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Wolf Interactive Vars Plugin for Joomla 3

This plugin allows you to output certain default variables and custom variables anywhere on your joomla website. Output a code snippet like {{wi_var:my_variable_name}} anywhere in code/html and the system plugin will find and replace it with it's value. It is even possible to access data of active menuitem using {{wi_var:menuitem:var_name}}. Works together with wi_menuitem_params! A really basic if clause is possible too - but without nesting! Use {{wi_var:if:var_name}} stuff... {{wi_var:endif}}


Make sure NodeJS is installed, then download or clone the repository: git clone

Change to development directory and run npm install.

use grunt build to create a package for joomla installer at ../build.


Use joomla installer to install. Change to plugin manager and enable wi_vars plugin.


After installation, following variables are immediately available to use with {{wi_var:name_of_var}}:

Name Description
sitename Name of your Website as specified in Joomla configuration
baseURI URL of your Joomla installation
year Current yeat
date Current date in d.m.Y format
time Current time in h:i format
datetime Current date and time in d.m.Y - h:i format
if:var_name Hides content until endif, if var_name evaluates to false (false, 0, empty string, empty array)
endif Ends content area controlled by if statement.
menuitem:alias Alias of current menuitem (defaults to home item if no menuitem is active)
menuitem:title Name of current menuitem (defaults to home item if no menuitem is active)
menuitem:some_var_name Get any menu item parameter of current menuitem. Works with wi_menuitem_params plugin, too! (defaults to home item if no menuitem is active)

Custom variables and custom code

locate /plugins/system/wi_vars/custom within your joomla installation. In there, you'll find two files named vars_.php/.xml. Remove the underscore to allow the plugin to access their contents. After renaming them you can also safely update the plugin without loosing your custom data.


Using the xml file, you can create parameters which can be edited in the wi_vars plugin settings. The xml file already contains a few example fields. Refer to [](Joomla form field types) to see what's possible.


Using the php file, you can declare your own variables or even execute PHP code. Adding key/value pairs to the static $vars array is the easiest possibility. Modify static function getVars to return any key/value array you'd like. Define static function(s) with a naming scheme of processVar_[my_functions_name] and use {{wi_var:my_functions_name}} to execute them. You can even use {{wi_var:my_functions_name:A_STRING}} and receive A_STRING as function argument.