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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 3, 2022. It is now read-only.


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The service frontend and first point of contact for individual and representative users. This is where they first access the service and are prompted to submit a number or questions regarding their and their hearing suitability as in terms of video hearings.

They will then, once submitted, be redirected to the vh-video-web.

Running code coverage

  1. Install the report generator dotnet tool

You may need to restart your prompt to get the updated path.

  1. CD into the ServiceWebsite folder

  2. Run the command for windows or osx ./ or run_coverage.bat

The coverage report will open automatically after run, joining the results for both integration and unit tests.

Sonar Cloud

Quality Gate Status

Build Status

Build Status

Generating the clients

If the interface for either the MVC or the Bookings API is updated these can be rebuilt using the following commands:

In the ServiceWebsite/ClientApp folder:

npx nswag run api-ts.nswag

In the ServiceWebsite.UserAPI.Client project:

npx nswag run user-api-csharp.nswag 

In the ServiceWebsite.BookingsAPI.Client project:

npx nswag run booking-api-csharp.nswag 

Running accessibility linting

In the ClientApp folder run node accessibility_lint.js. Will output a json with any issues.

#Localization In html files, for localised text, set attribute 'i18n' for element or attribute with a unique identifier like i18n="@@customerId".

For inner text:

<p i18n="@@useCameraMicrophone_p_1">Switch on camera.</p>

For attribute:

<input value="Continue" i18n-value="@@useCameraMicrophone_btn_continue" type="button" />

For custom inputs/attribute, you have to use the canonical binding form:

<app-details [detailsTitle]="titleVariable"><app-details>

Would be:

<app-details bind-detailsTitle="titleVariable" i18n-bind-details="@@detailsTitle><app-details> 

Create a translation source file in the ServiceWebsite/ClientApp folder:

ng xi18n --output-path translate

It will create folder 'translate' and source file 'messages.xlf'

##Branch name git hook will run on pre commit and control the standard for new branch name.

The branch name should start with: feature/VIH-XXXX-branchName (X - is digit). If git version is less than 2.9 the pre-commit file from the .githooks folder need copy to local .git/hooks folder. To change git hooks directory to directory under source control run (works only for git version 2.9 or greater) : $ git config core.hooksPath .githooks

##Commit message The commit message will be validated by prepare-commit-msg hook. The commit message format should start with : 'feature/VIH-XXXX : ' folowing by 8 or more characters description of commit, otherwise the warning message will be presented.

Run Stryker

To run stryker mutation test, go to UnitTest folder under command prompt and run the following command

dotnet stryker

From the results look for line(s) of code highlighted with Survived\No Coverage and fix them.

If in case you have not installed stryker previously, please use one of the following commands


dotnet tool install -g dotnet-stryker


dotnet tool install dotnet-stryker

To update latest version of stryker please use the following command

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-stryker