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This is a dummy project design to illustrate how to implement mutation testing with Stryker and Docker. For more information check this blog post.

  • Install dependencies.
    $ npm install
  • Run a docker container to get reports.
    docker run \
        -v $(pwd):/srv \
        -w /srv \
        --rm -ti \
        hndoss/stryker-js:11-alpine run
  • Check the results.
    Ran all tests for this mutant.
    Ran 0.80 tests per mutant on average.
    File                   | % score | # killed | # timeout | # survived | # no cov | # error |
    All files              |   46.67 |        4 |         3 |          8 |        0 |       0 |
    app.component.spec.ts  |   46.67 |        4 |         3 |          8 |        0 |       0 |
    15:53:38 (1) INFO DashboardReporter Dashboard report is not sent when not running on a build server
    15:53:38 (1) INFO HtmlReporter Your report can be found at: file:///srv/reports/mutation/html/index.html
    15:53:38 (1) INFO Stryker Done in 28 seconds.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.3.