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This package is to handle integration between django-oscar based e-commerce sites and Cybersource Secure Acceptance Silent Order POST.


  1. Requires and django-oscar>=1.1.1 and django-oscar-api>=1.0.1.
  2. Your project must use PostgreSQL, since cybersource.models.CyberSourceReply uses an HStore field to log request data.
  3. You must fork the Oscar payment app to add a mixin to the transaction model.


  1. Install the django-oscar-cybersource packages.:

    $ pip install git+
  2. Add cybersource to your INSTALLED_APPS:

    # myproject/
    ] + get_core_apps([
  3. Add some attributes to to configure how the application should connect to Cybersource.:

    # myproject/
    # Create a Secure Acceptance profile using the Cybersource dashboard and enter the profile, access key, and secret key here
    # Enter you Cybersource merchant ID and org ID as found in the dashboard
    # This defaults to the test endpoint ( Override with the prod endpoint for real transactions.
    # Upon successful authorization of the user's credit card, where should we send the user?
    # Enter the name of the thank you page view.
    CYBERSOURCE_REDIRECT_SUCCESS = 'checkout:thank-you'
    # Upon declined authorization of the user's credit card, where should we send the user?
    # Enter the name of view where they can try again.
    CYBERSOURCE_REDIRECT_FAIL = 'checkout:index'
    # Enter the mapping from project specific shipping methods code to Cybersource expected names. Valid Cybersource values are:
    # - "sameday": courier or same-day service
    # - "oneday": next day or overnight service
    # - "twoday": two-day service
    # - "threeday": three-day service
    # - "lowcost": lowest-cost service
    # - "pickup": store pick-up
    # - "other": other shipping method
    # - "none": no shipping method
        'free-shipping': 'lowcost',
        'ups-ground': 'threeday',
        'ups-2-day': 'twoday'
        'ups-next-day': 'oneday',
  4. Install extra fields on payment.models.Transaction (see also How to fork Oscar apps).:

    # payment/
    from cybersource.models import TransactionMixin
    from oscar.apps.payment.abstract_models import AbstractTransaction
    class Transaction(TransactionMixin, AbstractTransaction):
    from oscar.apps.payment.models import *  # noqa
  5. Create and run migrations for the payment app.:

    $ python makemigrations payment
    $ python migrate
  6. Add cybersource.urls to your URL config.:

    # myproject/
    from import application as cybersource
    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        url(r'^api/cybersource/', include(cybersource.urls)),
  7. In the Cybersource Secure Acceptance dashboard, set the customer response page to If using Decision Manager, set its notification URL to

  8. Include the device fingerprint code in your checkout interface.:

    {# One Pixel Image Code #}
    <p style="background:url({% url 'cybersource-fingerprint-redirect' url_type='img-1' %})"></p>
    <img src="{% url 'cybersource-fingerprint-redirect' url_type='img-2' %}" alt="">
    {# Flash Code #}
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="{% url 'cybersource-fingerprint-redirect' url_type='flash' %}" width="1" height="1" id="thm_fp">
        <param name="movie" value="{% url 'cybersource-fingerprint-redirect' url_type='flash' %}" />
    {# JS Code #}
    <script src="{% url 'cybersource-fingerprint-redirect' url_type='js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>


Once a user has added items to his or her basket, your client-side application must perform the following steps to place an order using SA SOP.

  1. Checkout using django-oscar-api-checkout's checkout view.
    1. This POST will freeze the basket and create an order.
  2. The client JS should accept then call django-oscar-api-checkout's payment-statuses view, fill in the fields marked as editable, create a form tag with hidden elements for each field, append the form to the document, and submit it as a POST.
  3. Cybersource will use the data from this POST to either accept or decline the authorization attempt on the user's credit card and redirect the user back to the customer response page, which we earlier set as
  4. The Cybersource reply view will parse the response data and take action on it.
    1. Ensure the HMAC signature was valid, returning 400 Bad Request is it isn't.
    2. Log the response data in the cybersource.CyberSourceReplyLog model.
    3. Check if the transaction ID already exists. If it does, redirect to CYBERSOURCE_REDIRECT_SUCCESS without doing anything else.
    4. Compare the reference number in the response data to the order number we generated and saved to the user's session in step 1. If it differs, throw an error and return 400 Bad Request.
    5. Get the basket based on the ID we saved to the session in step 1. If it doesn't exist, throw an error and return 400 Bad Request.
    6. If the decision was to decline the authorization:
      1. Add a message to the session using the text in CYBERSOURCE_CARD_REJECT_ERROR
      2. Mark the order as payment declined.
      3. Unfreeze the basket so that it is editable again.
      4. Redirect the user to CYBERSOURCE_REDIRECT_FAIL
    7. Create the related cybersource.PaymentToken, payment.SourceType, payment.Source, payment.Transaction, order.PaymentEvent, and order.PaymentEventQuantity models.
    8. Save the order ID to the session so that the CYBERSOURCE_REDIRECT_SUCCESS view can access it.
    9. Redirect the user to CYBERSOURCE_REDIRECT_SUCCESS.

While the flow described above is somewhat complex, it avoid payment information ever touching the server, thereby significantly lessening the weight of PCI compliance.

Example Checkout

Create an order:

POST /api/checkout/

    "guest_email": "",
    "basket": "/api/baskets/2387/",
    "shipping_method_code": "free-shipping",
    "shipping_address": {
        "country": "/api/countries/US/",
        "first_name": "Bob",
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "line1": "627 W 27th St",
        "postcode": "10001",
        "line4": "Manhattan",
        "state": "NY",
        "line2": "",
        "phone_number": "+1 (555) 555-5555"

The response code will indicate success or not. Now fetch the payment states endpoint.:

GET `/api/checkout/payment-states`

The response to this POST will look something like this.:

    "order_status": "Pending",
    "payment_method_statuses": {
        "cybersource": {
            "status": "Pending",
            "required_next_action": {
                "url": "",
                "fields": [
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "Smith",
                        "key": "ship_to_surname"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                        "key": "profile_id"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "12345678",
                        "key": "item_0_sku"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "card",
                        "key": "payment_method"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "2016-04-06T16:02:52Z",
                        "key": "signed_date_time"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_phone"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "145995857289",
                        "key": "transaction_uuid"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "My Product",
                        "key": "item_0_name"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_address_country"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_forename"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "card_number"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "12345678910",
                        "key": "reference_number"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_address_line1"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "customer_ip_address"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "999.89",
                        "key": "item_0_unit_price"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "10001",
                        "key": "ship_to_address_postal_code"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "ship_to_address_line2"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "authorization,create_payment_token",
                        "key": "transaction_type"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_email"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "Manhattan",
                        "key": "ship_to_address_city"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "en",
                        "key": "locale"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                        "key": "access_key"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_address_postal_code"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "card_number,bill_to_surname,card_cvn,bill_to_address_line1,bill_to_address_line2,card_expiry_date,bill_to_address_city,bill_to_address_state,bill_to_address_postal_code,bill_to_phone,card_type,bill_to_address_country,bill_to_forename",
                        "key": "unsigned_field_names"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_surname"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "card_cvn"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "US",
                        "key": "ship_to_address_country"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "999.89",
                        "key": "amount"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "card_expiry_date"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "1",
                        "key": "line_item_count"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
                        "key": "device_fingerprint_id"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "sxPsOiZ/uTrX/QgL1wzTVKP9jYrhc5e5gXLHvnfIvrQ=",
                        "key": "signature"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "627 W 27th St",
                        "key": "ship_to_address_line1"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_address_line2"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "15555555555",
                        "key": "ship_to_phone"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_address_state"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "card_type"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "USD",
                        "key": "currency"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "item_0_name,reference_number,ship_to_surname,ship_to_address_country,device_fingerprint_id,profile_id,item_0_sku,customer_ip_address,payment_method,item_0_unit_price,signed_date_time,ship_to_address_postal_code,line_item_count,ship_to_address_line2,currency,transaction_type,bill_to_email,ship_to_address_city,transaction_uuid,ship_to_address_line1,locale,access_key,signed_field_names,item_0_quantity,ship_to_phone,merchant_defined_data1,ship_to_address_state,amount,ship_to_forename,unsigned_field_names",
                        "key": "signed_field_names"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "1",
                        "key": "item_0_quantity"
                        "editable": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "key": "bill_to_address_city"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "NY",
                        "key": "ship_to_address_state"
                        "editable": false,
                        "value": "Bob",
                        "key": "ship_to_forename"

The Javascript app should loop through the fields in the above response and fill in editable fields with user input. Using underscore and jQuery, this might look something like this:

# Assume `response` is an object containing the above response data.

# This information was collected from the user but never sent to our server
var billing = {
    bill_to_address_city: 'Manhattan',
    bill_to_address_country: 'US',
    bill_to_address_line1: '627 W 27th St',
    bill_to_address_line2: '',
    bill_to_address_postal_code: '10001',
    bill_to_address_state: 'NY',
    bill_to_forename: 'Bob',
    bill_to_phone: '15555555555',
    bill_to_surname: 'Smith',
    card_cvn: '123',
    card_expiry_date: '12-2020',
    card_number: '4111111111111111',
    card_type: '001',

var form = $('<form style="display:none;">');
form.attr('method', 'POST');
form.attr('action', response.payment_method_statuses.cybersource.required_next_action.url);

_.each(response.payment_method_statuses.cybersource.required_next_action.fields, function(data) {
    var field = $('<input type="hidden" />');
    if (data.editable && billing[data.key]) {
        data.value = billing[data.key];

    field.attr('name', data.key);
    field.attr('value', data.value);




  • Adds an order's shipping method into calls to Cybersource. This field can then be used by decision manager to help make decision regarding order fraud.
    • Cybersource expects to receive one of the following values:
      • sameday: courier or same-day service
      • oneday: next day or overnight service
      • twoday: two-day service
      • threeday: three-day service
      • lowcost: lowest-cost service
      • pickup: store pick-up
      • other: other shipping method
      • none: no shipping method
    • You can configure the mapping of Oscar shipping method code to Cybersource shipping method codes using the CYBERSOURCE_SHIPPING_METHOD_DEFAULT and CYBERSOURCE_SHIPPING_METHOD_MAPPING Django settings.
  • Added exception handling and logging for bug sometimes occurring in the Cybersource reply handler.


  • Add support for Django 1.11 and Oscar 1.5


  • Improve testing with tox.


  • Upgrade dependencies.


  • Make DecisionManagerNotificationView directly set order status instead of relying on the set_status method. This avoids issues with order status pipelines.
  • Add optional CYBERSOURCE_DECISION_MANAGER_KEYS keys setting to allow token-based authentication on the decision manager web hook endpoint.
    • Default is disabled, which equates to disabled authentication.
    • To enable authentication, set it to a list of valid authentication keys/tokens.
    • When enabled, the DecisionManagerNotificationView view will inspect the key query parameter on incoming requests and compare it to the predefined keys in the setting. If it doesn't match one of the keys, the request is aborted.


  • Make sure amounts sent to Cybersource are always properly quantized


  • Support flagging authorizations for review with Decision Manager
    • Transactions under review are marked with status REVIEW.
    • Adds new boolean property to payment.Transaction model: transaction.is_pending_review.
    • When handling an authorization that is pending review in Decision Manager, a note is added to the order.


  • Fix IntegrityError sometimes thrown when processing a declined payment.


  • Fix exception from typo in record_declined_authorization.


  • Fix case-mismatch of payment source types.


  • Add data migration to populate CyberSourceReply.order on rows from before 3.0.1.


  • Added foreign key from cybersource.CyberSourceReply from order.Order.


  • Change to two step SOP method with discrete get_token and authorization steps. This works around a bug in Cybersource's code which will leave a pending authorization on a user's card, even if the address verification or decision manager rejects the transaction. By doing the transaction in two phases, we can catch most AVN / DM rejections before the authorization is placed on the credit card. The downside is that the client must now perform 2 separate form posts to Cybersource.


  • Refactor as a plugin to django-oscar-api-checkout to eliminate code not related to Cybersource.


  • Make profile, access, and secret mandatory
  • Upgrade to django-oscar-api>=1.0.4 to get rid of the need for our custom empty basket check
  • Make test coverage much more expansive


  • README Updates
  • Added tests for FingerprintRedirectView
  • Fixed a bug in the img-2 redirect url


  • README Updates

1.0.0 (2016-01-25)

  • Initial release.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Python 100.0%