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Cordova plugin for the Google Fit (SDK)

Status: WIP, checkout API section


[ ] Check if we can simplify the gradle-extras script and extend it automatically with a cordova plugin.xml option.

Status / API

The current WIP project contains methods to connect via OAuth to Google Fit and support methods to read the user weight and height.


Success callback was always called with 'OK'.

Error callback was called with an error string.

navigator.googlefit.connect(function() {'Connected successfully!');
}, function() {
	console.warn('Connection failed:', error);

Read weight:

TODO: Options could be used to get the weight for a specific date (from, to). Always just the latest result was returned.

Success callback contains an weight object. DOES NOT MATCH HEALTHKIT API YET.

Error callback was called with an error string.

navigator.googlefit.readWeight({}, function(weight) {;
}, function(error) {
	console.warn('Read weight failed:', error);

Read height:

TODO: Options could be used to get the height for a specific date (from, to). Always just the latest result was returned.

Success callback contains an height object. DOES NOT MATCH HEALTHKIT API YET.

Error callback was called with an error string.

navigator.googlefit.readHeight({}, function(height) {;
}, function(error) {
	console.warn('Read height failed:', error);

See also www/googlefit.js


  • Java JDK 1.7 / 7 or greater
  • Android SDK
  • Installed Android Platform and Google Play Services (see next step) within the Android SDK
  • A Google Developer Console project with enabled "Fitness API" and a client certificate.

NOTICE: The Google Developer Project is required for any developer which will deploy the app on a local device -- or you share the APK signing key.

(See section about Application Client ID and certificate fingerprint below.)

For more information please read the Google Fit Getting Started on Android documention.

Prepare your project

Install plugin

cordova plugin add

Or, while developing:

cordova plugin rm de.ilpt.plugins.googlefit && cordova plugin add ../cordova-plugin-googlefit

Add Google Play Services dependency

Within your cordova android project create or extend the file platforms/android/build-extras.gradle with the Google Play Services or the Google Fit dependency:

dependencies {
	compile ''


dependencies {
	compile ''

Also update the platforms/android/build.gradle Java version from

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_6
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_6


    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_7

NOTICE: The Google Play Services will not be downloaded from a central Maven repository. Instead you can download them manuelly with the android program.

Download Google Play Services

  • On OSX with Android Studio just open ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android
  • Then install the latest version of Extras > Google Play Services

The downloaded files are available under within the SDK, for example.


List installed library variants:

find ~/Library/Android/sdk/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/android/gms -iname '?.?.?' | sed 's/.*gms.//'

Application client ID and certificate

  1. Create a project within the Google Developer Console
  2. Enable the "APIs → Auth" → "APIs" → "Fitness API"
  3. Create a Client ID and submit your signing identity (fingerprint):

Create a SHA1 fingerprint of the certificate you use to sign your APK. For developers this is, in most cases, automatically generated and stored in ~/.android/debug.keystore.

keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -list -v

Create a new "APs & Auth" → "Credentials" → "OAuth - "Create new Client ID" and select "Installed Application" → "Android". (Probably you must create a consent screen first..)

Enter your app package name which you find in your cordova.xml or in platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml (as package attribute) and your signing fingerprint.

NOTICE: It is NOT required to provide this information anywhere within your app. :)

Debug the plugin

This plugin will call your success or failure callbacks for any javascript function. For debugging it uses the Android Log command with the tag GoogleFit so you can filter all relevant debug information with logcat:

adb logcat -s GoogleFit:d

Or, if you want debug Cordova too:

adb logcat -s GoogleFit:d CordovaActivity:d CordovaApp:d CordovaWebViewImpl:d CordovaInterfaceImpl:d CordovaBridge:d PluginManager:d Config:d


To build this project locally you need the Cordova Framework for Android which could be easy downloaded via npm. Just run npm install. After that you can import the project also with Android Studio.

You can build and verified it, incl. Android Lint, with ./gradlew build.