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Python Web Scraper

Fast Web Scraper for Python

This project is made for automatic web scraping to make scraping easy. It gets a url or the html content of a web page and a list of sample data which we want to scrape from that page. This data can be text, url or any html tag value of that page. get similar content or the exact same element of those new pages.

in this we have 2 types of Scraper

  1. API Scraper
  2. Website Scraper


It's compatible with Python 3

install this repository using this pip command

pip install git+

or clone repository using this command

git clone

WebSite Scrapping

install all required python library using pip

csv for saving data in csv file

pip install csv

BeautifulSoup for parse html document

pip install beautifulsoup4

Selenium is a powerful tool for controlling web browsers through programs and performing browser automation

pip install selenium 

after installation of all library change url of wbsite that you want to scrape

place all of the tag name in correct order and place

  1. enter main container class or tag name that contains all desired data.
  2. Enter subcontainer class or tag name that contains each single data
  3. Enter the tag name that contains the actual data

after this run pyton file:


API WebScraper

install all required python library using pip

csv for saving data in csv file

pip install csv

requests for handling api requests

pip install requests

after installation all required libbrary put api url in url path add all headers correctly and all params value

add all keys and values properly to get data

and then run python file


After success full Run you will get an CSV file that contains all data in csv formet.