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Acoustats is like Spotify Wrapped®, but year-round.


The analyzer is the entire backbone of the system. It's what talks to's API to get a user's recently played tracks. It's also asynchronous, because otherwise it takes forever (for my account, 40+ minutes synchronous, 10-15 minutes asynchronous). The analyzer has been tested on macOS and Raspbian.

The analyzer requires a few environment variables, which you should set in the .env file (rename the .env.sample file to .env and fill in the values).

  • USERNAME: The username you want the analyzer to analyzer
  • TIMEFRAME: A timeframe value (must match the keys from the Timeframe enum)
    • TODAY
  • LAST_FM_API_KEY: Your API key (generate it here, then copy the API key)
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Spotify client ID and secret
    • To create these, you'll have to create an app in the Spotify developer dashboard
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new app, name it whatever, specify whatever URLs, and copy the client ID and secret
    • It doesn't matter whether the app is in development mode or not, as only you will be using the API
  • RAW_DUMP (optional): If you want the raw output from the analyzer, set this variable to anything. Omit it to return structured data.
    • The Discord bot uses structured data
  • ANALYZER_OUTPUT (optional): If you want detailed output from the analyzer, set this variable to anything. Omit it to not output details.
  • HISTORY_OUTPUT (optional): If you want a tracks.csv file generated for each user with the user's recent tracks history, set this variable to anything. Omit it to not output a file.

Before running the analyzer, make sure to run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install all dependencies.

The analyzer will generate three files per user, and one for all users. The universal file is a track cache (expires after a month), used to cache track data from, MusicBrainz, and Spotify. The per-user files are a user cache (stores recent tracks for a week, then clears the cache), a CSV file will the user's tracks (if the HISTORY_OUTPUT environment variable is set), and a JSON file with the results.

Discord Bot

The Discord bot is a frontend client for the analyzer. It's made with Node.js and Discord.js, with Node's built-in child_process library being used to call the analyzer. It's been tested on macOS and Raspbian.

The Discord bot also requires a few of its own environment variables, which you set in the .env file (rename the .env.sample file to .env and fill in the values).

  • DISCORD_TOKEN: Generate this with the following this guide on Discord.js's website
  • CLIENT_ID: Your bot's client ID
    • Go to the Discord Developer Portal, select your bot, go to "General Information", then copy the value for "Application ID"
  • GUILD_ID: Used to deploy slash commands to a particular server/guild, instead of all servers
    • Uncomment lines 9 and 132 in discord-bot/deploy-commands.js and comment line 133 to switch to single-server command deployment
    • Reverse to switch to global server deployment
  • PYTHONPATH (optional): The path to your Python executable
    • Defaults to the output from which python3

Before running npm run start, do two things.

  1. npm i or npm install
    • Installs all the dependencies
  2. Create an empty users.json file
    • Content should be the following: {}


This program is licensed under the AGPLv3 license.

Copyright (C) 2022 H. Kamran

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.