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you-complete-me is a real time data pipeline for providing suggestions based on semantic information to users posting questions in social media platforms.

Demo and Slides.

Problem Statement

Social media platforms like Quora, Nextdoor and StackExchange primarily attract users looking for high quality answers to their questions. Hence, these platforms are focused on maintaining and improving the quality of content hosted in their systems.

So, what is content? In this context, content usually takes the form of questions, answers, status updates or comments posted by an user. This project is motivated by the hypothesis that content quality can be improved just before a thought in a user's mind becomes a post. Surfacing high quality real-time suggestions during message composition allows users to ask richer questions which in turn helps other provide relevant answers.

So, the problem statement is as follows: How do we build a real time data pipeline that can provide suggestions based on content to users posting questions in social media platforms?

Existing Solutions

Several platforms like Google, Stack Overflow provide auto complete based suggestions. However, such suggestions are primarily generated by using prefix based string compare (using trie or similar data structure). Instead, this project compares semantic information in the text with similar questions that have been already posted. By inferring the meaning behind the question, we can provide much relevant suggestions than conventional solutions.

Technology stack

The project is composed of two parts, a batch and a real time pipeline.


The batch pipeline serves as the Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) pipeline. The raw data is stored in Amazon S3 as a collection of files in the NDJSON format. Using Apache Spark, we extract questions from these input files and index them in AWS Elastic Search. We also extract question metadata (like creation date, the number of answers and the stackexchange subdomain) using Spark and save them in a PostgreSQL database.


The real time pipeline is architected using Apache Pulsar as the backbone. User queries received by the web-server (1) are published to Pulsar message brokers (2). Consumers listening to the get-suggestions topic receive these messages from the broker (3) and query elastic search (4, 5). Query responses are published to the curate topic (6) where a group of curators rank the response based on a simple heuristic using metadata available in PostgreSQL (7, 8 and 9). The ranked suggestions are sent back to the user by the web-server listening to messages published in the suggestions-list topic (10, 11, and 12).

Data source

A subset of the stackexchange dataset.