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Build Status

A GitHub App built with probot that links GitHub Enterprise and VSTS. It triggers a VSTS build when a commit is pushed to a pull request and updates its status.


  1. Generate a VSTS token from https://<>/_details/security/tokens with authorized scopes Build (read and execute) and Service Endpoints (read, query and manage). Copy the generated token.
  2. Install VSTS-Octobot on one or several repositories.
  3. Provide the VSTS token when asked.
  4. Commit a '.github/vsts-octobot.yml' file in the repositories which have been selected. See below for details on the content of this file.

Content of the .github/vsts-octobot.yml file

The content of this file can be easily populated by looking at the URL of your build definition page, which looks like

  • instance: The server name of your VSTS instance ( in the example above).
  • collection: The collection your project belongs to. It is most likely DefaultCollection.
  • project: The name of your project (SpidersFromMars in the example above).
  • buildDefinition: The id of the build definition which will be triggered (5 in the example above).

Deploy your own

  1. Create a new GitHub app.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Create and configure a .env file in the root directory as explained below or use PM2 and configure the ecosystem.config.js file.
  4. Install and run Redis using a persistent configuration.
  5. Update the dependencies with npm install.
  6. Run with npm start.

Environment variables

  • APP_ID: the id of the GitHub app generated when registering the new GitHub App
  • WEBHOOK_SECRET: the optional Webhook secret set during the registration of the new GitHub App
  • BASE_URL: The URL at which VSTS will post back events. Exemple: http://yourserver:3000/ or
  • FERNET_SECRET: The secret used to encode and securely store the VSTS tokens. You can create a secret with dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null | openssl base64.
  • LOG_LEVEL: Set to trace or info to get more outputs.
  • SUBDOMAIN: Subdomain to use for localtunnel server. Defaults to your local username.
  • REDIS_URL: URL to connect to Redis in the shape of [redis:]//[[user][:password@]][host][:port][/db-number][?db=db-number[&password=bar[&option=value]]]. Do not set if you want to use the default values (localhost unauthenticated).


A probot app linking GitHub Enterprise and VSTS








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