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react bun

React client side rendering apps tooled with Bun

Powerful React app building using Bun runtime, bunder, transpiler, package manager, and test runner.

bun react csr typescript scss react-router-dom-v6

You need bun installed in your system for this template:

curl -fsSL | bash # for macOS, Linux, and WSL

To use this template to start a new react client-side rendering project from scratch:

bun create name-of-your-project

To install dependencies:

bun install

To run:

bun dev

This project was created using bun init in bun v1.0.25. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.

node_modules after first working react app-


Known issues to fix:

  • Routing using react-router-dom during CSR.
  • Page refresh on sub-routes should show the correct screen and not file not found.
  • If any file is changed in the ./src folder, a new build should be created to show the latest changes.
  • When lazy loading components, bun bundler does not import the files as expected to fix. oven-sh/bun#9151
  • Fix css, scss loader issues.