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Tools for work with Markdown (Editor/Viewer/Converter)

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License: GPL


This is a set of applications to work with Markdown, including editor, HTML preview viewer, converter to PDF.


    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Igor Mironchik <>
    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later


To build these applications first of all install dependencies:

  • openssl
  • freetype
  • libjpeg
  • libpng
  • zlib
  • libxml2
  • fontconfig
  • extra-cmake-modules
  • kf6-syntax-highlighting
  • Qt6

With these dependencies installed just open CMakeLists.txt in QtCreator (or use CMake from command line) and run build.

You can use Conan to install some dependencies.

Fontconfig should be installed in system, as using Fontconfig from Conan leads to ugly UI.

One more thing - don't use jom.

On what platforms better use Conan to build markdown-tools?

I don't suggest to use Conan on MacOS, there will be conflicts with brew and system libraries, as I suggest to use Fontconfig from system. There will be problems. Just use brew on MacOS to install dependencies.

On Windows Conan is a fresh wind to build this project.

On Linux you can use what you want, that is why this is my favorite OS.

Known issues

  • Generated TOC may not work on GitHub if heading has text separated with two or more spaces. I will generate label like text is separated with one space, i.e. label will look like: text-text, where - replaces space, whereas GitHub will do text--text, i.e. two - for two spaces. To keep heading's auto labels work just don't use redundant spaces in headings, and TOC will work both in this editor and on GitHub.

  • Don't use HTML attribute class in HTML tags, it can lead to wrongly rendered content. GitHub do a magick in this case, it just deletes class attribute, but this editor places HTML tags as they present.

  • Links hovering may not change cursor shape due to QTBUG-111927

  • Strange behaviour of font combo box in fonts dialog on check in/out check box to constraint fonts to monospaced due to QTBUG-112145

  • I do not render HTML tags in PDF.

  • Some LaTeX Math expressions can be wrongly rendered. I use very good library JKQtPlotter to render LaTeX Math, and not everything is implemented there. But most common math things are done.

  • I don't support right-to-left languages and languages that don't separate words with spaces. I don't know theirs rules to adapt algorithms1.

  • LaTeX math expressions can be rendered a little differently on different platforms due to QTBUG-104790, that is why I don't have auto tests for them.


  1. If you are one from these groups of people - you are welcome to make PRs to adapt this application to your language.