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Available-for-hire badge built with tremendous help from these guys and ☕ is sponsored by @nguyenph88. Thank you so much for making it possible!

Is hiendv available for hire?


Copy this code and paste it into README (or in your project:

[![Is <username> available for hire?](<username>)](<username>)

Want to use this badge on your website? Here is the HTML version:

<a href="<username>">
  <img src="<username>" alt="Is <username> available for hire?" />

You hate this style? Try others by modifying the URL of the badge as follow:<username>/<style>

<username> is a GitHub username
<style> is a supported style

Current supported styles

  • default (null)
  • flat
  • Others will be added soon

But why?

Some of my friends want to embed the employment status into their open-source projects. But it takes too much time and effort to keep these information up-to-date across projects.
I thought it would be much cooler to tell people whether you're hireable or not with a badge.

The badges


Hireable Not hireable Error


Hireable Not hireable Error

badges/shields Specification is no longer on our road map. All styles are pre-generated.


Quickstart Installation

  • Download the latest release here
# Unzip
unzip hireable-v*.zip -d hireable && cd hireable

# Dependencies
npm install --production

# Config. See #configurations
vim config/production.json

# Environment
export NODE_ENV=production

# Serve
npm run serve

# You may also want to try pm2 or forever instead
# pm2 start lib/index.js --name=hireable


Hireable uses node-config

Configurations are stored in configuration files within your application, and can be overridden and extended by environment variables, command line parameters, or external sources.

Default configurations

    "Hireable": {
        "port": "1406"
    "GitHub": {
        "token": ""
    "Cache": {
        "maxAge": 0,
        "promise": true
    "Badge": {
        "images": {
            "yes": "yes.svg",
            "no": "no.svg",
            "error": "error.svg"
        "style": "default",
        "directory": "../styles"
    "User": {


  • But first, give me a ⭐. Thank you 😆
git clone && cd hireable
npm install
npm run dev

# Create a release?
npm run build && ls build


npm test


Issues and PRs are welcome !