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/ edusys Public

API endpoints for teachers to perform administrative functions for their classes.


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An API service endpoint written for educators to manage students.


This API service is part of a technical exercise. It assumes that login and access control has been established.

This project focuses on the following:

  • Code readability and cleanliness
  • Secure coding practices
  • Code structure, abstraction. modularity and design
  • Testability
  • Extensibility
  • Documentation

Live Instance

You can access a live instance of this service at this base URL: Simply append the endpoint route to the base URL to consume it.

API Documentation

This set of API endpoints is documented in a Postman collection at /edusys.postman_collection.json. You can use it with Postman, view it on a web browser, or alternatively, use the Swagger UI documentation to browse API definitions and examples.

You can access the documentation here: Swagger API Documentation


To contribute to this project, please refer to the following sections to ready your development environment.


Before we begin, please ensure that you have Git and NodeJS installed. You can manually install them using packages from their download page. Alternatively, you can also use your favourite OS package manager to install them. This project requires NodeJS version >=8.10.0, so please ensure you have met the minimum dependency.

The /.gitignore file is included to leave out specific items from your commits.

This project also utilises ESLint and Prettier to enforce coding style and standards. You can optionally install these linters/formatters globally or locally and set up for use with your favourite editor using their respective editor plugins.

Linter configuration files are included to define linting rules:

  • /.eslintrc.json is used for .js files. This service is written in ES6.
  • /.prettierrc.json is used for general code formatting and is especially handy when used with hackable code editors such as Visual Studio Code or Atom.


  1. First, we begin by cloning this repository using Git.

    Open Terminal and navigate to your preferred directory:

    # e.g. cd ~/developer/projects
    cd [your preferred directory]

    Clone this repository to your current directory:

    # e.g. git clone
    git clone [repository url]

    If you are still unsure of how to find your repository url, you can follow Step 2 of the fork-a-repo guide.

  2. Next, we install all the required dependencies using a NodeJS package manager.

    Enter the local directory of the cloned repository:

    # e.g. cd edusys
    cd [project name]

    Install NodeJS dependencies using npm or Yarn:

    # If you are using npm:
    npm i
    # If you are using Yarn:
  3. Link your editor workspace to utilise the linter and formatter files provided in the cloned repository.

    To make use of the linter files, you need to find and install the right plugins for your editor:

    ESLint - VSCode | Atom | Sublime Text

    Prettier - VSCode | Atom | Sublime Text

Quick Start

This project utilises npm scripts defined in package.json.

To start this application locally in development mode, you can run:

# If you are using npm:
npm run start:dev

# If you are using Yarn:
yarn start:dev

This is equivalent to migrating and seeding the MySQL database, followed by running babel-node to transpile the ES6 module at the entrypoint app/server.js and executing it with the nodemon module locally with a NODE_ENV=development environment:

# Refer to package.json under 'scripts' for more details
NODE_ENV=development ./node_modules/.bin/knex migrate:latest
NODE_ENV=development ./node_modules/.bin/knex seed:run
NODE_ENV=development ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon --exec babel-node app/server.js

Now with the application running, you can make service calls to the root domain localhost:8080. Note that any changes made to the code will trigger a reload by nodemon to ensure that your server is up-to-date with those changes.

Database Engine and Client

This project uses MySQL for its database, and KnexJS as a query builder and data access engine.

  1. To set up MySQL on your machine:

    brew install mysql
  2. Start the service:

    brew services start mysql
  3. Set local credentials:

    mysqladmin -u root password 'password'

To link this project with your local SQL database, you can choose to use a database client, such as SequelPro. You can install it here: On MacOS Mojave, SequelPro sometimes crashes unexpectedly. In that case, please consider installing nightly builds instead: To do so on CLI on MacOS:

  1. Uninstall Sequel Pro (or delete it directly if installed manually):

    brew cask uninstall sequel-pro
  2. Install sequel-pro-nightly:

    brew cask install homebrew/cask-versions/sequel-pro-nightly
  3. Enter configuration settings in connection tab GUI. Note that for localhost, set host to Enter your local credentials for MySQL as well.

  4. Once you have logged in and connected, you can add a database by selecting Database > Add Database in the application window menu. Name your database and select the database encoding Default (utf8) and collation Default (utf8_general_ci).

Environment Variables

This project also uses dotenv to isolate enivronment-specific variables across .env files. For development, you can specify variables in /.env.development and thereafter you can access them in your source files using process.env.[YOUR_KEY]. To find out what you can put in .env files, you can look at .env.example. For example, you can use these files to specify your DB credentials.


The project is split into different aspects, namely:

  • /app/routes describes the API contracts exposed to users
  • /app/actions encapsulates the business logic behind the API services
  • /app/store yields the data access logic and configuration, abstracted by data access objects
  • /app/utils consists of errors, parsers, validators, etc. that are commonly accessed and shared throughout the service
  • /app/constants maintains a single source of truth for fixed strings, configuration parameters, etc.
  • /app/server.js is the entrypoint for the express application and manages the setup and bootstrapping of the project with middlewares and plugins


The project uses a combination of Mocha + Chai + Sinon to perform unit and integrated testing.

To run tests, use the CLI command as configured in package.json:

npm run test:dev

This is equivalent to invoking this command:

find ./app -name '*.spec.js' | NODE_ENV=development xargs ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --require @babel/register --require babel-polyfill -R spec --exit

The above identifies all test files in the entire project, named under the convention of *.spec.js, and transpile them using Babel before running it by Mocha. It also uses the --exit flag to force exit on completion, and -R spec specifies to use the spec reporter to output the test outcomes.

Running tests will invoke migrations and rollbacks on the database and may cause changes to the database. Please do not use the same database that you use to persist any form of data to test with. In the situation that you share the same test database as with the local API instance, you should remember to invoke:

 npm run migrate:dev

after testing and before you start the server. This is automatically done for you when you invoke npm run start:dev. This is to ensure that your database is up-to-date and created with the correct tables to handle data with.

In the situation that you need to perform a rollback, you can do:

npm run rollback:dev

Please check the package.json scripts section for more commands and details of how these commands are executed.

Built With


  • bcrypt: encryption and comparison of persisted sensitive data such as passwords
  • body-parser: parse request parameters into accessible objects
  • cors: enable cross-origin resource sharing requests for all origins
  • dotenv: modular and environment-specific variable sets
  • express: web framework and middlewares support
  • express-validator: validate request input parameters
  • knex: SQL query builder to abstract query complexities
  • mysql: relational database engine

Dev Dependencies

  • babel: transpiling from ES6
  • chai: assertion library for testing
  • eslint: code standard and linting
  • mocha: test framework
  • nodemon: "hot reloading" for NodeJS server application
  • prettier: code standard and formatting
  • sinon: function stubs and spies for tests


  • Huang Lie Jun - Initial development - hliejun


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


API endpoints for teachers to perform administrative functions for their classes.








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