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Hi there! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Terminal and browser are what a web developer really need on a creative journey.

Development Stack

My currently preferred stack

if (( MacOS and Nix ) or ( NixOS and Gnome ))
  and ( Fish and Git and Dotbot )
  and ( Ruby or Python or Node )
  and ( YAML or LibSQL or ( Postgres and PostgREST ))
  and ( Stylus and Slim and CoffeeScript )
  "I'm a unicorn like you, let's chat!"
  "I can help you become a mythical creature like me, let's chat."

Archived Stack

My "too old for this tech" table, or "I forgot how that tech was called" table , if you will.

Category Items
Browsers Chrome, Chromium, IE6-8, Netscape-Mozilla-Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thor, Web (Epiphany)
Bundlers PostCSS, RequireJS, esbuild, parcel, postcss, vite, webpack
CLI Tools awk, curl, dig, find, grep, htop, ip, nmap, nslookup, ping, socat, rename, rsync, scp, sed, ssh, traceroute, wget, whois, wp-cli, xargs
Code Editors Adobe Dreamweaver, Aptana, Atom, Brackets, Coffeecup HTML Editor, Eclipse, Nano, NetBeans, Notepad++, PHPStorm, Sublime text, TextMate, VSCode, Vim, WebStorm
Communication Discord, Gmail, Google Meet, Hey, Skype, Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Zoom
Database Clients Adminer, Sequel Pro, TablePlus, pgAdmin, phpMyAdmin
Databases CouchDB, Google Spreadsheet, MariaDB, MySQL, Percona, Postgres, Redis, SQLite
Frameworks Backbone, Bootstrap, CodeIgniter, Express, FastAPI, Fastify, Flight, Hotwire, Laravel, Nuxt, React, Ruby on Rails, Tailwind, Vue
Graphic Design Figma, Gimp, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Pixelmator, Sketch
Javascript Libraries RTLCSS, date-fn, jQuery, lodash, underscore
Language Managers asdf, fnm, nvm, pyenv, rbenv, rvm
Languages AppScript, CoffeeScript, Gherkin, JavaScript, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, SQL, Shell
Linters and Formatters Black, ESlint, Editorconfig, PHPCBF, PHP_CodeSniffer, Prettier, Rubocop, StyleLint
Markup Languages CSS, HTML, Less, Markdown, SASS, SVG, Stylus
Officeware Alfred, Google Workplace, Raycast
Operation Systems Android, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, iOS, iPadOS, macOS since Leopard, NixOS, Ubuntu desktop && server, Windows 98 to XP
Package Managers Brew, Bundler, Composer, apt, dpkg, gem, mas, nix, npm, opkg, pip, pipenv, pnpm, rpm, virtualenv, yarn
Platforms Drupal, Eleventy, Ghost, Jekyll, Joomla, Middleman, Shopify, WordPress
Project and Task Managers Asana, Basecamp, ClickUp, JIRA, Microsoft Todo, Monday, Notion, TickTick, Todoist, Trello
Routers OpenWRT, RouterOS, pfSense
Server Virtualization Docker and compose, LazyDocker, Parallels, Proxmox, Synology DSM, Ubuntu server, Vagrant, VirtualBox, unRAID
Shells bash, fish, zsh
Structured Text Formats CSV, CalDav, CardDav, ICS, INI, JSON Schema, JSON, OpenAPI, TOML, VCard, XML, YAML
Task Runners and Deployers Ant, Capistrano, Deployer, Fabric, Gulp, Rake, Taskfile, WordMove
Template Engines Blade, ERB, Haml, Handlebars, Jinja, Liquid, Nunjucks, Pug, Slim, Smarty, Timber, Twig, mjml, mustache, swig, underscore
Terminal Emulators Console, Kitty, iTerm
Testing Bruno, Chrome Devtools, Cucumber, Cypress, Firebug, Jasmine, Jest, Minitest, Node, PHPUnit, Postman, Puppeteer, RSpec, Selenium, Xdebug
Text Editors Apple Notes, GoodNotes, Notepad, Obsidian, Simplenote, iA Writer
Time Trackers Everhour, Toggl
Version Control git, mercury, svn
Window and Tile Managers Gnome, Magnet, Moom, Unity, Yabai

The table in active shaping and adjustment โ€” see it's evolution on the commits page. Might build a script to maintain it ๐Ÿคž.


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