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generated from lipis/prettier-setup

Basic configuration for Prettier, Precise Commits, and Husky.


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⚠️ Note: This project has been archived, as precise-commits is apparently no longer actively maintained. 😢

💡 Use the original prettier-setup instead, which comes with lint-staged and is regularly updated by @lipis. ✨

Precisely Prettier

Based on prettier-setup by the amazing @lipis. 🙏

This project sets up formatting tools to keep your code clean and consistent, so you never have to argue about style again:

  • Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules.
  • Husky uses Git hooks to ensure that Prettier runs on all staged changes to format files before committing.

The setup described here will format DITA XML, JSON, Sass, Markdown, and YAML files, but you can adjust the settings to your own needs.

Installing Prettier and the XML plugin

This step adds Prettier and the XML plugin to your project's dependencies so they're available locally regardless of the system configuration.

Install with yarn

yarn add prettier @prettier/plugin-xml --dev --exact
Install with npm
npm install prettier @prettier/plugin-xml --save-dev --save-exact

Set up the scripts

Open the package.json file in your project and add the following scripts* entries (or copy them from here):

"scripts": {
  "fmt": "yarn format",
  "format": "yarn prettier --write",
  "prettier": "prettier \"**/*.{dita,json,md,scss,yaml,yml}\"",
  "test": "yarn prettier --list-different"

* If you are using npm, replace yarn with npm run in the above section.

Formatting source files

To call the formatting script manually, run yarn format. (Run it here to format the files in the test/ folder.)

If you're one of those impatient types that likes to save keystrokes, you can use the yarn fmt alias instead.

But the whole point of this setup is that you shouldn't have to do this sort of thing manually, so read on to automate the process and ensure that any lines you change will be formatted before you commit your changes.

Installing Husky and commit hooks

Set up Husky and the precise-commits commit hooks to format changed lines before each commit.

Install with yarn

yarn add husky precise-commits --dev --exact
Install with npm
npm install husky precise-commits --save-dev --save-exact

Set up the rules

Add the precise-commits and husky rules to the package.json file in your project:

"precise-commits": {
  "*.{dita*,json,md,scss,xml,yaml,yml}": ["prettier --write"]
"husky": {
  "hooks": {
    "pre-commit": "precise-commits"

And now you're good to go.

Whenever you commit DITA XML, JSON, Sass, Markdown, or YAML files, your changes — and only your changes — will be Precisely Prettier. ✨

Prettier rules

This project defines the following settings in the .prettierrc.json file. You can adjust these values according to your own preferences.

Rule Value*
arrowParens avoid
bracketSpacing false
endOfLine lf
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity css
jsxBracketSameLine false
printWidth 80
proseWrap preserve
requirePragma false
semi true
singleQuote true
tabWidth 2
trailingComma all
useTabs false
vueIndentScriptAndStyle true
xmlSelfClosingSpace false
xmlWhitespaceSensitivity strict

* Values in bold differ from the Prettier defaults.



Basic configuration for Prettier, Precise Commits, and Husky.






