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A repository for my 2019 ApacheCon talk on the future of bigdata distros.

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This is the content for the talk given by jay vyas and sid mani @ apachecon 2019 in Las Vegas, you can watch it here !

TLDR, heres how you create an analytics distro on K8s...

helm install stable/nfs-server-provisioner ; kubectl patch storageclass nfs -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
Minio:  kubectl -n minio create secret generic my-minio-secret --from-literal=accesskey=minio --from-literal=secretkey=minio123
helm install --set existingSecret=my-minio-secret stable/minio --namespace=minio --name=minio
Nifi: helm repo add cetic ; helm install nifi --namespace=minio
Kafka:  helm repo add incubator $ helm install --name my-kafka incubator/kafka , kubectl edit statefulset kafka 
        - configMapRef:
            name: kafka-cm
Spark: kubectl create configmap spark-conf --from-file=core-site.xml --from-file=spark-defaults.conf -n bigdata ; helm install microsoft/spark --version 1.0.0 --namespace=minio
Presto: cd ./presto3-minio/ , kubectl create -f - -n minio


Installation of things has been commoditized by containers and K8s. The more important problems we have nowadays are around interoperation, learning, and integration of different tools for different problems in the analytics space.

Modern data scientists need 'batteries included' frameworks that can be used to model and address different types of analytics problems over time, which can replicate the integrated functionality of AWS, GCP, and so on.

Current Status

This repository currently integrates installation of a full analytics stack for kubernetes with batteries included, including storage.

                       |                |    XXX           XXX          XXXXXX
                       |    NIFI        |XXXXX  XXX       XX  XXX     XXX    XX
                       |                |         XX    XXX     XX    X       XX
                       |                |          XXXXXX        XXXXXX        X
                       +-----+----------+                                     X
+-------------+              |                                                X
|             |              |                                                XXXXXX
|    Kafka    |              |                                                      XXXX
|             |              |                         +----------------+           XXXX
+-----+-------+              |                         |                |     XXXXXXX
      |                      |                         |  Zepplin       |    XX
      |               +------v------+                  |                |    XXXXXX
      +-------------->+             |                  |                |         X
                      |    Zookeeper+-------+          +-----------+----+         X
                      |             |       |                      |           X  X  XX
                      +-------------+       |                      |           XX X XX
                                            |                      |            XXXXX
                                            |                      |
                                            |                      |  +--------v------+
                                            v                      +> | Spark         |
                                    +-------+----------+---+          |               |
                                    |                  |   |          |               |
                                    |    Volume PRovisioner|          +---------------+
                                    |    (NFS or hostpath) |
                                    |                  |   |
                                    +-------------^----+---+ .            (Presto)
                                                  ^                          |
                                                  |                          |
                                                  |                          V
                                                  |                +---------------+
                                                  |                |               |
                                                  |                |               |
                                                  +----------------+   Minio       |
                                                                   |               |

If all services are deployed succesfully, you ultimately will have an inventory looking like this:

$> kubectl get pods -n bigdata
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
coordinator-56956c8d84-hgxvc                  1/1     Running   0          34s
fantastic-chipmunk-livy-5856779cf8-w8wlr      1/1     Running   0          3d1h
fantastic-chipmunk-master-55f5945997-mbvbm    1/1     Running   0          3d
fantastic-chipmunk-worker-5f7f468b8f-mwnmg    1/1     Running   1          3d1h
fantastic-chipmunk-worker-5f7f468b8f-zkbrw    1/1     Running   0          3d1h
fantastic-chipmunk-zeppelin-7958b9477-vv25d   1/1     Running   0          3d1h
hbase-hbase-master-0                          1/1     Running   0          4h4m
hbase-hbase-rs-0                              1/1     Running   2          4h7m
hbase-hbase-rs-1                              1/1     Running   1          4h5m
hbase-hbase-rs-2                              1/1     Running   0          4h4m
hbase-hdfs-dn-0                               1/1     Running   1          4h7m
hbase-hdfs-dn-1                               1/1     Running   0          4h5m
hbase-hdfs-dn-2                               1/1     Running   0          4h5m
hbase-hdfs-nn-0                               1/1     Running   0          4h7m
minio-7bf4678799-cd8qz                        1/1     Running   0          3d22h
my-kafka-0                                    1/1     Running   0          27h
my-kafka-1                                    1/1     Running   0          27h
my-kafka-2                                    1/1     Running   0          27h
nifi-0                                        4/4     Running   0          2d3h
nifi-zookeeper-0                              1/1     Running   0          2d3h
nifi-zookeeper-1                              1/1     Running   0          2d3h
nifi-zookeeper-2                              1/1     Running   0          2d3h
worker-565c7c858-pjlpg                        1/1     Running   0          34s

Modifications from generic charts or recipes

configuration isnt really externalized very well in most off the shelf helm charts. The other obvious missing link is that storage isnt provided for you, which is a problem for folks that don't know how to do things in K8s. We've externalized configuration for all files (i.e. see spark as a canonical example of this) into configmaps and unified zookeeper instances into a single instances for ease of deployment here. Also, this repo has tested different helm repos / yaml files to see what random code on the internet actually works the way it should.

For example, the stable helm charts don't properly configure zepplin, allow for empty storage on ZK, or inject config into kafka as you'd want to be able to in certain scenarios. In this repo, everything should just work provided you create things in the right order.


  1. First , install an NFS volume provisioner from the instructions storage/ directory
  2. Then follow the other instructions in the storage README
  3. Now, install components one by one from the files in the processing/ directory.

This will yield the following analytics distro, all running in the bigdata namespace (make sure to use --namespace=bigdata or similar on all helm install or kubectl create directives). IF you mess anything up do helm list (find your installation, i.e. XYZ) followed by helm delete XYZ to clear out your components.

In particular, this repo modifies stock helm charts in a variety of ways to make things work together.

  1. We don't use stable/spark because its old. Instead we use microsofts spark, which comes integrated with zepplin properly.
  2. We use configmaps for configuration of spark. For spark, this allows us to inject different types of configuration stuff from the kuberentes level, rather then baking them into the image (note that you cant just inject a single file from a config map, b/c it overwrites the whole directory). This allows us to inject minio access properties into spark itself, while also injecting other config.
  3. For Kafka, we config map the environment variables so that we can use the same zookeeper instance as NiFi.
  4. For Presto, the configuration parameters for workers/masters are all injected also via config map. We use a fork of for this change (PR's are submitted to make this upstream).
  5. For minio there arent any major changes needed out of the box, except using emptyDir for storage if you dont have a volume provisioner.
  6. For HBase, we also reuse the same zookeeper instance that is used via NIFI and kafka. For now we use the nifi zk deployment but at some point we will make ZK a first class citizen.


Notes and Ideas


Recently saw

  • A problem set that is increasingly relevant: lots of sources, real time, unstructured warehouse/lake.
  • No upstream plug-and-play alternative to cloud native services stack.
  • Infrastructure, storage, networking is the hardest part.


A repository for my 2019 ApacheCon talk on the future of bigdata distros.






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