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react-scripts@4 Issue with Importing CSS from Another CSS from a Sibling Monorepo Package

This repo reproduces the issue facebook/create-react-app#10373.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Check out the repository
  2. Do yarn && yarn build
  3. Build fails


ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: You attempted to import ../../package1/index.css which falls outside of the project src/ directory. Relative imports outside of src/ are not supported.
You can either move it inside src/, or add a symlink to it from project's node_modules/.

Issue Description

The "culprit" of the error is import statement in index.css:

@import '~@my-company/package1/index.css';

It imports CSS from a sibling package in the monorepo controlled by yarn workspaces. Note that it's not a relative import, yet a proper import from node_modules.


  • This issue is a behavior change in react-scripts@4, identical example with react-scripts@3 works.
  • Import is basically identical to JS import in index.js from the same @my-company/package1. JS import works fine, so it's reasonable to expect CSS import to be fine as well.

Repo Structure

It's a monorepo controlled by yarn workspaces. There are two packages:

  1. @my-company/package1 - simple package from which files are imported
  2. @my-company/app - application created with yarn create react-app app

The application attempts to make imports from the package1 package.

Issue Observations / Troubleshooting

The build error originates from ModuleScopePlugin.js. With react-scripts@3 this CSS import falls into this if condition. Since monorepo has symlinks from node_modules to the packages, either request.descriptionFileRoot is not a resolved symlink and therefore contains node_modules, or it's a resolved symlink but then request.__innerRequest_request isn't defined.

With react-scripts@4 when it hits this condition, request.descriptionFileRoot is a resolved symlink, so it doesn't contain node_modules, and request.__innerRequest_request does have a value.


Reproduction of react-scripts@4 issue with CSS imports inside yarn workspaces monorepo, see facebook/create-react-app#10373






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