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indoor= generate Mapbox's Vector Tiles (MVT) of OpenStreetMap indoor data. It implements parts of Simple Indoor Tagging.


indoor= is build with openmaptiles-tools.


In development, you should disable tiles caching.

Edit docker-compose.override.yml:

version: "3"
    - "8090:8090"

And follow the usage instructions.

You can also run tests written with pgTAP:



Import data from OpenStreetMap

To start the initial import of the planet:


To use another area than the planet, open .env file and update the AREA variable with the name of your area. Use make list-geofabrik to find the available names. Then run ./script/import.

Import your own data

  1. Prepare .osm file with JOSM or other tool
  2. Convert file to .osm.pbf with osmium-tools: osmium cat map.osm --output map.osm.pbf
  3. Put the map.osm.pbf file to the ./data directory
  4. Tune params in the .env file (DIFF_MODE=false and AREA=map)
  5. Import data with ./script/import

Update data

To start a one-time update and invalidate the tile cache. With OSM data you probably want to update it regulary.


Generate mbtiles

To generate a mbtiles file located at data/tiles.mbtiles

make generate-tiles-pg

Warning: Depending of the AREA, it can takes a lot of time to generate the mbtiles.

Serve vector tiles

To run the service in production with tiles caching:

docker-compose up -d postserve postserve-cache

The tiles will be available at http://localhost:8090/

To serve the tiles on another host than localhost:8090, for instance, set OMT_HOST= and PPORT=443 to the .env file.


All code in this repository is under the BSD license and the cartography decisions encoded in the schema and SQL are licensed under CC-BY.

Products or services using maps derived from indoor= schema need to visibly credit "" and "" or reference "indoor=" and "OpenMapTiles" with a link to and Exceptions to attribution requirement can be granted on request.

For a browsable electronic map based on indoor=, OpenMapTiles and OpenStreetMap data, the credit should appear in the corner of the map. For example:

© indoor= © OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap contributors

For printed and static maps a similar attribution should be made in a textual description near the image, in the same fashion as if you cite a photograph.