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Implements simple HTTP traffic protection middleware for node-based express-like web-servers to detect and block abnormal activity on a server from a detected IP sources.

Simple configuration allows to set desired limit on number of requests per given time period and define the blacklist threshold for the users which are by exceeding the limit continue to send requests to the server.

The service protected by this module may be configured on a code level or by setting environment variables.


  • redis server


npm i @imqueue/http-protect


import HttpProtect from '@imqueue/http-protect';

app.use(new HttpProtect().jsonMiddleware());

Or it is possible to do manual injection:

import HttpProtect, { VerificationStatus } from '@imqueue/http-protect';
import { getClientIp } from 'request-ip';

// inside some async function in the code
const protect = new HttpProtect();
const { status, httpCode } = await protect.verify(getClientIp(req));

switch (status) {
    case VerificationStatus.LIMITED: {
        // user us reached request limit, but not blacklisted yet.
        // warn about abnormal usage
    case VerificationStatus.BANNED: {
        // bad traffic source, requests must be banned
    default: {
        // good request, safe to go

This module aldo provides simple API to check if given IP is blacklisted or not, or get the list of banned network addresses:

import HttpProtect from '@imqueue/http-protect';

const protect = new HttpProtect();

// get the list of banned networks

// check if given IP is currently banned or not

// check if given IP is currently limited or not

This module uses redis server to deal with requests counters and banned networks. It also based on ioredis module to connect to redis server, so you might want to configure it via constructor options or bypass existing ioredis instance in the options. Please, refer HttpProtectOptions interface for more details.



Happy Coding!