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Creates RTK Query API code from an OpenAPI 3.x schema.

If you are actually looking for a service like this, you should use RTK Query's official codegen guide. This is just a test project.


$  bunx --bun blup --src "" --outDir "./out"

CLI args

  • --src (-s)*: The source of the OpenAPI schema. Can be a URL or a relative path. Make sure to start with http/https if it is a URL.
  • --outDir (-o)*: The output directory for the resulting files. Relative current working directory
  • --baseUrl (-b)?: The base URL for the API. Defaults to

Set up API schema

This tool will do its best to generate code that is usable even if your schema does not contains tags or summaries - but adding this will greatly enhance the quality of the code produced in regards to naming and categorizing the queries and mutations.


To get the most out of this utility, your openapi schema should utilize tags. Tags should be defined both at top level, and used in the relevant endpoints that you want to group into one API.

We might generate the same query in multiple places if you add multiple tags, but that will also mean that query invalidation will work better - and it's a quick job for you to remove duplicate endpoints from the APIs that you don't want it in afterwards.

If you don't have tags in your schema, we will use the first path segment to group your endpoints, which might be sub-optimal.


Your endpoints should contain a summary. This summary will be used to name your queries and mutations:

"Create User"
// ==>

"Update multiple users"
// ==>

Example output

You can check out the out folder to see a full example output, when executed on the Spotify OpenAPI schema.


import { baseApi } from "./baseApi";
import { GetAvailableMarketsResponse } from "./types";

export const marketsApi = baseApi.injectEndpoints({
  endpoints: (builder) => ({
    getAvailableMarkets: builder.query<GetAvailableMarketsResponse, unknown>({
      query: (args) => ({
        url: `/markets`,
        method: "GET",
      providesTags: () => ["Markets"],

export const { useGetAvailableMarketsQuery } = marketsApi;


import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from "@reduxjs/toolkit/dist/query/react";
const tags = [
] as const;

export const baseApi = createApi({
  tagTypes: tags,
  reducerPath: "baseApi",
  baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: "" }),
  endpoints: (builder) => ({}),