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Exporting and sharing

Peter Kerpedjiev edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 4 revisions

View compositions can be shared through the JSON configuration files defining them. Configuration files can be exported through the view config menu by either exporting as a JSON file or a hyperlink. To restore the composition, links can be clicked* and JSON files can be dragged onto the HiGlass client to load their contents.

Below is an example JSON config file. It contains separate sections for each view along with a host of other information defining how the views in HiGlass are laid out, how they're linked to each other. Within each view are section for the tracks that it contains. Track definitions point to the dataset which they render and contain additional styling information.

  "editable": true,
  "zoomFixed": false,
  "trackSourceServers": [
  "exportViewUrl": "",
  "views": [
      "uid": "aa",
      "initialXDomain": [
      "autocompleteSource": "",
      "genomePositionSearchBoxVisible": true,
      "chromInfoPath": "//",
      "tracks": {
        "top": [
            "type": "horizontal-gene-annotations",
            "height": 60,
            "tilesetUid": "OHJakQICQD6gTD7skx4EWA",
            "server": "",
            "position": "top",
            "uid": "OHJakQICQD6gTD7skx4EWA",
            "name": "Gene Annotations",
            "chromInfoPath": "//",
            "type": "horizontal-chromosome-labels",
            "position": "top",
            "name": "Chromosome Labels (hg19)"
        "left": [
            "type": "vertical-gene-annotations",
            "width": 60,
            "tilesetUid": "OHJakQICQD6gTD7skx4EWA",
            "server": "",
            "position": "left",
            "name": "Gene Annotations",
            "options": {
                "labelPosition": "bottomRight"
            "chromInfoPath": "//",
            "type": "vertical-chromosome-labels",
            "position": "top",
            "name": "Chromosome Labels (hg19)"
        "center": [
            "uid": "c1",
            "type": "combined",
            "height": 200,
            "contents": [
                "server": "",
                "tilesetUid": "CQMd6V_cRw6iCI_-Unl3PQ",
                "type": "heatmap",
                "position": "center",
                "options": {
                  "colorRange": [
                  "maxZoom": null
                  "type": "2d-chromosome-grid",
                  "position": "center",
                  "chromInfoPath": "//",

            "position": "center"
        "right": [],
        "bottom": []
  "zoomLocks": {
    "locksByViewUid": {},
    "zoomLocksDict": {}