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Dotfiles Bspwm For Debian 12/Ubuntu 22.04++

bspWM Logo

📃 Information

This Dotfiles use Polybar and EWW/ElKowars wacky widgets as bar. You can change the bar using Polybar or EWW.

Distro Debian 12
Terminal Alacritty
Widgets ElKowars wacky widgets
Shell Oh My Zsh
Launcher Rofi
Clipboard Rofi-Greenclip
Neovim Neovim-Astronvim
Compositor Picom
Music/Player MPD-Ncmpcpp
File Manager Thunar
Notification Dunst

⌨️ Some Keyboard Shortcuts to know

  • super + space Launcher Menu.
  • print Takes Screenshot.
  • super + return Open a terminal.
  • super + alt + Return Open a floating terminal.
  • alt + c Color Picker.
  • super + alt + w Changes randomly wallpaper.
  • super + alt + r Restart bspwm.

And more..

🖼️ Gallery

  • use eww bar

  • use eww with neofetch

  • use polybar

  • rofi launcher

  • Screenshoot

🔥 Setup

1.- First clone the repository

2.- Copy config :

  • ⚠️ WARNING: Configuration files may be overrided,please backup your config
cd dotfiles-bspwm
cp -r config/* ~/.config/
cp -r local/* ~/.local/
cp -r home/* ~/

3.- This dependecies only works for Debian 12/Ubuntu and based distro, for other distro you can search same packages

sudo apt install bspwm polybar sxhkd alacritty brightnessctl dunst rofi jq policykit-1-gnome git playerctl mpd ncmpcpp geany ranger mpc picom xdotool feh ueberzug maim pamixer libwebp-dev xdg-user-dirs nala webp-pixbuf-loader zsh zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting thunar thunar-volman thunar-archive-plugin gvfs gvfs-backends engrampa tint2 dmenu xdo jgmenu redshift xautolock fzf ytfzf yt-dlp gawk tumbler gpick neofetch xdg-utils python-is-python3 python3-gi gir1.2-nm-1.0 duf libglib2.0-bin btop ncdu bat exa wmctrl acpid xclip scrot acpi mpdris2 libplayerctl-dev gir1.2-playerctl-2.0 lxappearance bc
  • For eww

You can extract from folder app support and copy with sudo to /usr/bin/

  • For Neovim

Because Neovim in Debian 12 to old, you can install from folder app support or build from Neovim

  • For Fonts

Extract in ~/.local/share/fonts than run fc-cache -fv in terminal

  • To change bar, from polybar to eww
-- change this line =
eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww daemon &
polybar -q ryan-bar -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/config.ini &
#eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww open bar &

-- become =
#eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww daemon &
#polybar -q ryan-bar -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/config.ini &
eww -c "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/ryan/src/eww open bar &

-- in =

For other you can build from sources :

curl | bash -;
sudo mv greenclip /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/greenclip
git clone
cd tdrop
sudo make install

extract xqp form folder app and move folder "usr" to /


git clone
cd xqp
sudo make install

For Themes and icons :

**Dotfiles Configured at 1360x768 with 96 DPI on 1 monitor**


adi1090x, gh0stzk, rxyhn, AlphaTechnolog, Chick2D, siduck, bakkeby