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Releases: jOOQ/jOOQ


30 May 11:12
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Version 3.19.9 - May 30, 2024

This is a 3.19 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

#16647 - BlobBinding and ClobBinding should fall back to byte[] and String binding also in HANA
#16652 - TableRecords should refresh() themselves for HANA dialect, when any non-identity value should be fetched after an insert
#16657 - Improve warning log message about static type registry usage and how to remedy it
#16663 - Wrong source code generated when newline escape sequence of long view source is split into two
#16672 - Update using multi-column set clause with DSL.row and custom type logs warn on deprecated static type registry
#16676 - SQLite "Cannot parse or interpret sql for table" error with both unique columns and foreign key constraints
#16687 - Error in CockroachDBDatabase when running SHOW INDEXES for table valued function
#16692 - Work around KT-68407 compiler error in generated AbstractSpringDAOImpl class in kotlin 2.0
#16697 - Memory leak in DefaultCacheProvider when large amounts of arbitrary projections are mapped with DefaultRecordMapper
#16703 - Settings.transformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery produces wrong SQL when subquery column is aliased
#16706 - Pattern replacement activates RETURNING clause of DELETE / UPDATE statements
#16709 - Settings.transformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery produces wrong SQL when subquery column is an embeddable
#16722 - Confusing error message when reading a non-existing Field from a Record containing accidentally nested row types
#16726 - Avoid operator associativity rendering logic if operator isn't nested


30 May 11:13
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Version 3.18.16 - May 30, 2024

This is a 3.18 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

#16653 - TableRecords should refresh() themselves for HANA dialect, when any non-identity value should be fetched after an insert
#16664 - Wrong source code generated when newline escape sequence of long view source is split into two
#16673 - Update using multi-column set clause with DSL.row and custom type logs warn on deprecated static type registry
#16677 - SQLite "Cannot parse or interpret sql for table" error with both unique columns and foreign key constraints
#16688 - Error in CockroachDBDatabase when running SHOW INDEXES for table valued function
#16693 - Work around KT-68407 compiler error in generated AbstractSpringDAOImpl class in kotlin 2.0
#16698 - Memory leak in DefaultCacheProvider when large amounts of arbitrary projections are mapped with DefaultRecordMapper
#16704 - Settings.transformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery produces wrong SQL when subquery column is aliased
#16707 - Pattern replacement activates RETURNING clause of DELETE / UPDATE statements
#16710 - Settings.transformPatternsUnnecessaryScalarSubquery produces wrong SQL when subquery column is an embeddable
#16723 - Confusing error message when reading a non-existing Field from a Record containing accidentally nested row types
#16727 - Avoid operator associativity rendering logic if operator isn't nested


30 May 11:13
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Version 3.17.25 - May 30, 2024

This is a 3.17 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

#16654 - TableRecords should refresh() themselves for HANA dialect, when any non-identity value should be fetched after an insert
#16665 - Wrong source code generated when newline escape sequence of long view source is split into two
#16674 - Update using multi-column set clause with DSL.row and custom type logs warn on deprecated static type registry
#16678 - SQLite "Cannot parse or interpret sql for table" error with both unique columns and foreign key constraints
#16689 - Error in CockroachDBDatabase when running SHOW INDEXES for table valued function
#16694 - Work around KT-68407 compiler error in generated AbstractSpringDAOImpl class in kotlin 2.0
#16699 - Memory leak in DefaultCacheProvider when large amounts of arbitrary projections are mapped with DefaultRecordMapper
#16724 - Confusing error message when reading a non-existing Field from a Record containing accidentally nested row types
#16728 - Avoid operator associativity rendering logic if operator isn't nested


02 May 09:51
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Version 3.19.8 - May 2, 2024

This is a 3.19 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

#16548 - Auto wrap Field arguments to a Routine's Object typed parameter in Field
#16553 - Work around lack of support for INSERT .. SELECT .. UNION [ ALL ] SELECT in SingleStore
#16572 - DELETE .. ORDER BY .. LIMIT on partitioned tables without unique constraint uses non-unique ctid for self joins
#16575 - Cannot configure matchers using jOOQ-codegen-gradle plugin
#16577 - SAXParseException warnings when using jOOQ-codegen-gradle or any other MiniJAXB.unmarshal() usage
#16582 - Time zone information lost when fetching TIMETZ[] value in PostgreSQL
#16586 - Work around HSQLDB bug where wrong LocalTime value is fetched when using bind values of type LocalTime[]
#16603 - Wrong cast type name when casting value to NCLOB in Firebird
#16617 - Fix order of NOT NULL and DEFAULT clauses in BigQuery CREATE TABLE statements


02 May 09:51
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Version 3.18.15 - May 2, 2024

This is a 3.18 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

#16549 - Auto wrap Field arguments to a Routine's Object typed parameter in Field
#16554 - Work around lack of support for INSERT .. SELECT .. UNION [ ALL ] SELECT in SingleStore
#16573 - DELETE .. ORDER BY .. LIMIT on partitioned tables without unique constraint uses non-unique ctid for self joins
#16583 - Time zone information lost when fetching TIMETZ[] value in PostgreSQL
#16587 - Work around HSQLDB bug where wrong LocalTime value is fetched when using bind values of type LocalTime[]
#16604 - Wrong cast type name when casting value to NCLOB in Firebird
#16618 - Fix order of NOT NULL and DEFAULT clauses in BigQuery CREATE TABLE statements


02 May 09:52
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Version 3.17.24 - May 2, 2024

This is a 3.17 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

#16550 - Auto wrap Field arguments to a Routine's Object typed parameter in Field
#16555 - Work around lack of support for INSERT .. SELECT .. UNION [ ALL ] SELECT in SingleStore
#16574 - DELETE .. ORDER BY .. LIMIT on partitioned tables without unique constraint uses non-unique ctid for self joins
#16584 - Time zone information lost when fetching TIMETZ[] value in PostgreSQL
#16588 - Work around HSQLDB bug where wrong LocalTime value is fetched when using bind values of type LocalTime[]
#16605 - Wrong cast type name when casting value to NCLOB in Firebird
#16619 - Fix order of NOT NULL and DEFAULT clauses in BigQuery CREATE TABLE statements


04 Apr 15:47
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Version 3.19.7 - April 4, 2024

This is a 3.19 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Features and Improvements

#16437 - Document DSL.jsonGetElement() index being 0 based

Bug Fixes

#16428 - DefaultDataType.getDataType logger should add more details about how to fix the problem
#16429 - Row[N].eq(Row[N]) should apply data type bindings if necessary
#16430 - Unnecessary static type registry warning when inlining custom converted enum value
#16431 - Static type registry deprecation warning shouldn't appear when using the INSERT valuesOfRows() clause with converted data types
#16440 - QuantifiedSelect wrapping array doesn't correctly convert array component types
#16453 - Fix other cases where org.jooq.impl.Val uses "inferred data type," but cannot actually lazily infer the type
#16457 - ParsingConnection should not rely on org.jooq.impl.Val identity to match user bind value indexes with rendered indexes
#16462 - SEEK doesn't work correctly when there are multiple noField() arguments and ORDER BY is uniform and Settings.renderRowConditionForSeekClause is true
#16471 - Work around CockroachDB's lack of support for the POWER() function accepting integer arguments
#16474 - jOOQ parser parses indexed parameters as named
#16480 - SQL Server's CREATE cannot fully qualify a sequence name
#16495 - Intercept SQLFeatureNotSupportedException caused by DatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys and other calls
#16504 - Improve compilation speeds of generated QOM types
#16511 - Avoid PostgreSQL empty array cast when explicit cast is given
#16536 - Parser fails to parse TIME[STAMP] WITH TIME ZONE literals
#16540 - Incorrect conversion of LocalDateTime to LocalDate during daylight saving time


04 Apr 15:50
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Version 3.18.14 - April 4, 2024

This is a 3.18 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Features and Improvements

#16438 - Document DSL.jsonGetElement() index being 0 based

Bug Fixes

#16441 - QuantifiedSelect wrapping array doesn't correctly convert array component types
#16454 - Fix other cases where org.jooq.impl.Val uses "inferred data type," but cannot actually lazily infer the type
#16458 - ParsingConnection should not rely on org.jooq.impl.Val identity to match user bind value indexes with rendered indexes
#16463 - SEEK doesn't work correctly when there are multiple noField() arguments and ORDER BY is uniform and Settings.renderRowConditionForSeekClause is true
#16472 - Work around CockroachDB's lack of support for the POWER() function accepting integer arguments
#16475 - jOOQ parser parses indexed parameters as named
#16481 - SQL Server's CREATE cannot fully qualify a sequence name
#16496 - Intercept SQLFeatureNotSupportedException caused by DatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys and other calls
#16505 - Improve compilation speeds of generated QOM types
#16512 - Avoid PostgreSQL empty array cast when explicit cast is given
#16517 - Row[N].eq(Row[N]) should apply data type bindings if necessary
#16537 - Parser fails to parse TIME[STAMP] WITH TIME ZONE literals
#16541 - Incorrect conversion of LocalDateTime to LocalDate during daylight saving time


04 Apr 15:51
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Version 3.17.23 - April 4, 2024

This is a 3.17 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Features and Improvements

#16491 - Add DataType.isFloat()

Bug Fixes

#16464 - SEEK doesn't work correctly when there are multiple noField() arguments and ORDER BY is uniform and Settings.renderRowConditionForSeekClause is true
#16473 - Work around CockroachDB's lack of support for the POWER() function accepting integer arguments
#16476 - jOOQ parser parses indexed parameters as named
#16482 - SQL Server's CREATE cannot fully qualify a sequence name
#16497 - Intercept SQLFeatureNotSupportedException caused by DatabaseMetaData::getImportedKeys and other calls
#16506 - Improve compilation speeds of generated QOM types
#16513 - Avoid PostgreSQL empty array cast when explicit cast is given
#16538 - Parser fails to parse TIME[STAMP] WITH TIME ZONE literals
#16542 - Incorrect conversion of LocalDateTime to LocalDate during daylight saving time


08 Mar 14:04
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Version 3.19.6 - March 8, 2024

This is a 3.19 patch release with minor improvements and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

#16348 - Parser fails with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when encountering invalid PostgreSQL unicode literal
#16351 - Parser shouldn't fail with NumberFormatException
#16357 - ParsingConnection doesn't correctly execute batches when using ParamType.INLINED or StatementType.STATIC_STATEMENT
#16364 - UUID bind values should be auto-cast to avoid issues with lack of auto-conversion support in PostgreSQL
#16371 - Parser always parses NULL literal of type BOOLEAN
#16374 - Cast NULL literal in subquery SELECT projection in PostgreSQL
#16382 - DataType should cache null_() and notNull() variants
#16386 - Add some WARN logs when synthetic key objects aren't matched
#16389 - Add arity check to synthetic foreign key configuration to avoid wrong generated code when FK / UK columns mismatch
#16394 - Empty derived column lists generate wrong SQL syntax
#16397 - Regression in fetchCount execution when argument query uses plain SQL tables
#16400 - jOOQ-codegen-gradle should lazily evaluate its configuration
#16406 - Parser doesn't support GROUPING SETS with specification
#16411 - Code generator and MetaImpl return CREATE DEFAULT statement instead of just the default expression