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Capstone project for RS School Machine Learning course.

This project uses Forest Cover Type Prediction dataset.


This package allows you to train model for detecting the presence of heart disease in the patient.

  1. Clone this repository to your machine.
  2. Download Forest Cover Type Prediction dataset, save csv locally (default path is data/ in repository's root). The project only needs the train.csv and test.csv(for prediction only) tables.
  3. Make sure Python 3.9 (I use Python 3.9.12) and Poetry are installed on your machine (I use Poetry 1.1.13).
  4. Install the project dependencies (run this and following commands in a terminal, from the root of a cloned repository):
poetry install --no-dev
  1. Run train with the following command:
poetry run train

Or if you need to manually define the dataset path and the model saving path:

poetry run train -d <path to csv with data> -s <path to save trained model>

You can configure additional options (such as hyperparameters) in the CLI. To get a full list of them, use help:

poetry run train --help

For more information, see the scripts section.

  1. Run MLflow UI to see the information about experiments you conducted:
poetry run mlflow ui


The code in this repository must be tested, formatted with black, linted by flake8, and pass mypy typechecking before being commited to the repository.

Install all requirements (including dev requirements) to poetry environment:

poetry install

Now you can use developer instruments, e.g. flake8:

poetry run flake8

Format your code with black using poetry:

poetry run black <dir>

And so on.


  1. In order to make a report using pandas_profiling you need to execute:
poetry run profile_data

The command creates a data profile in the specified directory in the format 'profile_{name}_{suffix}.html'. This command has the following options:

-d/--dataset-path - path to dataset (default: data\train.csv).

-o/--output_dir - path to save profile in output directory (default: data/profiles). If directory not exists - directory will be created.

  1. For train model manually:
poetry run train

This command has the following options:

-d/--dataset-path - path to dataset (default: data\train.csv).

-s/--save-model-path - path to save the model (default: data\model.joblib).

--random-state - random state for model elements (default: 42)

--k-folds - n splits for KFolds (default: 5)

--parallel - it's a flag. If specified in sklearn objects (if possible) pass kwarg n_jobs=-1 otherwise n_jobs=None

-m/--model - selected model (default: knn, possible options: {knn, forest}). 'knn' is a KNeighborsClassifier, 'forest' is a RandomForestClassifier.

--model-kw - hyperparameter for a model. The command can be entered several times. The command requires 3 arguments in the format PARAMETER_NAME VALUE_TYPE VALUE (for example: --model-kw n_neighbors int 5/--model-kw metric str minkowski)

--scale - it's a flag. If specified add scaler to the pipeline.

--scaler - scaler for pipeline (default: standard, possible options: {standard, minmax}). 'standard' is a StandardScaler, 'minmax' is a MinMaxScaler.

--normalize - it's a flag. If specified add Normalizer to the pipeline.

--k-best - k parameter for SelectKBest (default: 0). If it is zero - SelectKBest will not be included in the pipeline.

--save-cfg - it's a flag. If specified save config file with train parameters. (see train_by_cfg command)

--cfg-path - path to save config (default: data\model_settings.ini).

  1. For train the model with parameters from config file:
poetry run train_by_cfg

This command has the following options:

--cfg-path - path to save config (default: data\model_settings.ini).

Config file has two optional sections - general and model_kw.

In general section format is PARAM = VALUE. parameter name is the same as the name of the entry in the console of the full option name, only without the '--' at the beginning and with '-' replaced by '_'. Flags are written in the same way as for a boolean value. Example:

dataset_path = data\train.csv
save_model_path = data\model.joblib
random_state = 42
k_folds = 5
parallel = False
scale = True
scaler = standard
normalize = False
k_best = 15
model = knn

model_kw is the section with a hyperparameters for a model. In this section format is PARAMETER_NAME = VALUE_TYPE VALUE. Example:

n_neighbors = int 5
metric = str minkowski
  1. To find the hyperparameters of the model in semi-automatic mode:
poetry run find_best

This command has the following options:

-d/--dataset-path - path to dataset (default: data\train.csv).

-s/--save-model-path - path to save the model (default: data\best_model.joblib).

--random-state - random state for model elements (default: 42)

-m/--model - selected model (default: knn, possible options: {knn, forest}). 'knn' is a KNeighborsClassifier, 'forest' is a RandomForestClassifier.

--scale - it's a flag. If specified add scaler to the pipeline.

--scaler - scaler for pipeline (default: standard, possible options: {standard, minmax}). 'standard' is a StandardScaler, 'minmax' is a MinMaxScaler.

--normalize - it's a flag. If specified add Normalizer to the pipeline.

--n-jobs - the number of processes to run the script in parallel.

  1. For make a prediction:
poetry run predict

This command has the following options:

-d/--dataset-path - path to dataset (default: data\test.csv).

-s/--model-path - path to a dump of the model (default: data\best_model.joblib).

-s/--save-prediction-path - path to save the prediction (default: data\submission.joblib).

  1. For run tests:
poetry run unittests


  1. Screenshot from mlflow iu with three different sets of hyperparameters, two different feature engineering techniques, and two different ML models.

MLFlow runs

  1. Screenshot from mlflow iu with result by find_best command.

MLFlow runs

  1. Screenshot with the passed tests by nox.

MLFlow runs

  1. Screenshot with result from kaggle. Еhe result is obtained with train -m forest --model-kw criterion str entropy

MLFlow runs


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