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hosseinmd committed Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 4088756 commit 76ed2e7
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 15 deletions.
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions
Expand Up @@ -182,21 +182,21 @@ Description is formatting as Markdown, so you could use any features of Markdown

## Options

| Key | type | Default | description |
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| jsdocCapitalizeDescription | Boolean | true |
| jsdocSeparateReturnsFromParam | Boolean | false | Add an space between last @param and @returns |
| jsdocSeparateTagGroups | Boolean | false | Add an space between tag groups |
| jsdocPreferCodeFences | Boolean | false | Always fence code blocks (surround them by triple backticks) |
| tsdoc | Boolean | false |
| jsdocPrintWidth | Number | undefined | If You don't set value to jsdocPrintWidth, the printWidth will be use as jsdocPrintWidth. |
| jsdocLineWrappingStyle | String | "greedy" | "greedy": Lines wrap as soon as they reach the print width |
| Key | type | Default | description |
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| jsdocSpaces | Number | 1 |
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| jsdocCommentLineStrategy | ("singleLine","multiline","keep") | "singleLine |
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| jsdocSeparateReturnsFromParam | Boolean | false | Add an space between last @param and @returns |
| jsdocSeparateTagGroups | Boolean | false | Add an space between tag groups |
| jsdocPreferCodeFences | Boolean | false | Always fence code blocks (surround them by triple backticks) |
| tsdoc | Boolean | false |
| jsdocPrintWidth | Number | undefined | If You don't set value to jsdocPrintWidth, the printWidth will be use as jsdocPrintWidth. |
| jsdocLineWrappingStyle | String | "greedy" | "greedy": Lines wrap as soon as they reach the print width |

Full up to date list and description of options can be found in Prettier help. First install plugin then run Prettier with "--help" option.

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