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UI/Serialize DB Connection Attributes (#12770)
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* creates serializer and moves available plugin types constant to util

* adds if block catch if no plugin_type, renames util file

* updates imports

* adds changelog

* fixes rendering of default attrs

* checks that plugin exists
  • Loading branch information
hellobontempo committed Oct 11, 2021
1 parent 8c0cea5 commit 698d485
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Showing 9 changed files with 239 additions and 213 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions changelog/12770.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
ui: Filter DB connection attributes so only relevant attrs POST to backend
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ui/app/components/database-role-setting-form.js
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { getStatementFields, getRoleFields } from '../utils/database-role-fields';
import { getStatementFields, getRoleFields } from '../utils/database-helpers';

export default class DatabaseRoleSettingForm extends Component {
get settingFields() {
Expand Down
160 changes: 2 additions & 158 deletions ui/app/models/database/connection.js
Expand Up @@ -3,163 +3,7 @@ import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { alias, or } from '@ember/object/computed';
import lazyCapabilities, { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities';
import fieldToAttrs, { expandAttributeMeta } from 'vault/utils/field-to-attrs';

value: 'mongodb-database-plugin',
displayName: 'MongoDB',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'connection_url' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'write_concern', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'tls', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'tls_ca', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'root_rotation_statements', group: 'statements' },
value: 'mssql-database-plugin',
displayName: 'MSSQL',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'connection_url' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_open_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_idle_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_connection_lifetime', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'root_rotation_statements', group: 'statements' },
value: 'mysql-database-plugin',
displayName: 'MySQL/MariaDB',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'connection_url', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'max_open_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_idle_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_connection_lifetime', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'tls', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'tls_ca', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'root_rotation_statements', group: 'statements' },
value: 'mysql-aurora-database-plugin',
displayName: 'MySQL (Aurora)',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'connection_url', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'max_open_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_idle_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_connection_lifetime', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'tls', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'tls_ca', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'root_rotation_statements', group: 'statements' },
value: 'mysql-rds-database-plugin',
displayName: 'MySQL (RDS)',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'connection_url', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'max_open_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_idle_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_connection_lifetime', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'tls', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'tls_ca', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'root_rotation_statements', group: 'statements' },
value: 'mysql-legacy-database-plugin',
displayName: 'MySQL (Legacy)',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'connection_url', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'max_open_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_idle_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_connection_lifetime', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'tls', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'tls_ca', group: 'pluginConfig', subgroup: 'TLS options' },
{ attr: 'root_rotation_statements', group: 'statements' },
value: 'elasticsearch-database-plugin',
displayName: 'Elasticsearch',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'url', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'ca_cert', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'ca_path', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'client_cert', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'client_key', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'tls_server_name', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'insecure', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
value: 'oracle-database-plugin',
displayName: 'Oracle',
fields: [
{ attr: 'plugin_name' },
{ attr: 'name' },
{ attr: 'verify_connection' },
{ attr: 'password_policy' },
{ attr: 'connection_url', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'password', group: 'pluginConfig', show: false },
{ attr: 'max_open_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_idle_connections', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'max_connection_lifetime', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'username_template', group: 'pluginConfig' },
{ attr: 'root_rotation_statements', group: 'statements' },
import { AVAILABLE_PLUGIN_TYPES } from '../../utils/database-helpers';

* fieldsToGroups helper fn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -275,8 +119,8 @@ export default Model.extend({
defaultValue: '0s',
insecure: attr('boolean', {
defaultValue: false,
label: 'Disable SSL verification',
defaultValue: false,
tls: attr('string', {
label: 'TLS Certificate Key',
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ui/app/models/database/role.js
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
import lazyCapabilities, { apiPath } from 'vault/macros/lazy-capabilities';
import { expandAttributeMeta } from 'vault/utils/field-to-attrs';
import { getRoleFields } from '../../utils/database-role-fields';
import { getRoleFields } from '../../utils/database-helpers';

export default Model.extend({
idPrefix: 'role/',
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions ui/app/serializers/database/connection.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import RESTSerializer from '@ember-data/serializer/rest';
import { AVAILABLE_PLUGIN_TYPES } from '../../utils/database-helpers';

export default RESTSerializer.extend({
primaryKey: 'name',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,4 +46,25 @@ export default RESTSerializer.extend({
return this._super(store, primaryModelClass, transformedPayload, id, requestType);

serialize(snapshot, requestType) {
let data = this._super(snapshot, requestType);
if (!data.plugin_name) {
return data;
let pluginType = AVAILABLE_PLUGIN_TYPES.find(plugin => plugin.value === data.plugin_name);
if (!pluginType) {
return data;
let pluginAttributes = => fields.attr).concat('backend');

// filter data to only allow plugin specific attrs
let allowedAttributes = Object.keys(data).filter(dataAttrs => pluginAttributes.includes(dataAttrs));
for (const key in data) {
if (!allowedAttributes.includes(key)) {
delete data[key];
return data;
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions ui/app/templates/components/database-connection.hbs
Expand Up @@ -307,30 +307,30 @@
{{#each @model.showAttrs as |attr|}}
{{#let attr.options.defaultDisplay as |defaultDisplay|}}
{{#let attr.options.defaultShown as |defaultDisplay|}}
{{#if (eq attr.type "object")}}
@label={{capitalize (or attr.options.label (humanize (dasherize}}
@value={{stringify (get @model}}
{{else if (eq attr.type "array")}}
@label={{capitalize (or attr.options.label (humanize (dasherize}}
@value={{or (get @model defaultDisplay}}
@value={{get @model}}
@label={{capitalize (or attr.options.label (humanize (dasherize}}
@value={{or (get @model defaultDisplay}}
@value={{get @model}}
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions ui/app/templates/components/database-role-edit.hbs
Expand Up @@ -55,20 +55,20 @@
{{#each @model.showFields as |attr|}}
{{#let attr.options.defaultDisplay as |defaultDisplay|}}
{{#let attr.options.defaultShown as |defaultDisplay|}}
{{#if (eq attr.type "object")}}
@label={{capitalize (or attr.options.label (humanize (dasherize}}
@value={{stringify (get @model}}
@label={{capitalize (or attr.options.label (humanize (dasherize}}
@value={{or (get @model defaultDisplay}}
@value={{get @model}}
@isLink={{eq 'database'}}
Expand Down

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