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Pull requests that update a dependency file
status: accepted
status: accepted
This issue has been accepted and assigned to someone for implementation.
status: blocked
status: blocked
Another issue or external requirement is preventing implementation
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This issue has already been raised
status: help wanted
status: help wanted
This issue is tentatively accepted pending a volunteer committed to its implementation
status: needs reproduction
status: needs reproduction
A reproduction is required to support the issue.
status: not enough info
status: not enough info
status: revisions needed
status: revisions needed
This issue requires additional information to be actionable
status: under review
status: under review
Further discussion is needed to determine this issue's scope and/or implementation
type: annoyance
type: annoyance
type: bug
type: bug
A confirmed report of unexpected behavior in the application
type: chore
type: chore
Changes to the application which do not directly impact the end user
type: documentation
type: documentation
A change or addition to the documentation
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature
type: feature
type: feature
Introduction of new functionality to the application