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WordPress Deployer

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Deploy WordPress websites with ease.

This package is basically a Deployer "recipe" for WordPress websites.


composer require-dev itsahappymedium/wp-deployer

You will then want to create a deploy.php file at the root of your project with the following contents:

new WP_Deployer();

You can optionally pass a file path as a parameter to the WP_Deployer class to use a file other than config.yml.

After that you should have the dep command available to you. Run it to confirm a successful installation and view a list of commands you can use.

Note: Deployer and WP-CLI will be installed as dependencies. Deployer can be used via vendor/bin/dep and WP-CLI can be used via vendor/bin/wp.

One last thing, you'll want to make sure that the following is in your .gitignore file to avoid them being commited to your repo:



Create a config.yml file at the root of your project. Use config-example.yml as a starting point.

Note: You will want to make sure that you add your config.yml file to your .gitignore file so that it is not committed to your repo as this file will contain sensitive credentials.


These variables can be set in your config.yml file and/or via the set function in your deploy.php file:

WP-Deployer Variables

These variables are custom to WP-Deployer.

Variable Default Value Description
application The name of the application.
database Database information. An object with database, host, username, and password set.
db_backups_path db_backups The path where database exports are stored. (This path should be added to .gitignore)
extra_files (See below) An array of files (or file globs) that are not included in your repo and should be uploaded during a deployment (Such as compiled files).
public_path /var/www/public The path where your server expects the website to be located and available to the public.
templates_path templates The path where template files are located.
tmp_path tmp The path where temporary files are stored. (This path should be added to .gitignore)
theme_name The name of your active theme.
url http://localhost The URL to your website.
wp_config_constants An array containing keys and values of constants to declare in your wp-config.php file.
wp_content_dir wp-content/content The path to your content directory where themes and plugins are located.
wp_site_url (The value of url) The URL to where your wordpress directory/core files is located.
wp_email The e-mail address to use for the default user when generating a new site database.
wp_user The username to use for the default user when generating a new site database.

* Bold variable names are required to be set.

extra_files default value

Deployer Variabes

These variables are built-in to Deployer. You can read more here:

Variable Default Value Description
branch Branch to deploy.
cleanup_use_sudo false Whether to use sudo with cleanup task.
clear_paths (See below) List of paths which need to be deleted in release after updating code.
clear_use_sudo false Use or not sudo with clear_paths.
composer_action install Composer action.
composer_options Options for Composer.
copy_dirs List of files to copy between release.
default_stage staging The default stage.
deploy_path /var/www/public_html Where to deploy application on remote host.
env Array of environment variables.
git_recursive true Set the --recursive flag for git clone.
git_tty true Allocate TTY for git clone command. This allow you to enter a passphrase for keys or add host to known_hosts.
hostname The host IP address.
http_user User the web server runs as. If this parameter is not configured, deployer try to detect it from the process list.
keep_releases 5 Number of releases to keep. (-1 for unlimited)
repository Git repository of the application.
shared_dirs (See below) List of shared dirs.
shared_files (See below) List of shared files.
ssh_multiplexing true Use ssh multiplexing to speedup the native ssh client.
stage The stage deploy to.
use_atomic_symlink true Whether to use atomic symlinks. By default deployer will detect if system supports atomic symlinks and use them.
use_relative_symlink true Whether to use relative symlinks. By default deployer will detect if the system supports relative symlinks and use them.
user (Current git user name) User to SSH into the server as.
writable_chmod_mode 0755 Mode for setting writable_mode in chmod.
writable_chmod_recursive true Whether to set chmod on directories recursively or not.
writable_dirs List of directories which must be writable for web server.
writable_mode acl Writable mode. Options are acl, chmod, chown, chqrp.
writable_use_sudo false Whether to use sudo with writable command.

* Bold variable names are required to be set.

* Italic default values are custom to WP-Deployer.

clear_paths default value
shared_dirs default value
shared_files default value

Overwriting Variables

You can easily overwrite any of the above variables by defining them in your config.yml file. You can also overwrite or add to them by using Deployer Functions in your deploy.php file like this:

new WP_Deployer();

use function Deployer\{ add, set };

add('extra_files', array(

set('ssh_multiplexing', false);


Template files are as follows: .htaccess, robots.txt, and wp-config.php. Default templates for these files are included with WP-Deployer however custom ones can be made by placing them in your templates directory. We use Twig to render the templates. View the templates directory in this package for examples.

A template can be associated with a specific stage by putting that stage name before the .twig file extension (for example: robots.txt.staging.twig).

(Note: The ability to add custom templates here will be coming in the future.)


Run dep list and/or dep help <command> to get more information on these commands.

dep deploy <stage>

Deploys your website to the stage (which is defined in your config.yml file).

dep db:<push/pull> <stage>

Exports and downloads/uploads the database to/from stage and then imports it.

dep db:backup:<local/remote> [stage]

Exports and downloads the database from stage (or local).

dep uploads:<push/pull> <stage>

Downloads/uploads the contents of your content/uploads directory to/from stage.

dep shared:<push/pull> <stage>

Downloads/uploads all contents of all directories listed in shared_dirs to/from stage.

dep db:fix

Extracts the local copy of your database and replaces all occurances of utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci to utf8mb4_unicode_ci and then re-imports it. This solves the issue where the server is using a different version of MySQL than your local.

dep setup:<local/remote> <stage>

Generates the templates files and sets up the database for WordPress if it hasn't been already. If a new database is set up, the username and password (randomly generated) will be shown in the terminal. Keep in mind that a new wp-config.php file will be generated with newly generated secrets.

dep setup:init <stage>

A convience command; Runs the following commands in order: dep setup:local <stage>, dep uploads:pull <stage>, dep db:pull <stage>.


MIT. See the file for more info.