_service` - removing Computed from the `use_32_bit_worker_process` property in the `site_config` block [GH-3219]
* `azurerm_app_service_slot` - removing Computed from the `use_32_bit_worker_process` property in the `site_config` block [GH-3219]
* `azurerm_batch_account` - temporarily treating the Resource Group Name as case insensitive to work around an API bug [GH-3260]
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - temporarily treating the Resource Group Name as case insensitive to work around an API bug [GH-3260]
* `azurerm_app_service` - ensuring deleted App Services are detected correctly [GH-3198]
* `azurerm_function_app` - ensuring deleted Function Apps are detected correctly [GH-3198]
* `azurerm_virtual_machine` - adding validation for the `identity_ids` field [GH-3183]
* dependencies: downgrading the Security API to `2017-08-01-preview` to work around a breaking API change ([#3269](
* `azurerm_app_service` - removing Computed from the `use_32_bit_worker_process` property in the `site_config` block ([#3219](
* `azurerm_app_service_slot` - removing Computed from the `use_32_bit_worker_process` property in the `site_config` block ([#3219](
* `azurerm_batch_account` - temporarily treating the Resource Group Name as case insensitive to work around an API bug ([#3260](
* `azurerm_batch_pool` - temporarily treating the Resource Group Name as case insensitive to work around an API bug ([#3260](
* `azurerm_app_service` - ensuring deleted App Services are detected correctly ([#3198](
* `azurerm_function_app` - ensuring deleted Function Apps are detected correctly ([#3198](
* `azurerm_virtual_machine` - adding validation for the `identity_ids` field ([#3183](

## 1.24.0 (April 03, 2019)

Expand Down

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