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Super simple webgl 3D engine, but it work.


  • Force you to write shader code
  • Phong reflection model
  • Directional light shadow map
  • Hierarchy modeling
  • Work well with css and responsive to window resize

Katachi showcase


the ball will start rolling, if you go close to temple or mouse left click



import Katachi from './Katachi/Katachi';

let configJsonPath = "./Dataset/katachi_basic_layout.json"; //Relative to public folder
window.onload = () => {
    .then(function(response) {
        return response.json();
    .then(function(myJson) {
        let katachi = new Katachi(myJson);

What config json file look like

You can create your shader inside 'shader' column or create with other method; However, do not edit the default shader settings

   "canvas_dom_query" : "#webgl_canvas", //Point to the canvas id
   "shaders" : [
           "id" : "glprogram@standard_material", //Do not edit this id
           "vertex" : "./glsl/basic/standard_mat.vert", //File path relate to public folder
           "fragment" : "./glsl/basic/standard_mat.frag"
           "id" : "glprogram@unlit_material", //Do not edit this id
           "vertex" : "./glsl/basic/unlit_mat.vert",
           "fragment" : "./glsl/basic/unlit_mat.frag"
           "id" : "glprogram@depth_material", //Do not edit this id
           "vertex" : "./glsl/basic/depth_mat.vert",
           "fragment" : "./glsl/basic/depth_mat.frag"

Engine Update loop

//katachi.setup return a boolean, indictacting if the initialization is goint well
//func UpdateLoop will be call in every frame
this.katachiIsReady = await katachi.SetUp(this.UpdateLoop.bind(this));

function UpdateLoop(timeInSecond : number) {
 //Do something need iteration here


Support Perspective and orthographic projection = ProjectionType.Perspective; = 70; //foxy only work in perspective; = ProjectionType.Orthographic; = 5; //SizeOrtho only work in ortho project[0] * speed, 0, direction[1] * speed); //Camera is able to move and rotate around

Create some primitive shape

Current only Cube and Quad is support

//Its using glprogram@standard_material by default, but you are enable to create customize material
let Quad = katachi.shapeBuilder.BuildQuad();
let Cube = katachi.shapeBuilder.BuildCube();

Quad.transform.Scale(0.2); // Scale to 0.2 percent
Quad.transform.SetPosition(-1.2, 0, -1); // x, y, z

Quad.transform.Rotate( Math.PI*1.5, 0,0 ); //Rotate in euler coordinate, and use radian unit

//Remember to append them to scene

//Remove object from scene


SetPosition, Scale, Rotate, SetEuler, Translate

  • SetPosition : Set object position in world position
  • Scale : Scale the size of object
  • Rotate : rotate in euler angle (radian)
  • SetEuler : Set euler coordinate directly (radian)
  • Translate : Move object base on its orientation
  //What the code is doing, behind the scene
  function Translate(x : number, y : number , z :number) {
    let translate  = (transform.forward * z) + (transform.right * x) + (transform.up * y);
    transform.position = transform.position + translate;

Hierarchy Modeling

Set object as child to another object, therefore, its transform now act relatively to its parent

  katachi.scene.SetParent(childObject, parentObject);
  katachi.scene.SetParent(childObject, null); // Move childObject back to root hierarchy

GLTF Loader

Only support gltf seperate files (.gltf, .bing, textures)

GLTF Scene JSON Layout

export interface SceneLayoutType {
    gltf : GLTFMarkoutType[];

export interface GLTFMarkoutType {
    id: string,
    path : string;
    position : number[]; //Vector3
    orientation : number[]; //Vector3
    scale : number;
    specular : number,
    parent_id : string;

Json sample code

       "id" : "gltf@island", //Unique from others
       "path" : "./Dataset/gltf/floating_island/island.gltf", //Relative path to gltf files
       "position" : [0, -2.5, 0], 
       "orientation" : [0,0,0], //In degree unit
       "scale" : 4.2,
       "specular" : 0.1, // Specular light for phong reflection model
       "parent_id" : "" // Hierarchy modeling; Insert id that is instantiate before this object; no parent if empty

GLTFSceneLoader Implementation

    import GLTFSceneLoader from './Katachi/Utility/GLTFSceneLoader';
    let gltfSceneLoader = new GLTFSceneLoader();
    async function LoadSceneContent(katachi : Katachi, gltfSceneLayout : SceneLayoutType) {
            await gltfSceneLoader.LoadGLTFContent(katachi, sceneLayoutType);    
            //Get ShapeObject
            let selectedShapeObject : ShapeObject = GetGLTFShapeObject.GetGLTFShapeObject("gltf@island");


Create your own (TDB)

Set material property

  //Set texture, path link is relative to public folder
  katachi.materialManager.LoadTextureToObject(CubeObject, "u_mainTex", "./texture/Personal_01.png");
  //Set Color or other integer or array properties
  // Color is given as example here, it is a vec4, and need gl.uniform4fv to process it
  //Check the link below, to see what is avilable
  mainCube.SetCustomUniformAttr("u_mainColor", {value : [1, 1, 1, 1], isMatrix : false, function : this.katachi.webglContext.uniform4fv})


If you want to write custom shader, there is some predefine variable are required, and other base on your perference

Vert shader (Require)
Attribute name Purpose
vec4 a_vertex Vertex
vec4 a_color Vertex color
vec3 a_normal Normal
vec2 a_uv UV

Yes, they look pretty straight forward

Vert shader
Uniform name Purpose
mat4 u_modelMatrix Model Matrix
mat4 u_MVPMatrix MVP Matrix
u_inverseTransposeModelMatrix Need this to make normal look right, while rotated
  v_normal = normalize(mat3(u_inverseTransposeModelMatrix) * a_normal);
Fragment shader
Uniform name Purpose
float u_time World time in second
vec4 u_mainColor Main color
sampler2D u_mainTex Main texture
vec3 u_directionLightDir Light orientation
vec4 u_directionLightColor Light color
vec4 u_ambientLightColor Ambient light color

Roadmap, Order by priority

  • Experient on how to create custom shader with ease
  • 3D object loader (Which format not decide yet, maybe gltf)
  • Make better demo scene
  • Booming effect
  • Stencil shader

Third party tool

  • gl-matrix (prettry good one, it function as Float32Array by default)
  • webgl-gltf (So I don't have to parse gltf binary file)


Self make WebGl 1.0 3D engine.







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