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A Chrome extension that tweets the song you are listening to on Spotify


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Spotify NowPlaying

A Chrome extension that tweets the song you are listening to on Spotify


  1. Clone this repository and cd to it
  2. Create a Spotify app from Spotify dashboard and copy the client id
  3. Rename the file config.ts.orig to config.ts and insert your app client id into ''
    mv config.ts{.orig,}
    # Edit config.ts with your editor
    vim config.ts
  4. Build this project with the following command:
    yarn && yarn build
  5. Open chrome://extensions/ in Google Chrome and load the dist directory. Click load unpacked and select dist or drag and drop dist on the page.
  6. Copy the extension ID in the box of the added extension image
  7. Open your Spotify app settings to input https://<copied-extension-id> to Redirect URIs and save the settings
    Replace <copied-extension-id> by the extension id you just copied now. For example, when the extension id is ehjnkeeomghenaiaaioaabggalacbfbg, the URL you input is
  8. Excellent! By clicking the [S] icon on toolbar, you can tweet the song you are listening to on Spotify!
    A tweet page with a song information will be opened. Also, the authorization page where the permission is requested to access your account data will be opened at first.


A Chrome extension that tweets the song you are listening to on Spotify







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