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=== WooCommerce Tree Table Rate Shipping ===
Contributors: dangoodman
Tags: woocommerce, shipping, woocommerce shipping, woocommerce shipping plugin, weight-based shipping, volumetric shipping, per-item shipping, shipping class, table rate, table rate shipping
Requires PHP: 5.6
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.8
WC requires at least: 3.2
WC tested up to: 5.7

Ultimate WooCommerce shipping plugin

== Description ==

Tree Table Rate Shipping is the most flexible solution for WooCommerce. It's a powerful rule-based shipping cost
calculation system allowing you to build virtually any shipping configuration you may need.

== Changelog ==

= 1.26.10 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 5.7.
* Fixed an issue that might prevent the plugin to update under some circumstances.

= 1.26.9 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 5.6.

= 1.26.8 =
* Tested with WordPress 5.8, WooCommerce 5.5.

= 1.26.7 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 5.3.

= 1.26.6 =
* Don't report empty shipping method configs to the PHP error log.
* Tested with WooCommerce 5.2.

= 1.26.5 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 5.1, WordPress 5.7.

= 1.26.4 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 5.0.

= 1.26.3 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.9.

= 1.26.2 =
* Fix save message markup.

= 1.26.1 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.8, WordPress 5.6.

= 1.26 =
* Replace unicode ellipsis character with three dots in postcode ranges.
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.7.

= 1.25 =
* Use the top-level cart price whenever possible instead of per-item prices. Makes the Subtotal condition and the Subtotal Rate charge compatible with third-party bundle products. The change does only affect new installations of the plugin.
* Fix the global TRS method not being triggered by WooCommerce for customers having no location set.
* Optimize the empty global method case.
* Raise the minimum supported WooCommerce version to 3.2.
* Hide the 'Contains: [uncategorized]' option.
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.6.

= 1.24 =
* Rename "Other shipping plugins' rates" to "External rates" and fix layout issues.
* Forcedly disable autocompletion in Chrome for the Destination condition.
* Fix "nonce validation failed" on settings save when a Storefront notice is shown.
* Compress javascript to improve settings page load time.
* Update calls to the deprecated jQuery .load().
* Small cosmetic fixes.
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.5.

= 1.23.2 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.4.
* Small cosmetic fixes.

= 1.23.1 =
* Tolerate spaces and newlines in the settings save nonce in case it's modified by a third-party filter.
* Tested with WordPress 5.5.

= 1.23 =
* Raise minimum required PHP version to 5.6.
* Show a notice on the global shipping method suggesting to try shipping zones instead.
* Fix the issue with saving rules when the server's PHP locale's decimal separator is not a dot.

= =
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.2.

= 1.22.1 =
* Dimensions: Fix wording for per-item grouping.
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.1.

= 1.22.0 =
* Improve settings page performance.
* Fix settings page appearance issues with WooCommerce 5.4.
* Fix 'only 10 coupons available for the Coupons condition'. Now all coupons are listed.

= 1.21.1 =
* Tested with WooCommerce 4.0, WordPress 5.4.

= =
* Tested with WooCommerce 3.9.

= 1.21.0 =
* Fix Wordpress 5.3+ appearance issues.

= 1.20.0 =
* Convert negative shipping rates to zero in order to prevent negative prices appearance in transactional emails.
* Preserve meta data attached to external rates obtained with the "Other shipping plugins' rates".

= 1.19.0 =
* Preserve meta data attached to external rates obtained with the "Other shipping plugins' rates".

= 1.18.7 =
* Fix a PHP 7 deperecation notice.

= 1.18.6 =
* Better Microsoft IIS compatibility.

= =
* Tested with WordPress 5.2.1, WooCommerce 3.6.4

= 1.18.5 =
* Fix WooCommerce 3.6.0+ compatibility issue causing no shipping options shown to a customer under some circumstances.
* Fix a typo.

= 1.18.4 =
* Optionally process non-shippable (virtual, etc) items as well if set by a hook.
* Small fixes.

= =
* Update supported WordPress version.

= 1.18.3 =
* Fix root-level 'highest' mode.

= 1.18.2 =
* Update supported WordPress version to 5.0.

= 1.18.1 =
* Fix warning generated by the Coupons condition under some circumstances.

= 1.18.0 =
* Refine settings saving to make it more stable.
* Improve prerequisites checking.
* Drop support for WooCommerce pre-2.6. Now 2.6 is the lowest supported WooCommerce version.

= 1.17.2 =
* Partially support fractional quantity.
* Add Subtotal Rate.

= 1.17.1 =
* Fix possible activation error.
* Fix list conditions content dissapearing on reordering or deletion.

= 1.17.0 =
* Change separator in postcode range from '-' to '...' for consistency with WooCommerce.
* Fix issue with missing external shipping options with same ids.
* Fix unsaved settings warning.

= 1.16.7 =
* WooCommerce 3.4.1+ compatibility fix: shipping rules won't save in shipping zones.

= 1.16.6 =
* Fix the Coupons condition to support coupons having upper-case chars.

= 1.16.5 =
* Improve box packing algorithm used for the Dimensions condition.

= 1.16.4 =
* Fix issue with Weight/Volume/Quantity Rate causing zero price in case of a small order weight/volume/quantity and large step ("per each") value.

= 1.16.3 =
* WooCommerce 3.2 compatibility fixes.
* Minor appearance fixes.

= 1.16.2 =
* Better compatibility with hosts overriding arg_separator.output php.ini option.
* Remove unnecessary files from the plugin distribution package.

= 1.16.1 =
* Avoid error on the plugin settings page in case of broken product attribute taxonomies.

= 1.16.0 =
* Support WooCommerce convention on shipping option ids to fix shipping method detection in third-party code, like Cash On Delivery payment method and Conditional Shipping and Payments plugin.

= 1.15.3 =
* Workaround issue with some IIS installations throwing 500 Internal Server Error due to .htaccess files presence.

= 1.15.2 =
* Fix WooCommerce 3.x deprecation notices.

= 1.15.1 =
* Fix "Class 'TrsVendors\Deferred\Deferred' not found" error happening on installations with WPML active.

= 1.15.0 =
* Add Coupons condition.
* Fix updater error appearing under some circumstances with PHP 7.
* Avoid conflicts with other plugins using same code libraries.

= 1.14.0 =
* Generate shipping options' ids depending on their titles. A workaround for the issue with WPML caching shipping options titles by their ids forever.
* Fix PHP 5.3 compatibility issue.
* Fix conflict with All in One SEO plugin.
* Show all rate aggregation modes for the root level.
* Rename 'cheapest' and 'most expensive' to 'lowest' and 'highest'.
* Change dimensions and weight precisions from 1 mm and 1 gramm appropriately to 1/1000 part of currently set units.

= 1.13.0 =
* Support Woocommerce 2.6+ Shipping Zones for the "other shipping plugins' rates" charge. Review your shipping rules referencing external shipping methods after update.
* Remove 'enabled' checkbox in TRS methods within shipping zones in favor of the Woocommerce built-in way to manage shipping methods active status.
* UI tweaks.

= 1.12.4-rc1 =
* Fix broken conditions against shipping classes, tags and categories with active WPML

= 1.12.3 =
* Handle updating errors better
* Fix admin UI appearance issues associated with WordPress 4.6

= 1.12.2 =
* Fix settings appearance issue in Safari

= 1.12.1 =
* Fix settings not saved issue due to the javascripts loaded twice by 'All in One SEO Pack' or other plugins

= 1.12.0 =
* Extend 'Contains' condition with an optional sub-condition on matching items: quantity/weight/subtotal/volume/dimensions.
* Handle empty min/max values in 'between' conditions as no limit.
* A bunch of small tweaks

= 1.11.1 =
* Fix settings not saved in IE 11
* Fix PHP 5.3.x compatibility issue
* Other small tweaks

= 1.11.0 =
* Added rate name filter to the "Other shipping plugins' rates" tool, allowing to work with external rates individually
* Fix fatal error related to composer autoload when opcache is disabled
* Register shipping methods hook before WP init (fixes settings not saved when WooCommerce Gateways Country Limiter plugin is also active)
* Fix the previously applied workaround for a Woocommerce bug with shipping section being hidden when no methods added in shipping zones

= 1.10.1 =
* Workaround a Woocommerce 2.6 bug with shipping section being hidden when no methods added in shipping zones despite of active Tree Table Rate Shipping

= 1.10.0 =
* WooCommerce 2.6 Shipping Zones support
* Minor WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility fixes
* Support product attributes in the 'Contains specific items' condition
* Add 'equal' and 'not equal' operators to all numeric conditions

= 1.9.0 =
* Allow switching conditions matching modes: all / any.

= 1.8.8 =
* Avoid conflicts with plugins/themes injecting their version of the select2 library on all admin pages

= 1.8.7 =
* Minimize chances of float-point rounding errors in progressive charges (weight/quantity/volume rate)
* Make unsaved changes warning more robust

= 1.8.6 =
* Fixed: box packing algorithm used by the Dimensions condition could fall into infinite loop under some circumstances
* Configuration snippets added to the Add Rule button dropdown
* Warn about unsaved changes on leaving the settings page
* Tested with Wordpress 4.5
* UI & text tweaks

= 1.8.5 =
* Fix: missing select2 items are not being added to the list
* Add example configuration snippets to the start screen
* UI tweaks

= 1.8.4 =
* Ease rule addition UI

= 1.8.3 =
* Fix: 'Strict Standards: Declaration of Trs\Woocommerce\Model\Item::setTerms() should be compatible with Trs\Core\Model\Item::setTerms($taxonomy, array $terms = NULL) ...' notice
* Fix: 'Save Settings' button is not shown on Enable and Taxable settings change.
* Tweak: Show 'Advanced Settings' button disabled if it's not possible to hide advanced settings

= 1.8.2 =
* Hide advanced settings by default

= 1.8.1 =
* Handle localization better (Fix issue with UK and French WooCommerce)

= 1.8.0 =
* Behavior change: ignore items not expected to be shipped such as virtual products.
* Replace separate 'Shipping classes', 'Terms' and 'Categories' conditions with a single uniform 'Contains specific items' condition.
* Replace progressive rates with an easier to read triplet 'Take X, for each Y, over Z' with an additional 'Flat fee' charge if needed for calculations with specific first step.
* Other GUI refinements.
* Backup plugin config if a conversion reqiured for a new plugin version.
* Graceful prerequisites check.

= 1.7.6 =
* Fix compatibility issue with Woocommerce Product Tab Pro 1.8.0
* Improve box packing algorithm used with the Dimensions condition
* Better handling of free-trial subscriptions and subscription switches: upgrades, downgrades, crossgrades
* Keep selected taxonomy items shown in the lists even if they are removed from WooCommerce (applies to shipping classes, tags, categories, destinations, customer roles)
* Added Free calculation equivalent Flat fee, 0
* UI/texts fixes

= 1.7.5 =
* Fix error on saving 'last' child selector under some circumstances
* Fix conflict with plugins shipped with pre-PSR-4 Composer ClassLoader (e.g. Updraft Plus and Paypal for WooCommerce)
* Fix conflict with plugins using an outdated update checker (e.g. Social Link Machine v2.0)
* Fix conflict with WooCommerce Gift Certificates Pro
* Fix conflict with Virtue theme
* A bunch of small internal improvements

= 1.7.4 =
* Fix broken input text selection caused by gragging activation
* Create new rules in expanded state
* Small UI and text improvements

= 1.7.3 =
* Editing zip/postal codes in Destination condition is more intuitive now
* A bunch of wording changes

= 1.7.2 =
* Fixed: compatibility issue with Advanced Custom Fields plugin

= 1.7.1 =
* Fixed: back-end JS error on fresh installs

= 1.7.0 =
* UI cleanup

= 1.6.2 =
* Fixed: Error in the updater module when Debug Bar plugin is active

= 1.6.1 =
* Fixed: WP 4.2.4- compatibility issue
* Tweak: Show 'Shipping Class' text for Product Variation grouping instead of plural 'Shipping Classes'

= 1.6.0 =
* Feature: added 'External rates' calculation to fetch rates from other shipping plugins
* Feature: added options to calculate subtotal with or without taxes and dicounts (see 'Price' condition and 'Percentage' of 'current package price' calculation)
* Feature: added 'Customer' condition to target specific user roles
* Feature: added 'Taxable/Not taxable' switch to specify whether shipping rates produced by the plugin would have taxes added
* A bunch of other small fixes and improvements

= 1.5.0 =
* Work correctly with product variation shipping classes overrides
* Added 'by order line (product variation)' grouping

= 1.4.0 =
* Added 'Package size' condition, an ability to check package bounds
* Added 'Count' condition

= 1.3.3 =
* WPML compatibility fix
* Filter out notices from other plugins from Save Settings message list
* Clean up wording a bit
* Backend style fixes

= 1.3.2 =
* Fixed: broken rule duplication feature

= 1.3.1 =
* Fixed: error on the checkout page due to unintialized root rule on vanilla setup (when Save Settings was never clicked)


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