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tf-release-bot authored and TeamCity committed May 14, 2020
1 parent c8ec0d8 commit 69e0175
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 43 deletions.
86 changes: 43 additions & 43 deletions
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
## 2.10.0 (Unreleased)
## 2.10.0 (May 14, 2020)


* updating `eventgrid` to `2020-04-01-preview` [GH-6837]
* updating `iothub` to `2019-03-22-preview` [GH-6875]
* updating `eventgrid` to `2020-04-01-preview` ([#6837](
* updating `iothub` to `2019-03-22-preview` ([#6875](


* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_eventhub` [GH-6841]
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_eventgrid_domain_topic` [GH-6859]
* **New Data Source:** `azurerm_eventhub` ([#6841](
* **New Resource:** `azurerm_eventgrid_domain_topic` ([#6859](


* All Data Sources: adding validation for the `resource_group_name` field to not be empty where it's Required [GH-6864]
* Data Source: `azurerm_virtual_machine` - export `identity` attribute [GH-6826]
* `azurerm_api_management` - support for configuring the Developer Portal [GH-6724]
* `azurerm_api_management` - support for user assigned managed identities [GH-6783]
* `azurerm_api_management` - support `key_vault_id` that do not have a version [GH-6723]
* `azurerm_api_management_diagnostic` - support required property `api_management_logger_id` [GH-6682]
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - support for WAF policies [GH-6105]
* `azurerm_app_service_environment` - support specifying explicit resource group [GH-6821]
* `azurerm_express_route_circuit` - de-provision and re-provision circuit when changing the bandwidth reduction [GH-6601]
* `azurerm_frontdoor` - expose the `header_frontdoor_id` attribute [GH-6916]
* `azurerm_log_analytics_workspace` - add support for `rentention_in_days` for Free Tier [GH-6844]
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - support for the `create_mode` property allowing the creation of replicas, point in time restores, and geo restors [GH-6865]
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - support for the `public_network_access_enabled` property [GH-6865]
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - all properties in the `storage_profile` block have been moved to the top level [GH-6865]
* All Data Sources: adding validation for the `resource_group_name` field to not be empty where it's Required ([#6864](
* Data Source: `azurerm_virtual_machine` - export `identity` attribute ([#6826](
* `azurerm_api_management` - support for configuring the Developer Portal ([#6724](
* `azurerm_api_management` - support for user assigned managed identities ([#6783](
* `azurerm_api_management` - support `key_vault_id` that do not have a version ([#6723](
* `azurerm_api_management_diagnostic` - support required property `api_management_logger_id` ([#6682](
* `azurerm_application_gateway` - support for WAF policies ([#6105](
* `azurerm_app_service_environment` - support specifying explicit resource group ([#6821](
* `azurerm_express_route_circuit` - de-provision and re-provision circuit when changing the bandwidth reduction ([#6601](
* `azurerm_frontdoor` - expose the `header_frontdoor_id` attribute ([#6916](
* `azurerm_log_analytics_workspace` - add support for `rentention_in_days` for Free Tier ([#6844](
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - support for the `create_mode` property allowing the creation of replicas, point in time restores, and geo restors ([#6865](
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - support for the `public_network_access_enabled` property ([#6865](
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - all properties in the `storage_profile` block have been moved to the top level ([#6865](
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - the following properties were renamed and changed to a boolean type: `ssl_enforcement` to `ssl_enforcement_enabled`, `geo_redundant_backup` to `geo_redundant_backup_enabled`, and `auto_grow`
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - support for the `create_mode` property allowing the creation of replicas, point in time restores, and geo restors [GH-6833]
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - support for the `public_network_access_enabled` property [GH-6833]
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - all properties in the `storage_profile` block have been moved to the top level [GH-6833]
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - the following properties were renamed and changed to a boolean type: `ssl_enforcement` to `ssl_enforcement_enabled`, `geo_redundant_backup` to `geo_redundant_backup_enabled`, and `auto_grow` to `auto_grow_enabled` [GH-6833]
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - add support for the `azuread_administrator` property [GH-6822]
* `azurerm_postgres_server` - support for the `threat_detection_policy` property [GH-6721]
* `azurerm_storage_account` - enable migration of `account_kind` from `Storage` to `StorageV2` [GH-6580]
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - the `os_disk.disk_encryption_set_id` can now be updated [GH-6846]
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - support for the `create_mode` property allowing the creation of replicas, point in time restores, and geo restors ([#6833](
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - support for the `public_network_access_enabled` property ([#6833](
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - all properties in the `storage_profile` block have been moved to the top level ([#6833](
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - the following properties were renamed and changed to a boolean type: `ssl_enforcement` to `ssl_enforcement_enabled`, `geo_redundant_backup` to `geo_redundant_backup_enabled`, and `auto_grow` to `auto_grow_enabled` ([#6833](
* `azurerm_mssql_server` - add support for the `azuread_administrator` property ([#6822](
* `azurerm_postgres_server` - support for the `threat_detection_policy` property ([#6721](
* `azurerm_storage_account` - enable migration of `account_kind` from `Storage` to `StorageV2` ([#6580](
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine` - the `os_disk.disk_encryption_set_id` can now be updated ([#6846](


* Data Source: `azurerm_automation_account` - using the ID of the Automation Account, rather than the ID of the Automation Account's Registration Info [GH-6848]
* Data Source: `azurerm_security_group` - fixing crash where id is nil [GH-6910]
* Data Source: `azurerm_mysql_server` - remove `administrator_login_password` property as it is not returned from the api [GH-6865]
* `azurerm_api_management` - fixing a crash when `policy` is nil [GH-6862]
* `azurerm_api_management` - only sending the `hostname_configuration` properties if they are not empty [GH-6850]
* `azurerm_api_management_diagnostic` - can now be provision again by supporting `api_management_logger_id` [GH-6682]
* `azurerm_api_management_named_value` - fix the non empty plan when `secret` is true [GH-6834]
* `azurerm_application_insights` - `retention_in_days` defaults to 90 [GH-6851]
* `azurerm_data_factory_trigger_schedule` - setting the `type` required for Pipeline References [GH-6871]
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - fixes the `InvalidLoadbalancerProfile` error [GH-6534]
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - support for updating the `do_not_run_extensions_on_overprovisioned_machines` property [GH-6917]
* `azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting` - fix possible crash with `retention_policy` [GH-6911]
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - the `storage_mb` property is now optional when `auto_grow` is enabled [GH-6865]
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - the `storage_mb` property is now optional when `auto_grow` is enabled [GH-6833]
* `azurerm_role_assignment` - added evential consistency check to assignment creation [GH-6925]
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` - support for updating the `do_not_run_extensions_on_overprovisioned_machines` property [GH-6917]
* Data Source: `azurerm_automation_account` - using the ID of the Automation Account, rather than the ID of the Automation Account's Registration Info ([#6848](
* Data Source: `azurerm_security_group` - fixing crash where id is nil ([#6910](
* Data Source: `azurerm_mysql_server` - remove `administrator_login_password` property as it is not returned from the api ([#6865](
* `azurerm_api_management` - fixing a crash when `policy` is nil ([#6862](
* `azurerm_api_management` - only sending the `hostname_configuration` properties if they are not empty ([#6850](
* `azurerm_api_management_diagnostic` - can now be provision again by supporting `api_management_logger_id` ([#6682](
* `azurerm_api_management_named_value` - fix the non empty plan when `secret` is true ([#6834](
* `azurerm_application_insights` - `retention_in_days` defaults to 90 ([#6851](
* `azurerm_data_factory_trigger_schedule` - setting the `type` required for Pipeline References ([#6871](
* `azurerm_kubernetes_cluster` - fixes the `InvalidLoadbalancerProfile` error ([#6534](
* `azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set` - support for updating the `do_not_run_extensions_on_overprovisioned_machines` property ([#6917](
* `azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting` - fix possible crash with `retention_policy` ([#6911](
* `azurerm_mariadb_server` - the `storage_mb` property is now optional when `auto_grow` is enabled ([#6865](
* `azurerm_mysql_server` - the `storage_mb` property is now optional when `auto_grow` is enabled ([#6833](
* `azurerm_role_assignment` - added evential consistency check to assignment creation ([#6925](
* `azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set` - support for updating the `do_not_run_extensions_on_overprovisioned_machines` property ([#6917](

## 2.9.0 (May 07, 2020)

Expand Down

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