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A framework for quickly building and running web-enabled agentic applications.


npm i --save nolita

Execute directly from the terminal with npx.

npx nolita [flags]

Bootstrap a project with the create command:

npx nolita create


You can use Nolita for running quick tasks, as a persistent server for agentic web browsing, or to bootstrap an agentic product.

Running quick tasks

The default nolita command runs a task in-browser and returns a result based on your desired objective, using a local sandboxed Chrome installation.

npx nolita [flags]

If you don't include information, we will prompt you for it as we go. The flags you can provide to omit these steps include the following:

  • --startUrl dictates where we start the session.
  • --objective specifies what we want our agent to accomplish for us.
  • --agentProvider sets who is providing the LLM for the task (currently supporting anthropic and openai).
  • --agentModel specifies the model in question by the provider.
  • --hdrApiKey takes your HDR key for persistent memory integration, improving the performance and reliability of tasks.
  • --headless specifies whether you want the browser to run in headless mode or not. We default to true, but you can set it to false to see the browser run.
  • --config takes a JSON file with the previous flags, if you want to provide them. You can also specify an inventory of personal data to use for the objective, like usernames and passwords.
  "agentProvider": "openai", // or process.env.HDR_AGENT_PROVIDER
  "agentModel": "gpt-4", // or process.env.HDR_AGENT_MODEL
  "agentApiKey": "sk-*********", // or process.env.HDR_AGENT_API_KEY
  "inventory": [
      "value": "student", 
      "name": "Username", 
      "type": "string" 
      "value": "Password123",
      "name": "Password",
      "type": "string" }

Running as a server

If you don't use TypeScript as your main application language, you can interact with nolita as a server to run tasks within a larger project.

npx nolita serve [flags]

We currently support the following flags:

  • --port specifies the port to run on.

Documentation for the server is mounted at the /doc directory.

Bootstrapping a new project

If you want to configure each part of your project and build a new product from scratch, try the create command.

npx nolita create

Give it a project name and it bootstraps a template application built on Express, React, TypeScript, and the core Nolita framework for making a user-facing, web-enabled, agentic product.

Additional information

Exported classes

If you want to import pieces of Nolita for your application, you can. We export the following classes:


Wraps an LLM and creates a class for participating with the browser in state machine loops and a predefined prompt. You can wrap an LLM that is parsed by llm-api with our completionApiBuilder.

const providerOptions = {
  apiKey: process.env.PROVIDER_API_KEY,
  provider: process.env.MODEL_PROVIDER,

const modelApi = completionApiBuilder(providerOptions, {
  model: process.env.MODEL,

const agent = new Agent({ modelApi });

You can optionally change the system prompt.

const agent = new Agent({ modelApi, systemPrompt: "You are a little mean and sassy." });


We wrap Puppeteer, incorporating state machine hooks and a lot of accessibility preprocessing.

const browser = await Browser.create(true);

It takes one boolean for headless mode. If false, Chrome will open graphically.


Our logger enforces a log level with an optional callback. You can use this to surface objective progress.

const logger = new Logger("info", (msg) => {
    return console.log(`${msg}`);


The Inventory class constructs keys and values to mask outside the prompt itself, ie. when using collective memory or subsequent tasks.

const ourInventory = {
    "inventory": [
            "value": "student",
            "name": "Username",
            "type": "string" 
            "value": "Password123",
            "name": "Password",
            "type": "string"

const inventory = new Inventory(ourInventory || []);


Our base typed response for the agent's state machine. It can be extended with zod. See "specifying types," below.


This class unifies all prior classes and includes the state machine logic.

const answer = await agentBrowser.browse(
      startUrl: req.query.url as string,
      objective: [req.query.objective as string],
      maxIterations: parseInt(req.query.maxIterations as string) || 10,

Specifying types

We use zod under the hood to enforce typed responses from the agent. You can use this to enforce predictable output for your application.

For example, in the example repository we include the following in extensions/schema.ts:

export const CustomSchema = ModelResponseSchema(ObjectiveComplete.extend({
  restaurants: z.array(
    z.string().optional().describe("The name of a restaurant")


Before contributing to this project, please review CONTRIBUTING.

To connect with others building with Nolita, feel free to join our Discord community.

Other licenses

By default, Nolita sends anonymised, abstracted telemetry to our collective memory, which is governed by its own license agreement and our privacy policy.