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I love developing TypeScript Applications. I hate deploying TypeScript applications to AWS Lambda.

This project serves as an example for deploying TypeScript applications to AWS using a little bit of custom configuration and the serverless framework.

For a better understanding of the project, I suggest reading the associated articles:

  1. Authenticate Lambda Requests with ALB and Google OAuth: Part 1.
  2. **Authenticate Lambda Requests with ALB and Google OAuth: Part 2

Get Started

If you learn by doing, install the project dependencies and run either one of the following commands:

$ yarn build-deploy
$ npm run build-deploy

This command will build the TypeScript services defined in the src/ directory and deploy them to AWS. When you go to the CloudFormation service in the AWS Console, you'll see a new stack named web-forum-ts-dev, which is defined in the serverless.yml. The stack will contain THREE main resources:

  1. ForumThreads: DynamoDB Table.
  2. CreateForumLambdaFunction: AWS Lambda Function.
  3. CreateThreadLambdaFunction: AWS Lambda Function.

To test the functions, here's some sample input

// Create Forum
  "ForumName": "Fix The Title",
  "User": "Jane Doe",

// Create Thread
  "ForumName": "Fix The Title",
  "ThreadTitle": "NewThread",
  "User": "Jane Doe",
  "PostedTime": "2021-01-01T22:00:00.000",
  "Message": "First thread!!!"

Please note that the ForumName provided in the payload for the CreateThread Lambda must be a valid Forum Name, meaning it must exist in the table.

Data Model

This application uses a DynamoDB Single Table design pattern for its backend. I wrote an article explaining how I modeled the data for this application, and if you're interested, you can read that here.

Project Contents

To minimize the risk of information overload, this release contains just two Lambda services:

  1. Create a new Forum.
  2. Create a new Thread within an established Forum.

Additionally, I left out unit tests and formatters/linters so that we can focus on the important files for deploying our TypeScript application.


An example of how to set up the an ALB that authenticates requests using OIDC and the serverless framework.






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