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Compatible Applications, Programs, Packages

LoganRan625 edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 13 revisions

As said here many programs do fail

  here is a list of programs known to be working (or not). If you add a new test for a package, please add a 
  line (same if package was already tested). Feel free to update the device tested if the build is newer.
Package name Status Notes iSH version number Method
apt,apt-* No Illegal instruction 74
arp No can't open '/proc/net/arp': No such file or directory 73
bash Yes 33
brew (tigerbrew) No Error: Cannot find a vendored version of curl for your i686 processor on Linuxbrew! Error: Failed to install vendor Curl. 74
cmatrix Yes 4.20.69 apk add cmatrix
cmus No Bad system call 52 Partially workling 4.20.69 git clone
clang Yes 55
Clc yes git clone
curl Yes HTTPS too 33 apk add curl
ddate Yes 1.0.1
dillo Partially working Follow the instructions to install VNC server. Requires fonts-noto to be installed. Some website don’t work 67
dig No Runtime check fails but you can use drill as a drop-in replacement 1.0.1
dpkg No Illegal Instruction 73
dpkg (busybox) Yes compile with -mtune=i386 74
drill Yes 1.0.1
dumb-init Yes 74
emacs Yes works recursively in M-x term ! 36
figlet Yes 40
fish Yes 45
gawk Yes 55
gdb No Segfault, socketcall 16 40
git Yes 53 apk add git
gcc Yes 55
grep, head, cut, wc Yes 33
gem Yes 38
go Yes 67
gnome-calculator Yes Will illegal instruction after first use, need to delete configuration. 76
irssi Yes 38
ifconfig No ioctl 0x8912 failed: Invalid argument 33
ip No ip: socket(AF_NETLINK,3,0): Invalid argument 33
ipscan yes 4.20.69 git clone
ish-tools yes 4.20.69 git clone
init (busybox) Yes 74
weechat Yes 53
nvim Yes 41
screenfetch No /proc/cpuinfo: No such file or directory 33
wget Yes HTTPS too 33 apk add wget
python3 Yes 33
ps Yes 34
ffmpeg Yes 35
openssh (client) Yes 31 apk add openssh
openssh (server) Yes Follow the instructions on the wiki 45
openssh (server) No tested on Ubuntu 18.04.5 illegal instruction at 0xf79f981d: 0f de d8 66 0f de e2 66 74
resolvconf Yes Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.5 74
ruby Yes 34
irb Yes 35
tmux Yes 53
uptime Yes 40
links Yes 40
lynx Yes 40
lftp Yes 73
lighttpd No (stat_cache.c.601) server.stat-cache-engine can be one of "disable", "simple", but not: fam 76
w3m Yes Quits with GC Warning: Couldn't read /proc/stat 40
&, bg, fg, jobs Yes 44
ed Yes 52
php Yes 65
php (extensions) Yes 65
pip yes apk add python3-pip
perl Yes 65
openssl Yes Even signing certificates work perfectly fine 65
plasma-desktop No Illegal Instruction 74
openrc Yes both the openrc command and init system works 74
plistutil Yes 74
img4tool Yes 74
mate-session No Bad system call 37
man-pages Yes 4.20.69 apk add mandoc man-pages less less-doc
metadelta Yes 4.20.69 git clone
metasploit-framework Yes launch with msfconsole -n 78
Midnight Commander Yes F-keys don't work, use 'escape + number' 48 apk add mc
mosh Yes 54
nano Yes 33
neofetch Yes 52
nautilus Yes Will illegal instruction after first use, need to delete configuration. 76
nmap No Assertion failed 40
node Yes 73
R Yes For installing CRAN packages follow the instructions on the wiki 73
Ranger Yes install from git fails, check install instructions 4.20.69 "pip install ranger-fm"
runit No 74
screen Yes Detaches and reattaches! 53
sddm No Illegal Instruction 74
setup script yes git clone
spreadsheet calculator unsure 4.20.69 "apk add ncurses-dev" & "git clone "
sshfs No fuse: device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first 74
strace partially working strace: PTRACE_SEIZE doesn't work strace:PTRACE_SETOPTIONS: invalid argument 4.20.69 git clone
stunnel3 Yes perl needs to be installed 65
systemd No 74
tput Yes 33
vim Yes 33
vi Yes 33
jq Yes 76
wine No Illegal Instruction when trying to run any program 73
wptc-track Yes 78
youtube-dl Yes Very slow to start 35
zsh Yes 48

Testers: jusdepatate, Mnpn, elchris414, JaquesBoum, wjid, DiscordDigital, Linux, assfugil, ReedSan

Test Requests

If you want a specific package to be tested, please add it here including special use cases you are interested in. This makes it easier to test meaningful things.

Package name What to test / Note
example ...
docker-ce For running webapps
code-server To run vs code in browser
ghc Haskell file compiling
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