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Jackson BlankenshipJackson Blankenship

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Hello there! I'm Jackson, a full-stack web developer with a passion for cutting-edge technology. I've built this README to keep track of all the exciting tech stacks I've worked with over the years. Although I don't update it as often as I'd like, GitHub Actions helps me keep it fresh by shuffling the icons every few hours. 🤖

If you're looking for a skilled developer to help bring your project to life, feel free to reach out to me. I'm always excited to collaborate with others and bring new ideas to the table. 🚀

Thank you for taking the time to check out my profile, and I look forward to working with you!

Cheers! 👋

Currently working with...

sass    node    partytown    homebrew    reactts    husky    docker    vitest    lighthouse    figma    cva    railway    git    vite    react-testing-library    react-router-dom    eslint    stylelint    storybook    nestjs    zod    fish    prettier    vscode    javascript    typescript    yarn    github    nginx    neovim    actions    kitty    grpc    renovate    radix    recoil

Previously worked with...

ngrok    npm    postman    graphql    bitbucket    heroku    next    html5    serverless    postgresql    firebase    eclipse    styled    bash    analytics    mysql    cpp    netlify    css3    pnpm    vim    create-react-app    less    hasura    jest    ant    slack-bolt    redux    gitlab    invision    auth0    nhost    aws    spring    puppeteer    plaid    ag-grid    vercel    expo    hibernate    xstate    next-auth    maven    angular    python    commitlint    prisma    java    twilio    react-hook-form    sendgrid    mongo    c    babel    sketch    matomo    trpc    webpack    material-ui

Last updated May 24th, 2024 at 12:22:54 AM GMT+0


Very simple GitHub profile readme that randomizes the order of icons in each section multiple times per day using GitHub actions.




